
Cyp 3.1

Decent Essays

Understand Child and Young Person Development Outcome 1 Understand the expected pattern of development for children and young people from birth – 19 years. |AGE |PHYSICAL |INTELLECTUAL COGNITIVE |COMMUNICATION |SOCIAL, EMOTIONAL, BEHAVIOURAL & MORAL | |At |Born with swallow and suckle reflex and will ‘root’, |Will recognise the sound of their primary |Will cry to make their needs known, whether this|Bond begins to form between baby and their primary| |Birth |to find nipple to feed. Will grasp any object |carer’s (usually mother) voice and will also be|be hunger or feeling …show more content…

Actively interacts/engages with age | | |independently and hold up chest and head or limbs |hand. Most objects will also end up in their |Will also be able to recognise and respond to |appropriate toys. | | |when lying on their front. |mouth. Can shake rattles and will also begin |different emotional tones of care givers. | | | | |trying to feed themselves. | | | |9 |Can sit independently and will be finding ways to be |Baby realises that when something or someone |Will understand no, bye-bye and other key words,|Can find partially hidden object/toys and will | |Months |mobile (rolling, squirming or crawling). When |disappears they still exist, so baby will look |such as dinner or bath. Babbling sounds more |play “peek-a-boo”. Prefer and will actively try | | |standing will hold their own weight. Will pass |for an object that’s fallen off a highchair for|melodic, consisting of longer syllables. Baby |to be with main care givers. | | |objects from hand to hand and hold out objects to |instance, or cry when care giver

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