
Understanding Demonstrative Communication

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Demonstrative communication Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages involving the relay of thoughts, information, or messages. Communication can be undertaken through writing, signals, speech, or behavior. Demonstrative communication entails nonverbal communication that can be done using body posture, gestures, eye contact, or facial expression ADDIN EN.CITE Cheesebro T.2010410(Cheesebro T., O'Connor L., & Rios F., 2010)4104106Cheesebro T., O'Connor L., Rios F., Communicating in the workplace2010Upper Saddle River, NJPrentice Hall( HYPERLINK l "_ENREF_1" o "Cheesebro T., 2010 #410" Cheesebro T., O'Connor L., & Rios F., 2010). Essentially, demonstrative communication involves sending and receiving messages with no words. Demonstrative communication primarily enhances individual verbal communication. Demonstrative communication does not have the complexity that verbal communication has to offer. An individual can also not use verbal communication only and expect the message rely be effective. Demonstrative communication acts as an affirmation to verbal and visual methods of communication. Presentation styles by different individuals convey messages that have a stronger and lasting impression. Demonstrative communication can gain both positive and negative feedbacks thus, be effective or ineffective as a means of communication ADDIN EN.CITE Mehrabian2007411(Mehrabian, 2007)4114116Mehrabian, A.NonVerbal Communication2007Piscataway, United

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