334 Support children and young peoples Health and Safety
When planning indoor lessons what health and safety factors do you need to take into account? What do you need to take into account when planning for outdoors?
When planning an indoor lesson you need to take into account various health and safety factors. These will be that the room you will be taking the lesson in has enough space for the amount of students in the lesson. Students and staff should be able to move around the room without causing any problems for others and be able to locate all necessary materials and any equipment that is needed for the lesson. The lighting in the room needs to be enough that in all areas of the room students have adequate light
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Staff are informed of all procedures needed to be followed if they discover a problem – there are forms to fill in on the VLE for reporting a risk or a hazard and also a flow chart to show what member of staff issues should be reported to.
Awareness of risks and hazards – visitors
All visitors must be signed in and issued with a visitors badge. They will then be collected from the main reception area and escorted to where they are due to be. Visitors are not normally left by themselves so will have a member of staff with them who will know what to do in the case of and issues. If they do come across a problem they will be told to let the person they are visiting know about it.
Describe the guidance you need to refer to when planning healthy, safe environments and services.
When planning healthy, safe environments and services you need to –
• Report any hazards – all persons on the school premises should be aware of any hazards which may cause harm. A yearly risk assessment is carried out which will outline which areas and activities of the school are more hazardous, detailed hazards and who may be at risk. Pupils and all staff need to report hazards they come across straight away to the correct person. Everyone should know who the person is who Health
The site manager has responsibility to carry out regular fire inspections and take any action needed. The school has an electrical fire system which is regularly checked by an approved contractor.
Unit 027, 1.1 - Describe the factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services.
3.1 Interpret and comply with given instructions to maintain safe systems of work and quality working practices.
Describe the factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services.
The display of the resources respecting different areas of play (relax corner, building games, reading corner, art table, dolls, fancy dresses, tents,....)
Factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor & outdoor environments & services.
Describe how current health and safety legislation, policies and procedures are implemented in the setting.
For all settings, the condition of the premises should provide sufficient assurance as to the health, safety and welfare of all of the people who use the building. Good standards of hygiene should be always be maintained and there should be sufficient space so over-crowding is avoided. The Education Regulations stipulate:
Other possible hazards are doors and exit points. Doors should have a spring device to close on themselves once they’re open to minimise anyone leaving without being notices, secure stair-gates should be fitted at both ends to minimise falls, and the main entrance should have a secure lock/ buzzer system to minimise unlawful entry or exit.
In a school setting, it is compulsory to follow the rules of this act. Schools must have an annual risk assessment so that they can determine areas of the school which could be dangerous; the same applies for activities in the school. They also determine the possibility of specific hazards happening and who in particularly would be at risk.
1.1 Describe the factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services
6-Risk Assessment SHWW Act Section 19 requires that employers and those who control workplaces to any extent must identify the hazards in the workplaces under their control and assess the risks to safety and health at work. Health and Safety Executive explain five steps of risk assessment that are: a. Identify the hazards b. Decide who might be harmed and how c. Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions d. Record your significant findings e. Review your assessment and update if necessary (HSE, 2016) Risk assessment is carried ot by people who can assess specific work activities, know how work is really done, identify (know) hazards associated with the activities, know likelihood and frequency of activity, and be able to determine actual
2. Explain how and when to report potential health and safety risks that have been identified
2.3. Undertake a health and safety risk assessment in own work setting or service illustrating how its implementation will reduce risk.
Final stage of responsibilities for representing the health and safety measures lies within the management authorities. According to Vogel (2012), a proper representation of these precautionary measures makes the staff, client and visitors aware about the availability of different safety measures.