
Urban Outfitters, Inc.. Employee Self Assessment Form.

Decent Essays


Employee Self Assessment Form

Employee Name: Jasmine Tate Department: Training

Employee Title: Training Coordinator Manager Name: Alisha Traynum

Accomplishments (Describe your accomplishments in the past year against mutually understood goals and objectives for the position. Also, list any accomplishments you achieved which were outside of your general job role.)

Instructed over 435 agents to prepare them to be successful employees at URBN
Throughout the holiday classes, I increased my teaching time by teaching larger sections in both day and night classes. Designed Training Certificates to hand out to agents who earned a 100 on their assessment.
Taught classes to email and chat agents using Needle and …show more content…

Assisted in the gift card department by processing gift cards and alerts, throughout the holiday season.

Growth (Describe the key competencies and performance factors you have developed, especially in the past year, to make yourself a more valuable and versatile member of the organization. How have you grown or what have you contributed towards the company’s growth.) Personal responsibility and accountability, my actions directly affect the team and the company.
Gained proficiency in usage of KANA by working on emails during the holiday season this has made me feel more confident training email agents.
Gained confidence as a trainer by teaching more sections during the holiday training classes.
Increased Training Assessment scores drastically, by working with the training team to change teaching methods by making training interesting and more relatable to new agents.

Developmental Needs (Describe the key competencies and performance factors you feel you need to further develop.)

I need improvement on being more confident teaching unfamiliar sections.
Slowing down and being less nervous teaching sections. I know how to teach the material and to do it efficiently but I need to doubt myself less.
Being more efficient in posting Memos and Promos on the Hub. This includes using time management skills to ensure this information is posted for agents.

Career Interests (Indicate your career interests including the kind of

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