
Urban Tourism: A Case Study Of Cape Town

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Impacts of Urban Tourism: A Case Study of Cape Town


For many countries, tourism is regarded as a new activity. It is becoming one of the most crucial social and economic activities. The increase in the demand for urban tourism or tourism in cities has occurred over the last few decades (Paskeleva-Shapira, 2003).However, the literature on urban tourism is still relatively new (Tyler, Guerrier, and Robertson, 1998; Timur and Getz, 2008).

Urbanisation is a global process. It is defined by Johnston (1981, P.363) as ‘a process by which: first, an increasing proportion of an area’s population become concentrated in its statistically defined urban places.’ It is a vital force leading to ‘development of towns and …show more content…

Urban tourism also contributes to transportation improvement in the city. Cape Town’s modes of transportation such as railways, aircrafts, and it infrastructure are improved in order to support economic prosperity of the country. This creates better quality of life for the locals of the city.

Even though urban tourism brings about positive impacts to Cape Town, bad impacts are also caused. First of all, it is reported that as the result of the popularity of the urban tourism, Cape Town, one of the world’s small coastal cities, has almost 1 million international visitors annually (Pirie, 2007). This certainly leads to an increment in consumer product prices and real estates and can also affect on the distribution of benefits of the locals. In addition, the increase in the prices of food and real estate could also lead to inflation of the country. It is found that though the urban tourism of the city is growing significantly, the poverty and inequalities in the society are high (ibid). And since there are numbers of visitors, this could also contribute to more responsibilities for city authority to maintain city’s infrastructure regularly.

The socio-cultural impacts of urban tourism on Cape Town

Different from economic impacts which could be evaluated by financial and employment research, the

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