
Value Of Dual Citizenship

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In order to fully understand the meaning and value of dual citizenship, Mrs. Alessandra Dal Cengio Leonardi, a dual national of Italy and U.S.A, was interviewed. The scholarly readings and research on the topic of dual citizenship were beneficial in learning the legal obligations of the system but the interview revealed a true and realistic view of the process and its life changing consequences. Answers to the interview questions were paraphrased and recorded as a story in the following pages.
(What is your citizenship of birth and what were the steps to acquire your citizenship?)
Alessandra was born in Italy by Italian parents, and therefore had only an Italian citizenship at birth. After marrying an Italian man and having a daughter, Alessandra …show more content…

are allies so allegiance to the U.S.A. does not pose a problem for Alessandra. However, it is understandable that in some cases it might seem a conflict of nationalities. Most people seek citizenship status for convenience and do not have a very strong political agenda. They just want to peacefully work and raise their kids as best as they can in the country where they are making a living. Only very few are trying to take advantage of the process to be infiltrators or terrorists. Requiring renouncement of one’s former citizenship would be a deterrent for those people. Edward Snowden is a prime example that one does not need a dual citizenship status to go against American interests. Snowden had only U.S nationality, committed treason against the U.S.A and still managed to find a country to hide him. He declared that it was a matter of conscience (ironically it is moral basis) and he still claims allegiance to the …show more content…

She found it exciting to be asked to be part of a jury, since that was not offered in Italy. Serving on a jury was a great experience and allowed Alessandra the ability to contribute to improving the society. In addition, the Family law is a bit different between the two countries. It was important to double check to make sure that she was respecting both directives for everything she did with her children when they were minors, especially if they travelled. For example, Italy will not issue a passport to a parent of a minor unless the spouse signs a consent form. It seems a bit drastic but it is done to protect children’s rights so a parent that is supposed to pay child support does not leave the country in

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