
Walt Disney Comapany

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The Walt Disney Comapany
The Organization Background
The Walt Disney Company, allong with its partners and branches, is a entertaiment and media corporation that targets all types of families all over the world. Divided in five segments: media networks, parks and resorts, studio entertainment, consumer products and interactive media.
It was born in the early 1920’s as a simple cartoon studio, till what is today, a global corporation that provides the best entertainment for the youngest to the oldest member of the family around the world.
In octuber 16th, 1923 Walt signed a contract with J. Winkler to produce a series of cartoon comedies, also this day is known as the day that Disney start, at that time with the name of The Disney Brothers Studio. Seven years after the first Mickey Mouse comic strip was release and in 1932 the first full-color cartonn is released, creating a new way of perceiving cartoons.
December 21st of 1937 was an important day for The Disney Brothers Studio, because it eas when the first long film was premiere, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, this being the first step into moving the Disney Studio to California.
That late 30’s were years of sucesses, making possible that for April 2nd, 1940 Walt Disney Productions issues its first common stock.
The first branch created was the Walt Disney Music Company is October 1st of 1949. Because of this it was possible to present the first live-action play called The Treasure Island.
The following branch was

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