
Web Analytics : Information Gateway For Customers

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In today’s world, for almost every business, it is essential to have a website which serves as an information gateway for customers to gain insights into the business. In return, a website is also a tool through which business analysts can understand more about the behavior of customers. This would mean that tracking and analyzing website data is crucial to making sound business decisions, hence the growing favor for Web Analytics. Web analytics is the practice of measuring, collecting, analyzing and reporting on Internet data for the purposes of understanding how a web site is used by its audience and how to optimize its usage. There are five steps in this continuous and repetitive process: Collect, Measure, Report, Analyze, and Optimize. First of all, the analyst needs to identify the client’s goals and objectives. This is to make sure that both of them are on the same page and looking to achieve the same target. Any discrepancy or misunderstanding in this step can cost a huge amount of time and efforts later when they move along with the project. The goal categories are Revenue, Acquisition, Inquiry, and Engagement - the larger business objectives that most campaigns seek to accomplish. Some typical objectives can be, for example, leverage brand image or boosting sales. Second, the analyst uses web analytics software to collect relevant data. This web analytics software can be Google analytics, a free tool that is provided by Google. Next, the data is to be compiled in

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