By taking the wellness inventory I have discovered things about myself, some were new and others I have known for quite some time. For example, I knew that my intellectual wellness would be high because I love to learn about different things and I consistently ask questions about things I am not familiar with. In addition, I knew that my social wellness would be high as well because I enjoy talking to people who come from backgrounds both similar and different than my own. I also have a very broad network of people who are close to me because I am a compassionate person who always tries to go out of my way to communicate with others. While this reflection did shed light on things which I already knew it also opened my eyes to things I need
Most people who attend Cerritos College may be unfamiliar with the services that are offered to help students reach success. Among all the student assistance that is offered at Cerritos College, I would say one of the most important and beneficial advantages of being a student is the health center. The health center is a place where s student can receive all types of care including mental health counseling, nutrition guidance, and checkups for physical well-being. With a place that’s not too far away and completely free of charge, the Cerritos College health center is certainly a place that can reassure students and help them reach success.
Ever since I have begun life at college, I have found going to bed on a decent time each night a very troublesome task. I wake up feeling very tired the next morning, and I always seem in a rush to get my day started. Because of staying up so late and then not waking up on time, I am sometimes late to work or class. In addition, I find myself very tired and stressed throughout the day. This in effect makes me often irritable toward other people. I am tired of living my life in a constant flurry every morning. Thus, the behavioral change that I would like to alter is my sleeping schedule. Being tired after a night of sleep just leads to anxiety and causes even
Obesity was significantly more prevalent amongst female African Americans in this community. With the highest rate affecting women between the ages of 45 to 64. Obesity was also higher amongst Black females who’s educational attainment was lower
Every year the step team does a performance during the Health Fair. This year we wanted to try something different, so we decided to teach steps to children from the area. Most of our steps are elite and very tedious to learn so we had to figure out what steps would be appropriate to teach without the children losing interest. Originally, we started with three kids who are siblings of one of my teammates. Later on in the day, after the drill team performed, some of drill team members came over to learn a couple of step moves, along with a couple of girls from the dancing school.
Health Information Exchange (HIE) supports both transferring and sharing of health related information that is usually stored in multiple organizations, while maintaining the context and integrity of the information being exchanged (HIE, 2014). The goal of health information exchange is to expedite access to and retrieve clinical data to provide safe efficient, effective, equitable, timelier patient-centered care (HIE, 2014). HIE “provides access and retrieval of patient information to authorized users in order to provide safe, efficient, effective, and timely patient care” (HIE, 2014).
Light Health Wellness Comprehensive Services Inc established in 1988 by founder Debbie Rock. This young lady in 1988 seen that individuals with HIV/ AIDS, substance abuse, mental illness, low income and other long term health challenges needing assistance in getting information, guidance and treatment services. A group of people that may have been neglected or ignored by other social services and the community due to the stigma that came along with these conditions and challenges. Many people living with HIV/AIDS were shunned by family members. In the 1980s most people thought that HIV/AIDS was a gay community problem. Many gay men suffered from HIV related stigma and prejudice. Ms. Rock not only wanted to serve this population of people but she wanted to help educate families and those affected by these individuals. This gave her a great opportunity to make use of her human service skills. She wanted to make an impact on the individuals and also the public around it. This would open up many doors and also teach people within the community who probably would ostracized these individuals how to effectively deal with them and how to help them make it through everyday challenges.
The purpose of this paper is to summarize and detail the observations, interventions, and activities performed at the After-School Program held daily at the Howard Mohr Community Center in Forest Park, IL. The activities listed were instituted in order to promote health and prevent disease to the aggregate
During the Personal Wellness Assignment, various factors influenced my fitness, nutrition, energy, and sleep numbers. I noticed that my nutrition, energy, and sleep scores were higher on Saturdays and Sundays because I didn’t have school on those days so I had more time to eat and sleep. My energy scores were high on those days because I was happy that I didn’t have school. I also notice that my fitness scores are low most of the time, except on Tuesday. This is because I have an extracurricular activity only on Tuesday. My graph shows that when my sleep scores are high, so are my energy scores. This indicates that I have more energy when I sleep for a longer time. My graph also shows that the nutrition and energy scores are exactly the same.
Many individuals struggle in life with health conditions and not many offer to help, however,that is why I, myself took challenges and courses to help out not only people around me but those who are in need.I took health academy courses that not only taught me the basics in nursing but how to save an individual's life.Entering the Health Academy I have learned that with effort anything can be made and accomplished.
In the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report in 2006, Preventing Medication Error, more than 1/3 of the 1.5 million adverse drug events that were recorded in the United States each year occurred in an outpatient setting. Likewise, in 2008 IOM released a report that laid emphases on the need for setting universal standards within prescribing and dispensing practices. Multiple studies reported that an increased prevalence of patient adherence to taking prescribed medications can be compromised by their inability to comprehend or understand the directions for taking the medication (Wolf et al., 2016). The inability to understand and interpret prescription drug labels were recognized as the leading cause of a large proportion of outpatient medication error and adverse events, as patients may possibly accidentally misuse a prescribed
Counselors need to understand what counseling entails to help a client effectively. The counselor needs to understand the wellness models and pick one to operate from. The wellness model is the key to helping the client from a holistic manner. When counselors operate on a wellness model concept the client is treated from his/her spirituality, beliefs, and social etc.
The purpose of this paper is to identify one health problem that is most prevalent in my community. Residential demographic information will be provided. I will use Milio's framework for prevention to analyze this health problem. Then, compare the health problem to Healthy People 2020 national goals. Lastly, I will introduce one long term goal and three short term goals with their interventions.
Public health has the interests of the public at its core. According to the Department of Health (DoH) (2012) Public health is concerned with prevention and therefore encourages people to ‘stay healthy’ and ‘avoid getting ill’.
There are different ways of living with wellness. My social health is getting better. I'm doing my best to be social with people. I occasionally like talking to people, but it's better than not talking at all. My mental/emotional health I would say is good. Consistently I
That feeling of walking back from an exam or staying up all night cramming information is well known to any student who has been through college. It leaves one feeling overwhelmed like the week will never end. The feelings are held inside while friends and roommates accuse moodiness which leads to the meltdown that is inevitable. These times are a result of a common state known as stress. Stress is a condition in which the body responds to any kind of demand or threat caused by life factors which include pressure, work, school, major changes, and lack of sleep. This factor is very common in colleges, especially freshmen and can also be seen here at Trine University. Stress can affect both physical and mental conditions in the body, such as sleep patterns, eating habits, anxiety,