
What Is Neisseria?

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The genus Neisseria are aerobic which is oxygen loving and it requires oxygen. (Tortoa & Funke, 296) Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae are both gram-negative and both have similar shapes. The photo on top shows the beauitful chain of coccus cells which form in Neisseria meningitidis and the bottom picture shows a gram stain of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. (Todar, 1) Neisseria meningitidis has a polysaccharide capsule meaning it is well developed and is attached to the cell wall. Neisseria gonorrhoeae has a diplococcus shape which is two round cells stuck together as shown in the bottom picture. Both N. gonorrhoeae and N. meningitidis have a twicthing motility. (Erikson, 3) Each type of Neisseria has their own kingdom, phylum, class, …show more content…

Both of these diseases affect humans in diferent ways. The causative agent of meningitidis is Neisseria meningitidis. Some symptoms of this disease in infants start out as irrtability, the infant would not eat, and then vomiting which could lead to dehydration. (Todar, 15) As the meningitis get worse the infant may have apnea, seizures, disturbances in their motor skills, and even may develop into a coma. (Todar 15) The reason why meninigitis is so dangerous is because this disease makes the meninges in the spinal cord or brain become inflammed. In children and adults the symptoms start out with a headache then esclates to nausea, vomiting, skin rash and even photophobia which means being sensitive to the light.(Todar, 15) Also there are neurological problems that can form from meningitis. “..approximately one-third of patients have convulsions or coma when first seen by a physician.” States Kenneth Todar,PhD, in the article Pathogenic Neisseriae:gonorrhea and meningitis. Treatment for meningitidis is penicillin. (Todar, 18) One can get the meningoccal disease by association with infected individulas, nut they can prevent transmission by taking other medication such as antibiotic if the disease is in their home. (Todar, …show more content…

The caustive agent is Neisseria gonorrhoeae. According to the article entitled Neisseria gonorrhoeae Antimicrobial Resistance Among Men Who Have Sex With Men and Men Who Have Sex Exclusivelt With Women: The Gonococcla Isolate Surveillance Project,2005-2010, “Gonorrhea is associated with pelvic inflammatory diseases, ectopic pregnancy, infertility, and epidymitis and may facilitate HIV transmission.” Some syptoms of gonorrhea is pelive inflammatory disease and ectopic pregnancy. Just because one may have pelvic inflammatory disease does not nessecliary mean that the person had gonorrhea. One must go to a doctor and get exams and tests done to check for gonorrhea. “N.gonorrhoeae infections have a high prevalance and low mortality.” Kenneth Todar,PhD, states in Pathogenic Neisseriae:gonorrhea and meningitis. So what Todar found was that gonorrhea is very common but it is not as dangerous as meningitis in the morality rate. (Todar, 1) Treatment for gonorrhoea is to give the patient cefixime. (Unemo, 2) Albert Neisser in 1879 was the first to describe N.gonorrhoeae. (Todar, 3) Some more common symptoms is a discharge that could be dark, clear or a cludly fluid to one that is abunent with pus. (Todar , 3) Unfornatly there is no vaccine to help prevent gonorrhea although condoms are effective in preventing the transmission of gonorrhea. (Todar

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