
Essay about What Is Nursing Professionalism?

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Abstract Despite the vast research on nursing profession, little is known about the depth of the responsibilities of nurses to the public. The majority of the society seems to still perceive nurses as “the one who wipes butt” or “the pillow fluffer”. They have very little understanding of what nurses really do and to how far nursing field have gone. The overall image of the nurses that emerges from the society is negative and we must fix that. With the research articles provided, these will give us an insight on how we can change that perception. Tracy Hart presented us thoughts on how we can carry out that change while Carol R. Myers gave us an in depth explanation on why it is important to take charge and be united as professionals. …show more content…

I feel that I have to be physically, emotionally, and mentally ready to take on the responsibility of being an RN. With the help of my supportive family and friends, returning to school to further my education was never an issue. An article written by Traci Hart expresses her outlook on nursing as a profession. She views nursing not just a vocation, avocation, and passion but also as a profession. She believes that nursing as a profession goes beyond credentials, it is the effect it has on people’s lives no matter how small it is that gives nursing the true value of its profession. Hart (2011) encourages nurses to take pride of their craft, to embrace, and to believe in their chosen profession because it is how we perceived ourselves that will reflect on others. She believes that we must portray positive image at all times because we are not just nurses, we are professionals. Reading her article shows how significant it is to demonstrate to the society that the nursing field is constantly evolving for the better and that the legacy of the nursing profession continuous on. For Hart (2011), the part of the nursing legacy is to pass on the collective experience and information to the future nurses in order to advance nursing as a profession. Hart (2011) explained that since the definition of a profession is having specialized knowledge, training and education, which nurses have, it is therefore by

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