
What Is SERVQUAL Model?

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In hospitality industry, service quality and customer satisfaction play irreplaceable roles as most of the management facing difficulty in measuring them. It is essential to understand customer satisfaction these days. As it able to allow organizations to understand how consumer defines the service and product quality.
In hospitality industry, SERVQUAL was one of the most popular model measurement tools to measure consumer expectation and perception towards service quality. It is a factor that would difference the importance from pre-stage service to service. The gap model was developed to measure “gaps” between the services process and the perception of service quality after the service process. Nonetheless, SERVQUAL model …show more content…

It is the overall of service quality gap, made up of sum total of the preceding four gaps, and is thus determines by the nature of gaps associated with the overall design, marketing and delivery of services. (services management, Jay A.Kandampully 2007 ) This is the most complex part where customer may misinterpret the service quality. To cite a situation, manager may keep asking the customer regarding the services feedback but the consumer might indicate it that something is really wrong (Chandrashekhar, 2014).

Five dimension of SERVQUAL (RATER)
In SERVQUAL model, there’s five dimension covered as these factors that would difference the importance from pre-stage service to service. It is a strategies tool for hospitality industry to develop as it able to measure consumers’ expectations and perception as well as to meet the consumer satisfaction.
Represents the ability to perform service dependably and accurately (Kandampully, 2007). In the other words, organizations should delivers on its promises about delivery, service provision, problem resolution and pricing. The organizations should have reliable and dependable staff that is honest and diligent to provide services (Chandrashekhar,

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