
What Is The Difference Responsibilities Relating To Health And Safety In A Social Care Setting

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8.01- Understand the difference responsibilities relating to health and safety in social care setting 1.1 - List legislation relating to general health and safety in a social care setting The management of health and safety at work regulations 1999 Reporting of injury, disease and dangerous occurrences regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (hasawa) Food safety act 1990 Control of substances hazardous to health regulations (coshh)2002 Personal protective equipment at work regulations (ppe) 1992 Manual handling operations regulations 1992 (amended 2002) Lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations (loler)1998 1.2 - Describe the main points of health and safety policies and procedures Wellbeing and security arrangements and techniques set out what must be done to keep up a protected work and meet the necessities of wellbeing and security enactments and case of this is: there must be a sheltered passage and leave it the work put (keep clear at unequaled nothing must stand out and hindering the passageway/exit. All hardware must be sheltered to utilize and tried customary so dangers to wellbeing and security are limited. There must be hazard evaluations set up to ensure the helpless gatherings. Preparing and regulate must be given to staff. Case: practices to take after for revealing of defective gear, including who this must be accounted for to where this must be recorded 1.3 - Outline the main health and safety responsibilities of: the

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