If a group member needs help, they will be assertive and be specific on what they need help with and the group will try to find a way to help them understand. -acknowledge one another INDIVIDUALLY GRADED: Looking for each member attentively listening and communicating with each other and not speaking over one another. Effort: In the beginning of each project the group will make a checklist of who is responsible for what and each member is expected to do their part of the work with 100% effort. -work is divided and shared among the group. INDIVIDUALLY GRADED: Can ask who did what part of the project or the group can make a checklist of who was responsible for what and show it to MRs.Stanhouse. Respect: At the end we will combine all three parts into one and work creatively with one another. …show more content…
Listen to each others ideas, not talking over each other and cooperate with each other. -Making sure everyone feels comfortable discussing making it an open environment. Communication INDIVIDUALLY GRADED: Observe the group and see if they are being kind and friendly to the other members. Also by hearing the language they use to communicate with one another. Don't get off task: Being diligent students. Not going on other tabs or being distracted by other things that aren't related to the project. INDIVIDUALLY GRADED: Observing the group and see who is talking to a different group or hear the group and see who is talking about something other than the project or by seeing who is doing the
Every participant should be clear about expectations and intentions of the group and about what is expected from her/him.
I will walk around the classroom taking notes about each students’ progress, while they work independently and during guided practice. On students desk there will also be colored cards to explain where each student believes they are. A green card will explain that the student understands it, a yellow card means they understand some of it, and red means they do not understand how to complete the work. Data will be kept on a chart with every students’ name. This assessment will show me where additional accommodations may need to be made; therefore, meeting the needs of students with exceptionalities. If I notice a student not being able to understand how to solve the problems, accommodations can be set to help students understand what they are working
While observing students. Use a check list to formally assess students progress and understanding of the objective.
6. Show up to meetings and if meeting was missed contact the others in the group to be updated as to what was missed. 7. Complete assignments before class and group meetings. 8. Assist others if having trouble with assignments within the group. 9. Adapt to change in curriculum – remaining flexible. 10. Under any and all circumstances, get what work I am allotted to do, done and turned in on time. 11. If I am sick and unable to make it to class on the date a group assignment is due, I will call my group members to make other arrangements to get my work turned in on time. 12. Will do my share of the group work, there will never be an occasion where one group member does all of the work nor will there be a time when a group member does none of the work. 13. Will do everything in my capabilities to help my fellow group members understand each and every concept and problem. 14. Will
The program will assessment on the individual participant level by having informal discussion after each workshop and paper and pen surveys (for those who may want not to talk) to see what the students are learning or what they want to spend more time on or need to review next class.
In small group work, students were assessed formatively by giving a sign about how confident they were about the work they completed during the lesson. In addition, the math work completed on the worksheets was reviewed/checked to provide inform future instruction with this group.
The assessments have been done during and after the lesson in a variety of ways; verbal response, written response, pair and group work, and making posters as a visual outcome.
Secondly, I want to mention our group climate. In my opinion, our group has a supportive climate. Each member is willing to help other members in the group to complete their tasks. Our group favors description compared to evaluation. Instead of criticizing others’ behaviors and ideas, we often tell our feelings about problems. All the group members always encourage each other to share their opinions and feelings with the group. Even though some opinions are too conflicting, the main purpose is trying to give all the members equal opportunities to talk about their ideas. Thus, the success of the group is the consequence from the equal contributions of all the members. Besides, in most of the discussions of our group, we are oriented toward problem solving; therefore, we look for the consensus of the ideas in order to solve the problems effectively and quickly. Because our group has many members who have senses of humor, we always maintain an interesting and comfortable atmosphere to gain assertiveness in the group. Sometimes, Ngoc and Phong share their experiences of how they solve their families’ problems. Through perceiving more deeply about each member’s own life, we have gradually gotten closer together; therefore, we are always honest and open to each other. Also, we do not criticize when a group member cannot finish his or her task as expected because there are always personal issues out of the class. In addition to
Assessment: I will observe student behavior during their discussion and during the creation of their self-portrait. Also, I will assess students’ ability to come up with 10 positive
I will informally assess the students during two parts of the lesson. During the discussion, I will assess if the students show an awareness of what causes conflicts. Do they offer situations? Do they share from experience? Are students nodding to agree or disagree with their peers’ statements? I will also
In this group there were no disruptive members. I filled the role of an observer, I offered feedback at the end of the session. The counselor filled the role of standard setter. There was an encourager, a harmonizer, an expediter, and a follower.
Peer and Self Assessment is an effective way to get the learners involved and it gives a clear idea of what the learner is currently at and what action is needed to meet the standards and criteria. This can be done through feedback.
A group engages in certain processes that naturally occur when a set of individuals are working together. In the Orientation phase, the needs of group members are to be oriented to the task, that is, to define the task, specify issues, identify expectations, and explore the nature of the work. From this, members develop a common understanding of the group's purpose. In the Testing and Dependency phase, participants generally act as if they depend on the leader to provide all the structure. They look to the leader to set the ground rules, establish the agenda, to do all the "leading," while the group members acclimate themselves to the setting. Group members exhibit behavior to test what behavior is acceptable and what is not, and begin to establish boundaries, to consider themselves as individuals in relation to the group, and to define the function of the group and the leader. This phase generally concludes when there is general agreement that the goals are achievable and that change is possible--whether it be changing behavior, making a decision, or solving a problem. Organizing to get work done involves a number of group decisions. These include establishing work rules, determining limits, defining the reward system, setting the criteria for the task, dividing the work and assigning individual responsibility for particular tasks. As it relates to
Every decision made within the group becomes a team effort with the goal of producing maximum results.
Each individual is categorized into a group from the day they were conceived. According to Kozier et al (2010) a group is “two are more people who have shared need and goals, who taken each other in account in their and who, thus, are held together and set apart from others by virtue of their interaction” (p. 400). The communicate that takes place between members of the group is group dynamic (Kozier et al, 2010). Motivation for participation and similarity of other group members and the goals of the group will affect the group dynamic (Kozier et al, 2010). The type of group that was created was a task group and Kozier et al (2010) stated that “the focus for such group is completion of a specific task, and the format is defined at the