1. INTRODUCTIOLN 2. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK From this case, I used SWOT analysis and Porters five forces to analysis their strategies and ideas. In SWOT analysis, 2.1 SWOT STRENGTH: Since 20 centuries, CEMEX has already been a leader in Mexican’s cement industry. Then, by purchasing two cement plants in Spain, 68% equality of Valenciana and 94% equality of Sanson, CEMEX occupied 28% of cement market in Europe and also expand Company’s international image. CEMEX has very complete and specific standardized on expansion process, including opportunities discovered, comprehensive investigated, event integrated after acquisition. Besides, when it turns to management, one of the special parts is they have a team name PMI, their mission is help newly acquired companies get used to the standard and business culture of Cemex; the other one is their IT, it changes greatly in CEMEX’s operation way. For example, they exploit a global positioning system can keep truck drivers, …show more content…
Like back in 2000, when they tried to entered Indonesia and Egypt, they lost some trust from people who thought they would face some considerable barriers about unique language and different custom. Therefore, if they decide an official language will be increased their speed without hesitate on their future expansion. Last but not least, in 1998, CEMEX decided to change one million metric tons of production capacity in Spain to approximately four million metric tons in return from Southeast Asia. And from the forecast of CEMEX, the demand growth in Western Europe and North America were expected to be lowest, closer to 1%; on the other hand, the numbers were highest in the developing Asian economies, Central America and Caribbean. According to those statistic numbers, it might be a good idea that CEMEX transfer some capacity and focus on those emerging
Allround has many advantages over its competition in the industry, including higher brand awareness, highest market share, lower fixed costs, and a relatively high conversion ratio. A market survey detailed in Exhibit 1.5 of the case shows that the Allround Brand has brand
I would suggest to a company to use the SWOT technique to find their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
The SWOT analysis is a simple way of generating strategic marketing alternatives from a situation analysis. Another type of popular analysis is a PEST analysis, which involves Political, Economic or Environmental, Social, and Technological or Transportation analysis. An industry analysis can be performed using a framework developed by Michael Porter known as Porter's five forces. This framework evaluates entry barriers, suppliers, customers, substitute products, and industry rivalry.
SWOT analysis is a study of the Strengths and Weaknesses (internal factors) of an organization as well as, the study of the Opportunities and Threats (external factors) of an organization (Mind Tools, 2016). After learning the strengths and defining the weaknesses of an organization, the threats can be eliminated making for more opportunities. A strength of CVS is the “pharmacy segment has a diverse network with 7,152 Long drug stores and pharmacy stores generating 68% of the total revenue (Kasi, 2017).” If CVS could team with Wal-Mart pharmacy, the revenue would increase. A weakness of the company is the security. Many robberies have been reported due to the organization and security measures (Kasi, 2017). If the reorganization of the
developments in Mexico has led to an increase in demand for railway cars in that
Understanding not only the strengths and weaknesses but continuing to identify opportunities and potential threats is an important first step to building a solid foundation. Refer to Table A1 for a visual of the SWOT analysis. (Mind Tools)
Primarily, one must consider how to prepare adequately and constructing a strategic thinking and decision-making. Secondly, optimizing a SWOT analysis can also help identify challenges, weaknesses, and threats to an organization. Bryson (2001) stated in order to determine internal strengths and difficulties for the organization to monitor resources (inputs), present strategy (process), and performance (outputs). In alignment with an organization's structure, new opportunities are identified and achieved through short, long-term goals, and integrating a SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis allows one to explore the organizations, environments opportunities, along with threats, organizational strengths, weaknesses and challenges. Granted, organizational shift and cultural changes within the ARC also has caused for accountability and transparency to emerge, which is also a challenge. However, continual goal setting for the entity will provide thorough guiding principles to overcome challenges and view how future performance plans will fit within the mission of the
Another approach to strategy development begins with an analysis of external and internal factors, followed by some visioning, then planning. Including in the analysis phase is often a “SWOT,” a thorough examination of internal Strengths and Weaknesses, as well as external Opportunities and Threats. SWOTs are praised for capturing both the positive (strengths and opportunities) and negative (weaknesses, threats); and organizations embrace this approach with the hope of gaining a “balanced” analysis of itself, inside and out (Hetzel and Silbert, 2007).
CEMEX and their competitors have realized many benefits from globalization. The first of these was a reduction on tariffs associated with exporting their product. If the manufacturer has a localized facility, they do not have to pay export tariffs on the delivery of cement. Next, transportation costs are very expensive for cement. Tariffs aside, shipping or trucking cement long distances will erode margins or demand higher prices for a given manufacturers product. Both eat at the profitability of the business.
SWOT analysis is a popular analysis tool used in different situations that include not just business and marketing but also project planning and personal career development (Chapman 1995-2012). As for the strategic planning, Kenneth Andrews popularized his idea that good strategy means keeping a fit between the external situations a firm faces and the internal capabilities (Hill and Westbrook, 1997). The format the SWOT analysis presented is a 2x2 'internal/external' matrix, in which questions and relative answers can be listed for analysis (chapman 1995-2012). And according to Hill and Westbrook (1997), the output of SWOT analysis comes from meetings facilitated by consultants or managers to contribute the final analysis. Brainstorming can be used for filling in the sections to answer the questions. In addition, similar arguments should be concluded and ranked according to their answers in meetings (Rauch, 2007). As for the newly developed analysis, the TOWS matrix matching the various factors enables companies to stimulate new strategic initiative (Dyson, 2004).
SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favourable and unfavourable to achieving that objective. The technique is credited to Albert Humphrey, who led a research project at Stanford University in the 1960s and 1970s using data from Fortune 500 companies.[1]
A SWOT analysis is a tool used to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization. A SWOT model measures what an organization can or cannot do as well as the possible opportunities and threats. This is done by taking data from the organization’s environment, analyzing the information and separating it into the internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external (opportunities and threats). When this is completed the analysis can create a plan for the organization to achieve its goals, and identify what difficulties must be overcome to attain
The overall objective for EnerMech is to grow and becoming a one billion revenue per annum company by the end of the decade. EnerMech is currently a £270 million business; the company will need to
The first important part of a SWOT analysis is to improve the viability of an organization. SWOT identifies the risk which can arise from future threats coupled with the organization weakness. For example, a pharma company ABC has invested heavily in R& D of existing product where a new competitor is also entering with same product. Then company ABC has to decide whether it is strategically important to deal with external threat or improve the internal weakness. Company ABC can continue the R & D progress to improve the quality of existing product or else can diversify the resource to offer the product at less cost i.e. improving its efficiency. So, SWOT plays an important role in such situation and proves to be a beneficial tool to take appropriate decision of improving the weakness
SWOT analysis is a useful tool for understanding and decision-making for all sorts of situations in business and organization. SWOT analysis can be classified into internal and external factors affecting a company. The Strengths and Weaknesses of the SWOT analysis represent the internal factors that influence the viability of the company. While the Opportunities and Threats, on the other hand, are the external factors that may affect the company's performances. A SWOT analysis provides more understanding of the organization in relation to its internal and external environment so that manager can formulate better strategy in pursuit of its mission.