
What Is The Swot Analysis Of Cemex

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1. INTRODUCTIOLN 2. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK From this case, I used SWOT analysis and Porters five forces to analysis their strategies and ideas. In SWOT analysis, 2.1 SWOT STRENGTH: Since 20 centuries, CEMEX has already been a leader in Mexican’s cement industry. Then, by purchasing two cement plants in Spain, 68% equality of Valenciana and 94% equality of Sanson, CEMEX occupied 28% of cement market in Europe and also expand Company’s international image. CEMEX has very complete and specific standardized on expansion process, including opportunities discovered, comprehensive investigated, event integrated after acquisition. Besides, when it turns to management, one of the special parts is they have a team name PMI, their mission is help newly acquired companies get used to the standard and business culture of Cemex; the other one is their IT, it changes greatly in CEMEX’s operation way. For example, they exploit a global positioning system can keep truck drivers, …show more content…

Like back in 2000, when they tried to entered Indonesia and Egypt, they lost some trust from people who thought they would face some considerable barriers about unique language and different custom. Therefore, if they decide an official language will be increased their speed without hesitate on their future expansion. Last but not least, in 1998, CEMEX decided to change one million metric tons of production capacity in Spain to approximately four million metric tons in return from Southeast Asia. And from the forecast of CEMEX, the demand growth in Western Europe and North America were expected to be lowest, closer to 1%; on the other hand, the numbers were highest in the developing Asian economies, Central America and Caribbean. According to those statistic numbers, it might be a good idea that CEMEX transfer some capacity and focus on those emerging

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