
Wilder Research Group

Decent Essays

The Wilder Research Group used the mixed collected data to evaluate if the MVNA met their desired goals. In order to conduct data analysis the Wilder Research Group used the range and spread of the data gathered to obtain results for birth outcomes, school enrollment, delay of subsequent pregnancy, maternal-infant bonding, connection to resources, child growth and development, and overall teen satisfaction. The group then compared the sample population rates to that of the overall Minnesota metropolitan area. The group found that the program had immediate effects in several areas. For example, the teenage mothers who were served by the program had better birth outcomes than that of the population. More specifically those enrolled in the program and had at least six visits had babies with healthier birth weights, met full term gestation and had more adequate prenatal care compared to the general population. The program also had a significant impact in the teenagers who continued and graduated high school compared to the general population. The teenage parents who were apart of the program completed school by 20% more than that of the general population. The research group also found that teenagers who were apart of the program used community resources or knew about resources such as Women, Infants, and Children Supplemental Food Program (WIC) and …show more content…

The group determined the goals set up at the beginning of the program and designed a methodology to answer if the goals were met through a set of mixed research methods. The strengths of the study included that the research methods were mixed, ethical measures were kept, and one of the two evaluation studies for summative evaluations were implemented. The evaluation design did have weakness as well and may have resulted due to funding. Weakness of program design included not using an impact assessment, not using statistical analysis, and lack of follow

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