
Work Breakdown Structure Of A New System

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Work Breakdown Structure Gantt Chart The essential roles and required functions for this project - Reviewing the interview summaries is the first step of initiation for creating a new system. According to the business case (Rosenblatt, 2014), there are different perspectives and various aspects towards the existing system and the essential preferences from the employees for creating a new system. Including, town manager, equipment department manager, maintenance supervisor, maintenance clerk, as well as mechanic are all the employees which perform a critical function in the operation of the Town. - Fact-Finding and Reviewing existing system are the first step to get the requirement, after review the interview summaries, which include the main problems, unsystematic record keeping and standard in putting data into the system. According to the role system analyst (Rosenblatt, 2014), system analyst will associate with project manager in order to investigate and identify the issues that need to fix. Moreover, they will transform the business requirements into IT implementation, which will pass the requirement to the design process and prototype respectively. - Design process is really important for a new system proposal to respond the need of the employees and overhaul the outdated system that there are some problems especially in terms of standard in putting codes and integrating method of working for productive system, for example, specifying the standard in putting data

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