
World War II, 1941-1940: Great Depression

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While it is undeniable that advertising has invaded a number of segments in our lives, it is equally undeniable that the manner in which advertisers have tried to connect with viewers is highly variable and dependent on the presiding values of the culture in the specific time period, which the ad was released. Ads can either try to suggest that a specific product cultivates these desirable values or on the other hand they can attempt to suggest that people that already have these values will use these products. Throughout the course of this paper, three ads from three time periods; 1935-1940: Great Depression, 1941-1945: World War II, 1946-1960: Postwar, and their subsequent dominating historical events will be examined to determine how the …show more content…

However, surprisingly “in many ways consumer culture of the 1930’s had hardly changed” since the 20’s (Cross 71). This is in part due to the fact that appearances could be forgotten unless that family wanted to risk the embarrassment that came with revealing their lesser financial state. As an example of this need to keep up appearances even in hard financial times, we can turn to an advertisement for Fels-Naptha soap in LIFE magazine circa 1937. In this advertisement, a mock performance is being put on by several children and they are using their parent’s sheets to create the look of a stage. The mother is utterly mortified to have her son inform her that the other mothers have commented on the gray quality of her sheets that signify the use of the improper soap. The solution to the issue is naturally to switch to the advertised soap so that the mother may redeem her reputation with white, clean …show more content…

Specifically the ad is portraying a husband and wife that have recently brought into the world a baby girl. The husband has been off at war and is now returning to realize that he should be appreciative of the little details of his new family and realizing that he should value this type of homecoming over a more extravagant type of celebration. The advertisement portion to this segment is rather subtle and occurs with the addition that the solider should also value and remember that he was drinking Hires Root Beer in that moment and that it is as important as all the other details. The ad is communicating to consumers the message that the small details in life are the ones to remember, and the ad plays on the heart strings of the consumer. Viewers are made to feel emotional as they witness the reunion of a respected solider with his family and they are implicitly made to associate that happiness with the root beer being advertised. This ad is reflecting the change in consumer culture from focusing on reputation and a mass consumption to the more private moments of

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