
Written Communication Skills: Varco Pruden Buildings

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TRAINING REQUIREMENTS Anyone, anywhere can agree that proper training on select given tasks can be very important. This can make a job go through with much less stress and with far less errors. A relatable example for nearly everyone can be cooking. Without any training this can be very difficult and result in many burnt meals. Well, Varco Pruden Buildings looks at this the same way as training is very important. It can be the difference when it comes to winning or losing a bid. There are many different areas that Varco Pruden Buildings tend to train their employees on including, business intelligence, product knowledge, and finally detailing and drafting skills. BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE Business intelligence covers some pretty important topics to Varco Pruden Buildings. It mainly deals with entry level knowledge and skills that many have gathered and picked up along the course of their lives. Although these may seem pretty easy going, it is of great importance to the company and many of your fellow coworkers. Three of the …show more content…

Firstly, it is a skill that many possess in dealing directly with the client. First impressions are very important, but it is also important to be able to maintain that good first impression throughout the project. It is important to be clear and be able to be understood by the client to limit confusion on what the client is looking for or expecting. Another reason this is part of the three larger areas to be trained on is because it is important to keep a record of what has been communicated back and forth between the employee of Varco Pruden Building and the client. This way it is easy to look back on and see exactly when and where something may have been changed or added. This can also protect the company and the client from any failures or misunderstandings that could result in fines or worse. Teamwork

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