Case management services were provided in Garden Grove. Present at the meeting were WYP (Wraparound Youth Partner) Andy Ngo and the youth. WYP Ngo discussed with the youth about some concerns and needs. The youth has not been meeting with WYP Ngo, because of some personal issue the youth declined to disclose. WYP Ngo comforted the youth with encouraging words. The youth feels overwhelmed with many meetings. The youth understands that Wraparound services are voluntary. WYP Ngo encouraged the youth to call ahead of time when canceling the one on one meeting. The youth apologized for his past behaviors. WYP Ngo encouraged the youth to meet with WYP Ngo weekly. The youth will try to meet with WYP Ngo weekly. If the youth is unable to meet, then
Careful attention must be focused on the safety and welfare of each client. Interventions for service delivery are to be spiritually and culturally sensitive respecting each client’s individual needs and preferences. The role of the case manager and the various duties they perform requires education, skills and training to address client needs appropriately. Positive strategies for solving problems and conflict resolution must be obtained to be equipped for any challenges that may
CM emailed Andrea Orlando (Daytop Program Coordinator) a copy of Dre’quan’s (youth) updated biopsychosocial (BPS) and court order. Ms. Orlando reported the clinical director will review youth’s documents and will determine admission date. Ms. Orlando will continue to keep CM updated regarding youth’s status. CM provided CM’s contact information.
The foster contacted WYP Ngo to cancel the one on one with the youth today, because the youth was placed in custody for robbery. The foster will keep WYP Ngo updated when the youth has court for his violation. WYP Ngo contacted the WCC (Wraparound Care Coordinator) as requested from the foster father. WYP Ngo updated the WCC about the situation.
The service minutes is high due to a court process that cannot be rushed. WYP Ngo went to court to support the youth. The youth was afraid to be incarcerated, due to having a few minor violations and an incident that was reported to the police. Therefore, the youth used substances over the weekend, because he thought he was going to be incarcerated in court. The youth is reporting to his probation officer tomorrow. WYP Ngo will assist the youth to get a bus pass. The next one on one will be on November 14th, 2017.
Case management services were provided in garden Grove. Present at the meeting were WYP (Wraparound Youth Partner) Andy Ngo. Service minutes are high due to WYP Ngo attempting to meet the youth. WYP Ngo reminded the youth of the meeting during the after noon through a phone call. The youth acknowledged the meeting and will be waiting for WYP Ngo. WYP Ngo arrived at the youth’s home. WYP Ngo contacted the youth through a phone call, but the youth hung up on WYP Ngo. WYP Ngo waited for the youth to show up. WYP Ngo contacted the youth again, but the youth did not pick up. WYP Ngo contacted WCC (Wraparound Care Coordinator), WPP (Wraparound Parent Partner) Lyneth Torres, and SUP (Wraparound Supervisor) Sheila Gaston-Cruz to inform them the youth
WCC Taylor updated WYP Ngo the youth was released from custody and advised WYP Ngo to not go out into the field. WYP Ngo will have to schedule a meeting with the youth secondary probation officer to meet on site with the youth in YRC (Youth Reporting Center). The youth will be living with his grandmother, due to his mother does not want to take him back. The youth is planning to go back to his mother. The next one on one will be on May 30th, 2017.
When planning a termination strategy the case manager determine if the client will lose access to the services and resources once the relationship is terminated. While this may not always be the case often times case management services provided through community based waiver programs will be terminated. So when planning this type of termination the case manager can look for other resources to help the client or decide not to terminate the relationship because the client is still in need of those services. Since the case manager’s main goal is to help the client often times “Case Conferences”, a meeting between client, caregiver, service provider, and legal counsel, may be needed so the client will not be terminated before he or she receives the needed services (Case Management Society of America, 2010). If a
Legacy Treatment Services is a nonprofit organization which employs over 700 employees and offers programs to 13 counties throughout New Jersey (Legacy Treatment Services, 2016). It should be noted that there are 21 counties in the state of NJ, which are served by different organizations, like Oaks Integrated Care. This organizations mission is to support and change behavioral health and social service outcomes. Legacy Treatment Services is the product of a mergence between The Drenk Center and The Children’s Home. This paper will focus primarily on the Adolescent Residential Services Division which provides housing, schooling, therapy, psychiatric services, and life skills training to children who reside
2. The characteristics and backgrounds of the people served by this program are diverse populations, underserved, at-risk adolescents and delinquent juveniles between the ages of 11 and 18 including their families. These individuals lacked resources, were a challenge to help, and appeared unmotivated to change. A common factor these underserved populations held together were upon entrance to social services individuals expressed emotions of anger, hopelessness, and resistance to treatment.
CM went to the YWCA in Lawrence to meet with K and checked with her how was her night in her new placement . K went with the staff to buy a car seat for her by bay and few items from the Walmart and Market Basket . CM brought some cans from donation which Waltham office received before . CM and K and her CM from YWCA talked about the school and her eligibility to be at the High School. CM and K decided to start the process of registration at the Lawrence Public
For my senior year field placement, I am currently working at Elwyn’s Media campus in the Children’s Behavioral Health Services Outpatient program. At the outpatient program I am working with the Director of Clinical Operations, Ellen Chung. I also work with Jennifer Torrey who is the Clinical Coordinator for Elwyn’s Media location’s Outpatient program. I also work one on one with the Outpatient Case Manager, Shaneen Brown. I am also working in the Therapeutic After School Program (TASP). At the TASP I work with the Case Manager Jennifer Ziegler and the Clinical Case Manager Denise Georganas. The outpatient therapy team at Elwyn is a multidisciplinary team that works to help children reach their fullest potential. Some services offered by the Outpatient program at Elwyn are psychiatric evaluations, individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, medication management, client/family education and community resources. The goal of the Therapeutic Socialization Program is to facilitate socialization and communication skills and to decrease problematic behaviors through participation in fun and engaging in activities. This program is based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis and other proven approaches to develop individually tailored treatment protocols to help children, adolescents and young adults in the areas of socialization, self-regulation and communication. The TASP also focuses on providing parents with new information to better understand their child’s
In the last year, I have implanted transportation agreements with van services in Chicago to bring family members out to our facility on visitation days with no cost to the families. By doing we have increased the engagement rates with the clients in treatment
A difficult challenge to the juvenile justice system and child welfare system is working with adolescents with comorbid difficulties, causing these adolescents to becoming at risk for incarceration and involvement with the juvenile and adult justice system. The juvenile justice system appears to be having a challenging time in determining how to respond and treat adolescents with mental health and substance use. "Many
Since 1975 case management services have been gaining support and being recognized as an effective component of health and behavioral health service delivery (Dziegielewski, 2013, p. 312). A review of the literature reveals that case management services in healthcare settings can be a fragmented service with a
Pennsylvania Mentor’s Lehigh Valley location provides Intensive Case Management (ICM) / Resource Coordination (RC) service, Family Based Mental Health Services and Certified Peer Support Services (CPS). Although these three programs are different, they all provide services to their clients in the home and in the community. ICM/RC’s help their clients with scheduling and following through with medical and mental health appointment, navigating social security and public welfare system, finding employment and utilizing community resources. Family Based Mental Health offers intensive mental health treatment to children who have a mental health diagnosis while providing services to their families. The CPS program help’s clients meet their recovery goals through the support of an individual who also has a mental health diagnosis.