
Wy Ngo Case Study

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Case management services were provided in Garden Grove. Present at the meeting were WYP (Wraparound Youth Partner) Andy Ngo and the youth. WYP Ngo discussed with the youth about some concerns and needs. The youth has not been meeting with WYP Ngo, because of some personal issue the youth declined to disclose. WYP Ngo comforted the youth with encouraging words. The youth feels overwhelmed with many meetings. The youth understands that Wraparound services are voluntary. WYP Ngo encouraged the youth to call ahead of time when canceling the one on one meeting. The youth apologized for his past behaviors. WYP Ngo encouraged the youth to meet with WYP Ngo weekly. The youth will try to meet with WYP Ngo weekly. If the youth is unable to meet, then

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