BIO 102 General Biology II Updated Edition (Tidewater Community College) - 3rd Edition - by Tidewater Community College - ISBN 9781259614064

BIO 102 General Biology II Updated Edit...
3rd Edition
Tidewater Community College
Publisher: MCG CUSTOM
ISBN: 9781259614064

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Chapter 2.5 - Organic Molecules Generate Life's Form And FunctionChapter 2.6 - Investigating Life: Infected Insects Go GreenChapter 3 - CellsChapter 3.1 - Cells Are The Units Of LifeChapter 3.2 - Different Cell Types Characterize Life's Three DomainsChapter 3.3 - A Membrane Seperates Each Cell From Its SurroundingsChapter 3.4 - Eukaryotic Organelles Divide LaborChapter 3.5 - The Cytoskeleton Supports Eukaryotic CellsChapter 3.6 - Cells Stick Together And Communicate With One AnotherChapter 3.7 - Investigating Life: The Tiniest CompassChapter 4 - The Energy Of LifeChapter 4.1 - All Cells Capture And Use EnergyChapter 4.2 - Networks Of Chemical Reactions Sustain LifeChapter 4.3 - Atp Is Cellular Energy CurrencyChapter 4.4 - Enzymes Speed Biochemical ReactionsChapter 4.5 - Membrane Transport May Release Energy Or Cost EnergyChapter 4.6 - Investigating Life: Does Natural Selection Maintain Some Genetic Illnesses?Chapter 5 - PhotosynthesisChapter 5.1 - Life Depends On PhotosynthesisChapter 5.2 - Sunlight Is The Energy Source For PhotosynthesisChapter 5.3 - Photosynthesis Occurs In Two StagesChapter 5.4 - The Light Reactions Begin PhotosynthesisChapter 5.5 - The Carbon Reactions Produce CarbohydratesChapter 5.6 - C3, C4, And Cam Plants Use Different Carbon Fixation PathwaysChapter 5.7 - Investigating Life: Solar-powered Sea SlugsChapter 6 - How Cells Release EnergyChapter 6.1 - Cells Use Energy In Food To Make AtpChapter 6.2 - Cellular Respiration Includes Three Main ProcessesChapter 6.3 - In Eukaryotic Cells, Mitochondria Produce Most AtpChapter 6.4 - Glycolysis Breaks Down Glucose To PyruvateChapter 6.5 - Aerobic Respiration Yields Abundant AtpChapter 6.6 - How Many Atps Can One Glucose Molecule Yield?Chapter 6.7 - Other Food Molecules Enter The Energy-extracting PathwaysChapter 6.8 - Some Energy Pathways Do Not Require OxygenChapter 6.9 - Photosynthesis And Respiration Are Ancient PathwaysChapter 6.10 - Investigating Life: Hot Plants Offer Heat RewardChapter 7 - Dna Structure And Gene FunctionChapter 7.1 - Experiments Identified The Genetic MaterialChapter 7.2 - Dna Is A Double Helix Of NucleotidesChapter 7.3 - Dna Contains The "recipes" For A Cell's ProteinsChapter 7.4 - Transcription Uses A Dna Template To Create RnaChapter 7.5 - Translation Builds The ProteinChapter 7.6 - Cells Regulate Gene ExpressionChapter 7.7 - Mutations Change Dna SequencesChapter 7.8 - Investigating Life: Clues To The Origin Of LanguageChapter 8 - Dna Replication, Binary Fission, And MitosisChapter 8.1 - Cells Divide And Cells DieChapter 8.2 - Dna Replication Precedes Cell DivisionChapter 8.3 - Prokaryotes Divide By Binary FissionChapter 8.4 - Replicated Chromosomes Condense As A Eukaryotic Cell Prepares To DivideChapter 8.5 - Mitotic Division Generates Exact Cell CopiesChapter 8.6 - Cancer Arises When Cells Divide Out Of ControlChapter 8.7 - Apoptosis Is Programmed Cell DeathChapter 8.8 - Investigating Life: Cutting Off A Tumor's Supply Lines In The War On CancerChapter 9 - Sexual Reproduction And MeiosisChapter 9.1 - Why Sex?Chapter 9.2 - Diploid Cells Contain Two Homologous Sets Of ChromosomesChapter 9.3 - Meiosis Is Essential In Sexual ReproductionChapter 9.4 - In Meiosis, Dna Replicates Once, But The Nucleus Divides TwiceChapter 9.5 - Meiosis Generates Enormous VariabilityChapter 9.6 - Mitosis And Meiosis Have Different Functions: A SummaryChapter 9.7 - Errors Sometimes Occur In MeiosisChapter 9.8 - Haploid Nuclei Are Packaged Into GametesChapter 9.9 - Investigating Life: Hermaphrodites And Parasites Meet The Red QueenChapter 10 - Patterns Of InheritanceChapter 10.1 - Chromosomes Are Packets Of Genetic Information: A ReviewChapter 10.2 - Mendel's Experiments Uncovered Basic Laws Of InheritanceChapter 10.3 - The Two Alleles Of A Gene End Up In Different GametesChapter 10.4 - Genes On Different Chromosomes Are Inherited IndependentlyChapter 10.5 - Genes On The Same Chromosome May Be Inherited TogetherChapter 10.6 - Gene Expression Can Alter Phenotypic RatiosChapter 10.7 - Sex-linked Genes Have Unique Inheritance PatternsChapter 10.8 - Pedigrees Show Modes Of InheritanceChapter 10.9 - Most Traits Are Influenced By The Environment And Multiple GenesChapter 10.10 - Investigating Life: Heredity And The Hungry HordesChapter 11 - Dna TechnologyChapter 11.1 - Dna Technology Is Changing The WorldChapter 11.2 - Dna Technology's Tools Apply To Individual Genes Or Entire GenomesChapter 11.3 - Stem Cells And Cloning Add New Ways To Copy Cells And OrganismsChapter 11.4 - Many Medical Tests And Procedures Use Dna TechnologyChapter 11.5 - Investigating Life: What Makes Us Human?Chapter 12 - The Forces Of Evolutionary ChangeChapter 12.1 - Evolution Acts On PopulationsChapter 12.2 - Evolutionary Thought Has Evolved For CenturiesChapter 12.3 - Natural Selection Molds EvolutionChapter 12.4 - Evolution Is Inevitable In Real PopulationsChapter 12.5 - Natural Selection Can Shape Populations In Many WaysChapter 12.6 - Sexual Selection Directly Influences Reproductive SuccessChapter 12.7 - Evolution Occurs In Several Additional WaysChapter 12.8 - Investigating Life: Size Matters In Fishing FrenzyChapter 13 - Evidence Of EvolutionChapter 13.1 - Clues To Evolution Lie In The Earth, Body Structures, And MoluculesChapter 13.2 - Fossils Record EvolutionChapter 13.3 - Biogeography Considers Species' Geographical LocationsChapter 13.4 - Anatomical Comparisons May Reveal Common DescentChapter 13.5 - Embryonic Development Patterns Provide Evolutionary CluesChapter 13.6 - Molecules Reveal RelatednessChapter 13.7 - Investigating Life: Limbs Gained And Limbs LostChapter 14 - Speciation And ExtinctionChapter 14.1 - The Definition Of "species" Has Evolved Over TimeChapter 14.2 - Reproductive Barriers Cause Species To DivergeChapter 14.3 - Spatial Patterns Define Three Types Of SpeciationChapter 14.4 - Speciation May Be Gradual Or May Occur In BurstsChapter 14.5 - Extinction Marks The End Of The LineChapter 14.6 - Biological Classificaion Systems Are Based On Common DescentChapter 14.7 - Investigating Life: Birds Do It, Bees Do ItChapter 15 - The Origin And History Of LifeChapter 15.1 - Life's Origin Remains MysteriousChapter 15.2 - Complex Cells And Multicellularity Arose Over A Billion Years AgoChapter 15.3 - Life's Diversity Exploded In The Past 500 Million YearsChapter 15.4 - Fossils And Dna Tell The Human Evolution StoryChapter 15.5 - Investigating Life: Big Continents, Small DifferencesChapter 16 - VirusesChapter 16.1 - Viruses Are Infectious Particles Of Genetic Information And ProteinChapter 16.2 - Viral Replication Occurs In Five StagesChapter 16.3 - Cell Death May Be Immediate Or DelayedChapter 16.4 - Effects Of A Viral Infection May Be Mild Or SevereChapter 16.5 - Viruses Cause Diseases In PlantsChapter 16.6 - Viriods And Prions Are Other Nonnuclear Infectious AgentsChapter 16.7 - Investigating Life: Scientific Detectives Follow Hiv's TrailChapter 17 - Bacteria And ArchaeaChapter 17.1 - Prokaryotes Are A Biological Success StoryChapter 17.2 - Prokaryote Classification Traditionally Relies On Cell Structure And MetabolismChapter 17.3 - Prokaryotes Include Two Domains With Enormous DiversityChapter 17.4 - Bacteria And Archaea Are Important To Human LifeChapter 17.5 - Investigating Life: A Bacterial Genome Solves Two MysteriesChapter 18 - ProtistsChapter 18.1 - Protists Lie At The Crossroads Between Simple And Complex OrganismsChapter 18.2 - Many Protists Are PhotosyntheticChapter 18.3 - Some Heterotrophic Protists Were Once Classified As FungiChapter 18.4 - Protozoa Are Diverse Heterotrophic ProtistsChapter 18.5 - Protist Classification Is Changing RapidlyChapter 18.6 - Investigating Life: Shining A Spotlight On DangerChapter 19 - PlantsChapter 19.1 - Plants Have Changed The WorldChapter 19.2 - Bryophytes Are The Simplest PlantsChapter 19.3 - Seedless Vascular Plants Have Xylem And Pholem But No SeedsChapter 19.4 - Gymnosperms Are "naked Seed" PlantsChapter 19.5 - Angiosperms Produce Seeds In FruitsChapter 19.6 - Investigating Life: Genetic Messages From Ancient EcosystemsChapter 20 - FungiChapter 20.1 - Fungi Are Essential DecomposersChapter 20.2 - Chytridiomycetes Produce Swimming SporesChapter 20.3 - Zygomycetes Are Fast Growing And ProlificChapter 20.4 - Glommeromycetes Colonize Living Plants RootsChapter 20.5 - Ascomycetes Are The Sac FungiChapter 20.6 - Basidiomycetes Are The Familiar Club FungiChapter 20.7 - Fungi Interact With Other OrganismsChapter 20.8 - Investigating Life: The Battle For Position In Cacao Tree LeavesChapter 21 - AnimalsChapter 21.1 - Animals Live Nearly EverywhereChapter 21.2 - Sponges Are Simple Animals That Lack Differentiated TissuesChapter 21.3 - Cnidarians Are Radially Symmetrical, Aquatic AnimalsChapter 21.4 - Flatworms Have Bilateral Symmetry And Incomplete Digestive TractsChapter 21.5 - Mollusks Are Soft, Unsegmented AnimalsChapter 21.6 - Annelids Are Segmented WormsChapter 21.7 - Nematodes Are Unsegmented, Cylindrical WormsChapter 21.8 - Arthropods Have Exoskeletons And Jointed AppendagesChapter 21.9 - Echinoderm Adults Have Five-part, Radial SymmetryChapter 21.10 - Most Chordates Are VertebratesChapter 21.11 - Tunicates And Lancelets Are Invertebrate ChordatesChapter 21.12 - Hagfishes And Lampreys Are Craniates Lacking JawsChapter 21.13 - Fishes Are Aquatic Vertebrates With Jaws, Gills, And FinsChapter 21.14 - Amphibians Lead A Double Life On Land And In WaterChapter 21.15 - Reptiles Were The First Vertebrates To Thrive On Dry LandChapter 21.16 - Mammals Are Warm, Furry Milk-drinkersChapter 21.17 - Investigating Life: Sponges Fill Holes In Animal EvolutionChapter 22 - Plant Form And FunctionChapter 22.1 - Vegetative Plant Parts Include Stems, Leaves, And RootsChapter 22.2 - Plant Cells Build TissuesChapter 22.3 - Tissues Build Stems, Leaves, And RootsChapter 22.4 - Plants Have Flexible Growth Patterns, Thanks To MeristemsChapter 22.5 - Investigating Life: An Army Of Tiny WatchdogsChapter 23 - Plant Nutrition And TransportChapter 23.1 - Soil And Air Provide Water And NutrientsChapter 23.2 - Water And Dissolved Minerals Are Pulled Up To LeavesChapter 23.3 - Organic Compounds Are Pushed To Nonphotosynthetic CellsChapter 23.4 - Parasitic Plants Tap Into Another Plant's Vascular TissueChapter 23.5 - Investigating Life: The Hidden Cost Of TrapsChapter 24 - Reproduction And Development Of Flowering PlantsChapter 24.1 - Angiosperms Reproduce Asexually And SexuallyChapter 24.2 - The Angiosperm Life Cycle Includes Flowers, Fruits, And SeedsChapter 24.3 - Plant Growth Begins With Seed GerminationChapter 24.4 - Hormones Regulate Plant Growth And DevelopmentChapter 24.5 - Light Is A Powerful Influence On Plant LifeChapter 24.6 - Plants Respond To Gravity And TouchChapter 24.7 - Plant Parts Die Or Become DormantChapter 24.8 - Investigating Life: A Red Hot Chill Pepper ParadoxChapter 25 - Animal Tissues And Organ SystemsChapter 25.1 - Specialized Cells Build Animal BodiesChapter 25.2 - Animals Consist Of Four Tissue TypesChapter 25.3 - Organ Systems Are InterconnectedChapter 25.4 - Organ System Interactions Promote HomeostasisChapter 25.5 - The Integumentary System Regulates Temperature And Conserve MoistureChapter 25.6 - Investigating Life: Vitamins And The Evolution Of Human Skin PigmentationChapter 26 - The Nervous SystemChapter 26.1 - The Nervous System Forms A Rapid Communication NetworkChapter 26.2 - Neurons Are Functional Units Of A Nervous SystemChapter 26.3 - Action Potentials Convey MessagesChapter 26.4 - Neurotransmitters Pass The Message From Cell To CellChapter 26.5 - The Peripheral Nervous System Consists Of Nerve Cells Outside The Central Nervous SystemChapter 26.6 - The Central Nervous System Consists Of The Spinal Cord And BrainChapter 26.7 - Investigating Life: The Nerve Of Those Clams!Chapter 27 - The SensesChapter 27.1 - Diverse Sense Operate By The Same PrinciplesChapter 27.2 - The General Senses Detect Touch, Temperature, Pain, And PositionChapter 27.3 - The Senses Of Smell And Taste Detect ChemicalsChapter 27.4 - Vision Depends On Light-sensitive CellsChapter 27.5 - The Senses Of Hearing And Equilibrium Begin In The EarsChapter 27.6 - Investigating Life: Never Mind The Air In This Underground LairChapter 28 - The Endocrine SystemChapter 28.1 - The Endocrine System Uses Hormones To CommunicateChapter 28.2 - Hormones Stimulate Responses In Target CellsChapter 28.3 - The Hypothalamus And Pituitary Gland Oversee Endocrine ControlChapter 28.4 - Hormones From Many Glands Regulate MetabolismChapter 28.5 - Hormones From The Ovaries And Testes Control ReproductionChapter 28.6 - Investigating Life: Addicted To AffectionChapter 29 - The Skeletal And Muscular SystemsChapter 29.1 - Skeletons Take Many FormsChapter 29.2 - The Vertebrate Skeleton Features A Central BackboneChapter 29.3 - Bones Provide Support, Protect Internal Organs, And Supply CalciumChapter 29.4 - Muscle Movements Requires Contractile Proteins, Calcium, And AtpChapter 29.5 - Muscle Fibers Generate Atp In Many WaysChapter 29.6 - Many Muscle Fibers Combine To Form One MuscleChapter 29.7 - Investigating Life: Did A Myosin Gene Mutation Make Human Brainier?Chapter 30 - The Circulatory SystemChapter 30.1 - Circulatory System Deliver Nutrients And Remove WastesChapter 30.2 - Blood Is A Complex MixtureChapter 30.3 - Blood Circulates Through The Heart And Blood VesselsChapter 30.4 - The Human Heart Is A Muscular PumpChapter 30.5 - Blood Vessels Form The Circulation PathwayChapter 30.6 - The Lymphatic System Maintains Circulation And Protects Against InfectionChapter 30.7 - Investigating Life: In (extremely) Cold BloodChapter 31 - The Respiratory SystemChapter 31.1 - Gases Diffuse Across Respiratory SurfacesChapter 31.2 - The Human Respiratory System Delivers Air To The LungsChapter 31.3 - Breathing Requires Pressure Changes In The LungsChapter 31.4 - Blood Delivers Oxygen And Removes Carbon DioxideChapter 31.5 - Investigating Life: Why Do Bugs Hold Their Breath?Chapter 32 - Digestion And NutritionChapter 32.1 - Digestive System Derive Nutrients And Energy From FoodChapter 32.2 - Animal Digestive Tracks Take Many FormsChapter 32.3 - The Human Digestive System Consists Of Several OrgansChapter 32.4 - A Healthy Diet Includes Essential Nutrients And The Right Number Of ColoriesChapter 32.5 - Investigating Life: A Gut Reaction To A Single MealChapter 33 - Regulation Of Temperature And Body FluidsChapter 33.1 - Animals Regulate Their Internal TemperatureChapter 33.2 - Animals Regulate Water And Ions In Body FluidsChapter 33.3 - Nitrogenous Wastes Include Ammonia, Urea, And Uric AcidChapter 33.4 - The Urinary System Produces, Stores, And Eliminates UrineChapter 33.5 - The Nephron Is The Functional Unit Of The KidneyChapter 33.6 - Investigating Life: Sniffing Out The Origin Of Fur And FeathersChapter 34 - The Immune SystemChapter 34.1 - Many Cells, Tissues, And Organs Defend The BodyChapter 34.2 - Innate Defenses Are Nonspecific And Act EarlyChapter 34.3 - Adaptive Immunity Defends Against Specific PathogensChapter 34.4 - Vaccines Jumps-start ImmunityChapter 34.5 - Several Disorders Affect The Immune SystemChapter 34.6 - Investigating Life: The Hidden Cost Of HygieneChapter 35 - Animal Reproduction And DevelopmentChapter 35.1 - Animal Development Begins With ReproductionChapter 35.2 - Males Produce Sperm CellsChapter 35.3 - Females Produce Egg CellsChapter 35.4 - Sexual Activity May Transmit DiseaseChapter 35.5 - The Human Infants Begins Life As A ZygoteChapter 35.6 - Birth Defects Have Many CausesChapter 35.7 - Investigating Life: The Ultimate SacrificeChapter 36 - Animal BehaviorChapter 36.1 - Animal Behaviors Have Proximate And Ultimate CausesChapter 36.2 - Animal Behavours Combine Innate And Learned ComponentsChapter 36.3 - Many Behaviors Improve SurvivalChapter 36.4 - Many Behaviors Promote Reproductive SuccessChapter 36.5 - Social Behaviors Often Occur In GroupsChapter 36.6 - Investigating Life: The "cross-dressers" Of The ReefChapter 37 - PopulationsChapter 37.1 - A Population Consists Of Individuals Of One SpeciesChapter 37.2 - Births And Deaths Help Determine Population SizeChapter 37.3 - Population Growth May Be Exponential Or LogisticChapter 37.4 - Natural Selection Influences Life HistoriesChapter 37.5 - The Human Population Continues To GrowChapter 37.6 - Investigating Life: A Toxic CompromiseChapter 38 - Communities And EcosystemsChapter 38.1 - Multiple Species Interact In CommunitiesChapter 38.2 - Succession Is A Gradual Change In A CommunityChapter 38.3 - Ecosystems Require Continuous Energy InputChapter 38.4 - Chemicals Cycle Within EcosystemsChapter 38.5 - Investigating Life: Two Kingdoms And A Virus Team Up To Beat The HeatChapter 39 - BiomesChapter 39.1 - The Physical Environment Determines Where Life ExistsChapter 39.2 - Earth Has Diverse ClimatesChapter 39.3 - Terrestrial Biomes Range From The Lush Tropics To The Frozen PolesChapter 39.4 - Freshwater Biomes Include Lakes, Ponds, StreamsChapter 39.5 - Oceans Make Up Earth's Largest EcosystemChapter 39.6 - Investigating Life: There's No Place Like HomeChapter 40 - Preserving BiodiversityChapter 40.1 - Earth's Biodiversity Is DwindlingChapter 40.2 - Habitat Destruction Crowds Out Other SpeciesChapter 40.3 - Pollution Degrades HabitatsChapter 40.4 - Global Climate Change Alters And Shifts HabitatsChapter 40.5 - Exotic Invaders And Overexploitation Devastate Many SpeciesChapter 40.6 - Some Biodiversity May Be RecoverableChapter 40.7 - Investigating Life: Up, Up, And Away

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Reason for the correct statement: The sexual reproduction involves two different parents. Each of...Chapter 10, Problem 1MCQTabular representation: Table.1: The progeny obtained by crossing AA and aa. Table.2: The progeny...Tabular representation: Table 1: Cross between father with genotype IBIB and mother with genotype...Chapter 11, Problem 1MCQReason for the correct statement: Option c. is given as “They both select for specific traits within...Chapter 13, Problem 1MCQChapter 14, Problem 1MCQReasons for the correct statement: Option d. is given as “CO2 gas appeared in the atmosphere”....Chapter 16, Problem 1MCQChapter 17, Problem 1MCQChapter 18, Problem 1MCQChapter 19, Problem 1MCQJustify reason for the correct statement: The number of internodes present in phylogenetic tree...Chapter 21, Problem 1MCQReason for the correct statement: Reproductive organs are those organs that take part in the process...Chapter 23, Problem 1MCQReason for the correct statement: The meiosis is a type of sexual reproduction in plants. Two...Chapter 25, Problem 1MCQChapter 26, Problem 1MCQReasons for the correct statements: The sensory adaptation is a process in which sensory receptors...Chapter 28, Problem 1MCQChapter 29, Problem 1MCQChapter 30, Problem 1MCQReason for correct statement: Breathing is the process of exchange of gases that is inhalation of...Reason for the correct statement: The amount of energy needed to regulate each gram of body weight...Reason for the correct statement: The internal temperature regulating mechanism is not present in...Chapter 34, Problem 2MCQReason for the correct statement: As the sperms reach the oocyte, they show fusion. Out of 100...Reason for the correct statement: Behavior of a person depends on many factors like the interaction,...Chapter 37, Problem 1MCQReason for the correct statement: Ecological communities are those communities in which an organism...Reasons for the correct statement: Biome consists of a natural vegetation cover with various...Reason for the correct statement: The loss of biodiversity is because of the habitat destruction,...

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