8th Edition
ISBN: 9781119250913
Author: Kimmel
Publisher: WILEY

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Chapter 9, Problem 9.4AP


To determine

Straight-line Depreciation: Under the straight-line method of depreciation, the same amount of depreciation is allocated every year over the estimated useful life of an asset. The formula to calculate the depreciation cost of the asset using the salvage value is shown as below:

Depreciation cost = (Cost of the asset-Salvage value)Estimated useful life of the asset

To Record: the journal entries for the accounts related property, plant, and equipment.


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Record the journal entries for the accounts related property, plant, and equipment.

Date Account Titles and Description Post Ref. Debit ($) Credit ($)
April 1 Land                               4,400,000 
Cash 1,100,000
    Notes Payable                             3,300,000
   (To record the issue of notes and cash paid for land purchase)   
May 1 Depreciation Expense                   (1) 93,333
     Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment 93,333
(To record the depreciation for the equipment sold )
May 1 Cash                              300,000
Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment                                    (2) 2,333,333
Loss on Disposal of Plant Assets (3)                                               166,667
Equipment 2,800,000
(To record the sale of equipment)
June 1 Cash                                  900,000
Notes Receivable 2,700,000
    Land 1,400,000
   Gain on Disposal of Plant Asset(4) 2,200,000
(To record notes received on land sale)
July 1 Equipment 2,200,000
     Cash 2,200,000
(To record purchase of equipment)
December 31 Depreciation Expense                   (5) 100,000
    Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment 100,000
(To record  depreciation for equipment retired)
December 31     Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment                                    (6) 1,000,000
     Equipment                           1,000,000
(To record retirement of equipment)

Table (1)

Working Notes:

Calculate the current year depreciation for equipment sold on May 1, 2017.

Cost of the equipment =$2,800,000

Useful life= 10 years

Number of months used= 4 months (January 1, 2017- April 30, 2017)

Depreciation = CostUseful life ×Number of month used12=$2,800,00010×412=$93,333 (1)

Calculate the amount of accumulated depreciation for equipment sold on May 1, 2017.

Cost of the equipment =$2,800,000

Useful life= 10 years

Number of years used= 8 years (January 1, 2009-December 31, 2016)

Number of months used in 2017 = 4 months (January 1, 2017-April 30, 2017)

Accumulated depreciation = [Cost×Number of years usedUseful life +Current year depreciation]=$2,800,000×810+$93,333(1)=$2,333,333 (2)

Calculate the amount of gain / (loss) on disposal of equipment.

Gain/loss on disposal of asset = SaleproceedsBookvalue=Cashreceived(Equiment – Accumulated Depreciation )=  $300,000($2,800,000– $2,333,333(2))=$300,000$466,667($166,667) (3)

Calculate the amount of gain / (loss) on disposal of land.

Gain/loss on disposal of land = SaleproceedsCostofland=(Cash+Notesreceived)Costofland=  ($900,000+$2,700,000)$1,400,000= $2,200,000 (4)

Calculate the amount of depreciation for equipment that is retired on December 31, 2017.

Cost of the equipment =$1,000,000

Useful life= 10 years

Number of months used in 2017 = 12 months (January 1, 2017-December 31, 2017)

Depreciation = CostUseful life ×Number of month used12=$1,000,00010×1212=$100,000 (5)

Calculate the amount of accumulated depreciation for equipment retired on December 31, 2017.

Cost of the equipment =$1,000,000

Useful life= 10 years

Number of years used= 10 years (January 1, 2007-December 31, 2017)

Accumulated depreciation = [Cost×Number of years usedUseful life ]=$1,000,000×1010=$1,000,000 (6)


April 1: Issued notes and cash paid to purchase land

  • Land is an asset and is increased by $4,400,000 due to purchase of land. Therefore, Land account is debited with $4,400,000.
  • Cash is an asset and is decreased by $1,100,000 due to the amount paid on purchase of land. Therefore, Cash account is credited with $1,100,000.
  • Notes Payable is a liability and is increased by $3,300,000 due to the purchase of land. Therefore, Notes payable account is credited with $3,300,000.

May 1:  Record Depreciation expense for the equipment sold.

  • Depreciation expense is an expense, and it decreases the stockholder’s equity by $93,333. Therefore, Depreciation expense – Equipment is debited with $93,333.
  • Accumulated depreciation is a contra asset with a normal credit balance. It is increased by $93,333 that decreases the value of assets by $93,333. Therefore, the Accumulated depreciation-Equipment account is credited with $93,333.

May 1: Sale of equipment

  • Cash is an asset and increased by $300,000 due to sale of equipment. Therefore, Cash account is debited with $300,000.
  • Accumulated depreciation-Equipment is a contra asset with a normal credit balance. Its decreased value increases the value of the asset by $2,333,333. Therefore, Accumulated depreciation-Equipment account is debited with $2,333,333.
  • Loss on disposal of Plant assets decreases the revenue and thus the stockholders’ equity is decreased by $166,667. Therefore, the Loss on disposal of plant assets account is debited with $166,667.
  • Equipment is an asset and decreased due to sale of equipment by $2,800,000. Therefore, Equipment account is credited with $2,800,000.

June 1:  Cash and Notes Received on sale of land.

  • Cash is an asset and is increased by $900,000 due to the amount received on sale of land. Therefore, Cash account is debited with $900,000.
  • Notes Receivable is an asset and is increased by $2,700,000 due to the sale of land. Therefore, Notes receivable account is debited with $2,700,000.
  • Land is an asset and is decreased by $1,400,000 due to purchase of land. Therefore, Land account is debited with $1,400,000.
  • Gain on disposal of Plant assets increases the revenue and thus the stockholders’ equity is increased by $2,200,000. Therefore, the Gain on disposal of plant assets account is credited with $2,200,000.

July 1: Purchased equipment for cash

  • Equipment is an asset and increased due to purchase of equipment by $2,200,000. Therefore, Equipment account is debited with $2,200,000.
  • Cash is an asset and is decreased by $2,200,000 due to the amount paid on purchase of equipment. Therefore, Cash account is credited with $2,200,000.

December 31:Record depreciation for the retirement of equipment

  • Depreciation expense is an expense, and it decreases the stockholder’s equity by $100,000. Therefore, Depreciation expense – Equipment is debited with $100,000.
  • Accumulated depreciation is a contra asset with a normal credit balance. It is increased by $100,000 that decreases the value of assets by $100,000. Therefore, the Accumulated depreciation-Equipment account is credited with $100,000.

December 31: Record the retirement of equipment

  • Accumulated depreciation is a contra asset with a normal credit balance. It is decreased by $1,000,000 that increases the value of assets by $1,000,000. Therefore, the Accumulated depreciation-Equipment account is debited with $1,000,000.
  • Equipment is an asset and decreased due to disposal of equipment by $1,000,000. Therefore, Equipment account is credited with $1,000,000.


To determine

To record: the adjusting entries required at December 31, 2017.


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Record the adjusting entries required at December 31, 2017.

Date Account Titles and Description Post Ref. Debit ($) Credit ($)
December 31 Depreciation Expense                   (7) 2,435,000 
     Accumulated Depreciation-Building 2,435,000
(To record the depreciation for the building )  
December 31 Depreciation Expense                   (8)  14,730,000 
     Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment 14,730,000
(To record the depreciation for the equipment ) 93,333
December 31 Interest Expense                         (11)                                           148,500
    Interest Payable                             148,500
(To record the interest paid on notes payable)
December 31 Interest Receivable                                              78,750
   Interest Revenue                      (12)                                              78,750
(To record interest received on notes receivable)

Table (2)

Working notes:

Calculate the current year depreciation for building as on December 31, 2017.

Cost of the Building =$97,400,000

Useful life= 40 years

Depreciation = CostSalvagevalueUseful life =$97,400,000$040years=$2,435,000 (7)

Calculate the total depreciation expense for equipment for 2017.

TotalDepreciation = (Depreciationexpenseforremaingcostofequipment)+(Deperciationexpensefornewequipment)=$14,620,000(9)+$110,000(10)=$14,730,000 (8)

Calculate the remaining cost of the equipment as on December 31, 2017.

Particulars Amount ($)
Cost of the equipment as on January 1, 2017 150,000,000
Less: Sale of equipment on  May 1, 2017 (2,800,000)
         Retired equipment on December 31, 2017 (1,000,000)
Remaining cost of the equipment 146,200,000

Table (4)

Calculate the depreciation expense for the remaining cost of the equipment.

Remaining Cost of the equipment =$146,200,000(Refer Table 4)

Useful life= 10 years

Number of months used in 2017 = 12 months (January 1, 2017-December 31, 2017)

Depreciation = CostUseful life ×Number of months used12=$146,200,00010×1212=$14,620,000 (9)

Calculate the depreciation expense for the cost of the new equipment.

Cost of the new equipment purchased on July 1, 2017 =$2,200,000

Useful life= 10 years

Number of months used in 2017 = 6 months (July 1, 2017-December 31, 2017)

Depreciation = CostUseful life ×Number of months used12=$2,200,00010×612=$110,000 (10)

Calculate the interest expense on notes payable.

Cost of Notes Payable= $3,300,000

Interest Rate =6%

Number of months =9 months (April 1, 2017-December 31, 2017)

InterestExpense = NotesPayable ×Rate×Number of months used12=$3,300,000×6100×912=$148,500 (11)

Calculate the interest revenue on notes receivable.

Cost of Notes Receivable= $2,700,000

Interest Rate =5%

Number of months =7 months (June 1, 2017-December 31, 2017)

InterestRevenue = NotesReceivable ×Rate×Number of months used12=$2,700,000×5100×712=$78,750 (12)


December 31:Record depreciation for the building

  • Depreciation expense is an expense, and it decreases the stockholder’s equity by $2,435,000. Therefore, Depreciation expense is debited with $2,435,000.
  • Accumulated depreciation is a contra asset with a normal credit balance. It is increased by $2,435,000 that decreases the value of assets by $100,000. Therefore, the Accumulated depreciation-Building account is credited with $2,435,000.

December 31:Record depreciation for the equipment

  • Depreciation expense is an expense, and it decreases the stockholder’s equity by $14,730,000. Therefore, Depreciation expense is debited with $$14,730,000.
  • Accumulated depreciation is a contra asset with a normal credit balance. It is increased by $14,730,000 that decreases the value of assets by $100,000. Therefore, the Accumulated depreciation-Equipment account is credited with $14,730,000.

December 31:Record interest expense to be paid on notes payable

  • Interest expense is an expense, and it decreases the stockholder’s equity by $148,500. Therefore, Interest expense is debited with $148,500.
  • Interest Payable is a liability, and it increases the liabilities by $148,500. Therefore, Interest Payable is credited with $148,500.

December 31:Record interest revenue to be received on notes receivable.

  • Interest receivable is an asset, and it increases assets by $78,750. Therefore, Interest receivable is debited with $78,750.
  • Interest revenue is a revenue, and it increases the stockholders’ equity by $78,750. Therefore, Interest Revenue is credited with $78,750.


To determine

To Prepare: the property, plant, and equipment section of the company’s statement of financial position at December 31, 2017.


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Preparethe property, plant, and equipment section of the company’s statement of financial position at December 31, 2017.

Company Y
Statement of Financial Position (Partial)
December 31, 2017
Particulars Amount ($) Amount ($)
Property, Plant, and Equipment
Land   23,000,000
Buildings 97,400,000  
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 64,635,000 32,765,000
Equipment 148,400,000  
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 65,590,000 82,810,000
Total Property, Plant, and Equipment 138,575,000

Table (6)

Working notes:

Post the above journal entries in part (a) and adjusting entries in part (b) into the T-accounts to determine the balances of the property, plant, and equipment accounts.

Land is an asset with a normal debit balance.

Land Account
Date Details



Date Details



January 1, 2017 Beginning Balance 20,000,000 June 1, 2017 Cash 1,400,000
April 1, 2017 Cash 4,400,000 December 31,2018 Closing balance 23,000,000
December 31,2017 Total 24,400,000 December 31,2018 Total 5,200,000
January 1, 2018 Beginning Balance 23,000,000  

Table (7)

Building is an asset with a normal debit balance.

Building Account
Date Details



Date Details



January 1, 2017 Beginning Balance 97,400,000 December 31,2017 Closing balance 97,400,000
December 31,2017 Total 97,400,000 December 31,2017 Total 97,400,000
January 1, 2018 Beginning Balance 97,400,000  

Table (8)

Equipment is an asset with a normal debit balance.

Equipment Account
Date Details



Date Details



January 1, 2017 Beginning Balance 150,000,000 May 1, 2017 Cash 300,000
July 1, 2017 Cash 2,200,000 May 1, 2017 Accumulated Depreciation 2,333,333
May 1, 2017 Loss on Disposal 166,667
December 31, 2017 Accumulated Depreciation 1,000,000
December 31,2017 Closing balance 148,400,000
December 31,2017 Total 152,200,000 December 31,2017 Total 152,200,000
January 1, 2018 Beginning Balance 148,400,000  

Table (8)

Accumulated Depreciation-Buildings is a contra asset account with a normal credit balance.

Accumulated Depreciation-Buildings Account
Date Details



Date Details



December 31,2017 Closing Balance 64,635,000 January 1, 2017 Beginning Balance 62,200,000
December 31,2017 Depreciation expense 2,435,000
December 31,2017 Total 64,635,000 December 31,2018 Total 64,635,000

Table (9)

Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment is a contra asset account with a normal credit balance.

Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment Account
Date Details



Date Details



May 1, 2017 Equipment 2,333,333 January 1, 2017 Beginning Balance 54,000,000
December 31, 2017 Equipment 1,000,000 May 1, 2017 Depreciation expense 93,333
December 31, 2017 Closing Balance 65,590,000 December 31, 2017 Depreciation expense 100,000
December 31, 2017 Depreciation expense 14,730,000
December 31,2017 Total 68,923,333 December 31,2017 Total 68,923,333

Table (10)

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