Bundle: Trigonometry, 10th + Webassign Printed Access Card For Larson's Trigonometry, 10th Edition, Single-term - 10th Edition - by Ron Larson - ISBN 9781337605175

Bundle: Trigonometry, 10th + Webassign ...
10th Edition
Ron Larson
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9781337605175

Solutions for Bundle: Trigonometry, 10th + Webassign Printed Access Card For Larson's Trigonometry, 10th Edition, Single-term

Browse All Chapters of This Textbook

Chapter P.10 - Inverse FunctionsChapter 1 - TrigonometryChapter 1.1 - Radian And Degree MeasureChapter 1.2 - Trigonometric Functions: The Unit CircleChapter 1.3 - Right Triangle TrigonometryChapter 1.4 - Trigonometric Functions Of Any AngleChapter 1.5 - Graphs Of Sine And Cosine FunctionsChapter 1.6 - Graphs Of Other Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 1.7 - Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 1.8 - Applications And ModelsChapter 2 - Analytic TrigonometryChapter 2.1 - Using Fundamental IdentitiesChapter 2.2 - Verifying Trigonometric IdentitiesChapter 2.3 - Solving Trigonometric EquationsChapter 2.4 - Sum And Difference FormulasChapter 2.5 - Multiple-angle And Product-to-sum FormulasChapter 3 - Additional Topics In TrigonometryChapter 3.1 - Law Of SinesChapter 3.2 - Law Of CosinesChapter 3.3 - Vectors In The PlaneChapter 3.4 - Vectors And Dot ProductsChapter 4 - Complex NumbersChapter 4.1 - Complex NumbersChapter 4.2 - Complex Solutions Of EquationsChapter 4.3 - The Complex PlaneChapter 4.4 - Trigonometric Form Of A Complex NumberChapter 4.5 - Demoivre’s TheoremChapter 5 - Exponential And Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 5.1 - Exponential Functions And Their GraphsChapter 5.2 - Logarithmic Functions And Their GraphsChapter 5.3 - Properties Of LogarithmsChapter 5.4 - Exponential And Logarithmic EquationsChapter 5.5 - Exponential And Logarithmic ModelsChapter 6 - Topics In Analytic GeometryChapter 6.1 - LinesChapter 6.2 - Introduction To Conics: parabolasChapter 6.3 - EllipsesChapter 6.4 - HyperbolasChapter 6.5 - Rotation Of ConicsChapter 6.6 - Parametric EquationsChapter 6.7 - Polar CoordinatesChapter 6.8 - Graphs Of Polar EquationsChapter 6.9 - Polar Equations Of Conics

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9th Edition
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