College Algebra By Openstax - 17th Edition - by Jay Abramson;arizona State University - ISBN 9781506698229

College Algebra By Openstax
17th Edition
Jay Abramson;arizona State University
ISBN: 9781506698229

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Chapter 2.3 - Models And ApplicationsChapter 2.4 - Complex NumbersChapter 2.5 - Quadratic EquationsChapter 2.6 - Other Types Of EquationsChapter 2.7 - Linear Inequalities And Absolute Value InequalitiesChapter 3 - FunctionsChapter 3.1 - Functions And Function NotationChapter 3.2 - Domain And RangeChapter 3.3 - Rates Of Change And Behavior Of GraphsChapter 3.4 - Composition Of FunctionsChapter 3.5 - Transformation Of FunctionsChapter 3.6 - Absolute Value FunctionsChapter 3.7 - Inverse FunctionsChapter 4 - Linear FunctionsChapter 4.1 - Linear FunctionsChapter 4.2 - Modeling With Linear FunctionsChapter 4.3 - Fitting Linear Models To DataChapter 5 - Polynomial And Rational FunctionsChapter 5.1 - Quardratic FunctionsChapter 5.2 - Power Functions And Polynomial FunctionsChapter 5.3 - Graphs Of Polynomial FunctionsChapter 5.4 - Dividing PolynomialsChapter 5.5 - Zeros Of Polynomial FunctionsChapter 5.6 - Rational FunctionsChapter 5.7 - Inverses And Radical FunctionsChapter 5.8 - Modeling Using VariationChapter 6 - Exponential And Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 6.1 - Exponential FunctionsChapter 6.2 - Graphs Of Exponential FunctionsChapter 6.3 - Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 6.4 - Graphs Of Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 6.5 - Logarithmic PropertiesChapter 6.6 - Exponential And Logarithmic EquationsChapter 6.7 - Exponential And Logarithmic ModelsChapter 6.8 - Fitting Exponential Models To DataChapter 7 - Systems Of Equations And InequalitiesChapter 7.1 - Systems Of Linear Equations: Two VariablesChapter 7.2 - Systems Of Linear Equations: Three VariablesChapter 7.3 - Systems Of Nonlinear Equations And Inequalities: Two VariablesChapter 7.4 - Partial FractionsChapter 7.5 - Matrices And Matrix OperationsChapter 7.6 - Solving Systems With Gaussian EliminationChapter 7.7 - Solving Systems With InversesChapter 7.8 - Solving Systems With Cramer's RuleChapter 8 - Analytic GeometryChapter 8.1 - The EllipseChapter 8.2 - The HyperbolaChapter 8.3 - The ParabolaChapter 8.4 - Rotation Of AxisChapter 8.5 - Conic Sections In Polar CoordinatesChapter 9 - Sequences, Probability And Counting TheoryChapter 9.1 - Sequences And Their NotationsChapter 9.2 - Arithmetic SequencesChapter 9.3 - Geometric SequencesChapter 9.4 - Series And Their NotationsChapter 9.5 - Counting PrinciplesChapter 9.6 - Binomial TheoremChapter 9.7 - Probability

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