Digital Fundamentals with VHDL - 1st Edition - by Thomas L. Floyd - ISBN 9780130995278

Digital Fundamentals with VHDL
1st Edition
Thomas L. Floyd
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 9780130995278

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Book Details

1. Introductory Digital Concepts.

Digital and Analog Quantities. Binary Digits, Logic Levels, and Digital Waveforms. Introduction to Logic Operations. Basic Overview of Logic Functions. Fixed-Function Integrated Circuits. Programmable Logic: Introduction. PLDs versus Fixed-Function Logic. Programming. VHDL Overview. Introduction to Test Instruments.

2. Number Systems, Operations, and Codes.

Decimal Numbers. Binary Numbers. Decimal-to-Binary Conversion. Binary Arithmetic. 1s and 2s Complements of Binary Numbers. Signed Numbers. Arithmetic Operations with Signed Numbers. Hexadecimal Numbers. Octal Numbers. Binary Coded Decimal (BCD). Digital Codes and Parity. Numeric Values in VHDL.

3. Logic Gates.

The Inverter. The AND Gate. The OR Gate. The NAND Gate. The NOR Gate. The Exclusive-OR and Exclusive-NOR Gates. Fixed-Function Logic: IC Gates. Troubleshooting. Programmable Logic: Basic Concepts. VHDL.

4. Boolean Algebra and Logic Simplification.

Boolean Operations and Expressions. Laws and Rules of Boolean Algebra. DeMorgan's Theorems. Boolean Analysis of Logic Circuits. Simplification Using Boolean Algebra. Standard Forms of Boolean Expressions. Boolean Expressions and Truth Tables. The Karnaugh Map. Karnaugh Map SOP Minimization. Karnaugh Map POS Minimization. Five-Variable Karnaugh Maps. Programmable Logic: PALs and GALs. Boolean Expressions with VHDL. Digital System Application.

5. Combinational Logic.

Basic Combinational Logic Circuits. Implementing Combinational Logic. The Universal Property of NAND and NOR Gates. Combinational Logic Using NAND and NOR Gates. Operation with Pulse Waveforms. Troubleshooting. Programmable Logic: The CPLD. Combinational Logic Using VHDL. Digital System Application.

6. Functions of Combinational Logic.

Basic Adders. Parallel Binary Adders. Comparators. Decoders. Encoders. Code Converters. Multiplexers (Data Selectors). Demultiplexers. Parity Generators/Checkers. Troubleshooting. Programmable Logic: The FPGA. Logic Functions with VHDL. Digital System Application.

7. Additional VHDL Topics and Applications.

Data Types. Arithmetic and Relational Operators. Conditional Statements. Functions and Procedures. Libraries, Packages, and Package Bodies. Loops. VHDL Modeling. Programmable Logic: Device Programming. Digital System Application.

8. Flip-Flops and Related Devices.

Latches. Edge-Triggered Flip-Flops. Master-Slave Flip-Flips. Flip-Flop Operating Characteristics. Flip-Flop Applications. One-Shots. The 555 Timer. Troubleshooting. Programmable Logic: Registered Operation. Latches and Flip-Flops Using VHDL. Digital System Application.

9. Counters.

Asynchronous Counter Operation. Synchronous Counter Operation. Up/Down Synchronous Counters. Design of Synchronous Counters. Cascaded Counters. Counter Decoding. Counter Applications. Troubleshooting. Logic Symbols with Dependency Notation. Counters using VHDL. Digital System Application.

10. Shift Registers.

Basic Shift Register Functions. Serial In/Serial Out Shift Registers. Other Shift Register Configurations. Shift Register Counters. Shift Register Applications. Troubleshooting. Logic Symbols with Dependency Notation. Shift Registers Using VHDL. Digital System Application.

11. Memory and Storage.

Basics of Semiconductor Memory. Random-Access Memories (RAMs). Read-Only Memories (ROMs). Programmable ROMs (PROMs and EPROMs). Flash Memories. Memory Expansion. Special Types of Memories. Magnetic and Optical Storage. Testing and Troubleshooting. Digital System Application.

12. Introduction to Microprocessors, Computers, and Buses.

The Microprocessor and the Computer. Historical Review of Microprocessor Families. The 8086/8088 Microprocessor and Software Model for the Pentium Processor. Microprocessor Programming. The Central Processing Unit (CPU). The Memory. The Input/Output (I/O) Port. Interrupts. Direct Memory Access (DMA). Internal System Interfacing. Standard Buses.

13. Introduction to Digital Signal Processing.

Digital Signal Processing Basics. Converting Analog Signals to Digital. Analog-to-Digital Conversion Methods. The Digital Signal Processor (DSP). Digital-to-Analog Conversion Methods.

14. Integrated Circuit Technologies.

Basic Operational Characteristics and Parameters. CMOS Circuits. TTL Circuits. Practical Considerations in the Use of TTL. Comparison of CMOS and TTL Performance. Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL) Circuits. PMOS, NMOS, and E2CMOS.

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