Discrete Mathematics With Graph Theory With Discrete Math Workbook: Interactive Exercises (3rd Edition) - 3rd Edition - by Edgar G. Goodaire, Michael M. Parmenter - ISBN 9780132245883

Discrete Mathematics With Graph Theory ...
3rd Edition
Edgar G. Goodaire, Michael M. Parmenter
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 9780132245883

Solutions for Discrete Mathematics With Graph Theory With Discrete Math Workbook: Interactive Exercises (3rd Edition)

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Chapter 2.3 - Binary RelationsChapter 2.4 - Equivalence RelationsChapter 2.5 - Partial OrdersChapter 3 - FunctionsChapter 3.1 - Basic TerminologyChapter 3.2 - Inverses And CompositionChapter 3.3 - One-to-one Correspondence And The Cardinality Of A SetChapter 4 - The IntegersChapter 4.1 - The Division AlgorithmChapter 4.2 - Divisibility And The Euclidean AlgorithmChapter 4.3 - Prime NumbersChapter 4.4 - CongruenceChapter 4.5 - Applications Of CongruenceChapter 5 - Induction And RecursionChapter 5.1 - Mathematical InductionChapter 5.2 - Recursively Defined SequencesChapter 5.3 - Solving Recurrence Relations; The Characteristic PolynomialChapter 5.4 - Solving Recurrence Relations; Generating FunctionsChapter 6 - Principles Of CountingChapter 6.1 - The Principle Of Inclusion-exclusionChapter 6.2 - The Addition And Multiplication RulesChapter 6.3 - The Pigeonhole PrincipleChapter 7 - Permutations And CombinationsChapter 7.1 - PermutationsChapter 7.2 - CombinationsChapter 7.3 - Elementary ProbabilityChapter 7.4 - Probability TheoryChapter 7.5 - RepetitionsChapter 7.6 - DerangementsChapter 7.7 - The Binomial TheoremChapter 8 - AlgorithmsChapter 8.1 - What Is An Algorithm?Chapter 8.2 - ComplexityChapter 8.3 - Searching And SortingChapter 8.4 - Enumeration Of Permutations And CombinationsChapter 9 - GraphsChapter 9.1 - A Gentle IntroductionChapter 9.2 - Definitions And Basic PropertiesChapter 9.3 - IsomorphismChapter 10 - Paths And CircuitsChapter 10.1 - Eulerian CircuitsChapter 10.2 - Hamiltonian CyclesChapter 10.3 - The Adjacency MatrixChapter 10.4 - Shortest Path AlgorithmsChapter 11 - Applications Of Paths And CircuitsChapter 11.1 - The Chinese Postman ProblemChapter 11.2 - DigraphsChapter 11.3 - Rna ChainsChapter 11.4 - TournamentsChapter 11.5 - Scheduling ProblemsChapter 12 - TreesChapter 12.1 - Trees And Their PropertiesChapter 12.2 - Spanning TreesChapter 12.3 - Minimum Spanning Tree AlgorithmsChapter 12.4 - Acyclic Digraphs And Bellman's AlgorithmChapter 12.5 - Depth-first SearchChapter 12.6 - The One-way Street ProblemChapter 13 - Planar Graphs And ColoringsChapter 13.1 - Planar GraphsChapter 13.2 - Coloring GraphsChapter 13.3 - Circuit Testing And Facilities DesignChapter 14 - The Max Flow - Min Cut TheoremChapter 14.1 - Flows And CutsChapter 14.2 - Constructing Maximal FlowsChapter 14.3 - ApplicationsChapter 14.4 - Matchings

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