Earth Science (15th Edition) - 15th Edition - by Edward J. Tarbuck, Frederick K. Lutgens, Dennis G. Tasa - ISBN 9780134543536

Earth Science (15th Edition)
15th Edition
Edward J. Tarbuck, Frederick K. Lutgens, Dennis G. Tasa
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 9780134543536

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Chapter 2.4 - Properties Of MineralsChapter 2.5 - Minerals GroupsChapter 2.6 - Minerals: A Nonrenewable ResourceChapter 3 - Rocks: Materials Of The Solid EarthChapter 3.1 - Earth As A System: The Rock CycleChapter 3.2 - Igneous Rocks:"formed By Fire"Chapter 3.3 - Sedimentary Rocks: Compacted And Cemented SedimentChapter 3.4 - Metamorphic Rocks: New Rock From OldChapter 3.5 - Resources From Rocks And MineralsChapter 4 - Plate Tectonics: A Scientific Revolution UnflodsChapter 4.1 - From Continetal Drift To Plate TectonicsChapter 4.2 - Continental Drift: An Idea Before Its TimeChapter 4.3 - The Theory Of Plate TectonicsChapter 4.4 - Divergent Plate Boundaries And SeafloorChapter 4.5 - Convergent Plate Boundaries And SubductionChapter 4.6 - Transform Plate BoundariesChapter 4.7 - How Do Plates And Plate Boundaries Change?Chapter 4.8 - Testing The Plate Techtonics ModelChapter 4.9 - How Is Plate Motion Measured?Chapter 4.10 - What Drives Plate Motions?Chapter 5 - Earthquakes And Earth's InteriorChapter 5.1 - What Is An Earthquake?Chapter 5.2 - Seismology: The Study Of Earthquake WavesChapter 5.3 - Locating The Source Of An EarthquakeChapter 5.4 - Determining The Size Of An EarthquakeChapter 5.5 - Earthquake DestructionChapter 5.6 - Where Do Most Earthquakes Occur?Chapter 5.7 - Earthquakes:predictions, Forecasts, And MitigationChapter 5.8 - Earth's InteriorChapter 6 - Volcanoes And Other Igneous ActivityChapter 6.1 - Mount St. Helens Versus KilaueaChapter 6.2 - The Nature Of Volcanic EruptionsChapter 6.3 - Materials Extruded During An EruptionChapter 6.4 - Anatomy Of A VolcanoChapter 6.5 - Shield VolcanoesChapter 6.6 - Cinder ConesChapter 6.7 - Composite VolcanoesChapter 6.8 - Volcanic HazardsChapter 6.9 - Other Volcanic LandformsChapter 6.10 - Intrusive Igneous ActivityChapter 6.11 - Partial Melting And The Origin Of MagmaChapter 6.12 - Plate Tectonics And VolcanismChapter 7 - Crustal Deformation And Mountain BuildingChapter 7.1 - Crustal DeformationChapter 7.2 - Folds: Rock Structures Formed By Ductile DeformationChapter 7.3 - Faults And Joints: Rock Structures Formed By Brittle DeformationChapter 7.4 - Mountain BuildingChapter 7.5 - Subduction And Mountain BuildingChapter 7.6 - Collisoinal Mountain BeltsChapter 7.7 - Vertical Motions Of The CrustChapter 8 - Weathering, Soil, And Mass MovementChapter 8.1 - Earth's External ProcessesChapter 8.2 - WeatheringChapter 8.3 - Soil: An Indispensable ResourceChapter 8.4 - Controls Of Soil FormationChapter 8.5 - Describing And Classifying SoilsChapter 8.6 - Soil Erosion: Losing A Vital ResourceChapter 8.7 - Mass Movement On Slopes: The Work Of GravityChapter 8.8 - Types Of Mass MovementChapter 9 - Running Water And GroundwaterChapter 9.1 - Earth As A System: The Hydrologic CycleChapter 9.2 - Running WaterChapter 9.3 - Streamflow CharacteristicsChapter 9.4 - The Work Of Running WaterChapter 9.5 - Stream ChannelsChapter 9.6 - Shaping Stream ValleysChapter 9.7 - Depositional LandformsChapter 9.8 - Floods And Flood ControlChapter 9.9 - Groundwater:water Beneath The SurfaceChapter 9.10 - Wells, Artesian Systems, And SpringsChapter 9.11 - Environmental Problems Related To GroundwaterChapter 9.12 - The Geologic Work Of GroundwaterChapter 10 - Glaciers, Deserts, And WindChapter 10.1 - Glaciers And The Earth SystemChapter 10.2 - How Glaciers MoveChapter 10.3 - Glacial ErosionChapter 10.4 - Glacial DepositsChapter 10.5 - Other Effects Of Ice Age GlaciersChapter 10.6 - The Ice AgeChapter 10.7 - DesertsChapter 10.8 - Basin And Range: The Evolution Of A Mountainous Desert LandscapeChapter 10.9 - Wind ErosionChapter 10.10 - Wind DepositsChapter 11 - Geologic TimeChapter 11.1 - A Brief History Of GeologyChapter 11.2 - Creating A Time Scale: Relative Dating PrinciplesChapter 11.3 - Fossils: Evidence Of Past LifeChapter 11.4 - Correlation Of Rock LayersChapter 11.5 - Numerical Dating With Nuclear DecayChapter 11.6 - Determining Numerical Dates For Sedimentary StrataChapter 11.7 - The Geologic Time ScaleChapter 12 - Earth's Evolution Through Geologic TimeChapter 12.1 - What Makes Earth Habitable?Chapter 12.2 - Birth Of A PlanetChapter 12.3 - Origin And Evolution Of The Atomsphere And OceansChapter 12.4 - Precambrain History: The Formation Of Earth's ContinentsChapter 12.5 - Geologic History Of The Phanerozoic: The Formation Of Earth's Modern ContinentsChapter 12.6 - Earth's First LifeChapter 12.7 - Paleozoic Era: Life ExplodesChapter 12.8 - Mesozoics Era: Dinoaurs Dominate The LandChapter 12.9 - Cenozoic Era: Mammals DiversityChapter 13 - The Ocean FloorChapter 13.1 - The Vast World OceanChapter 13.2 - An Emerging Picture Of The Ocean FloorChapter 13.3 - Continental MaginsChapter 13.4 - Features Of Deep-ocean BasinsChapter 13.5 - The Oceanic Ridge SystemChapter 13.6 - Seafloor SedimentsChapter 13.7 - Resources From The SeafloorChapter 14 - Ocean Water And Ocean LifeChapter 14.1 - Composition Of SeawaterChapter 14.2 - Variations In Temperature And Density With DepthChapter 14.3 - The Diversity Of Ocean LifeChapter 14.4 - Ocean ProductivityChapter 14.5 - Oceanic Feeding RelationshipsChapter 15 - The Dynamic OceanChapter 15.1 - The Ocean's Surface CirculationChapter 15.2 - Upwelling And Deep-ocean CirculationChapter 15.3 - The Shoreline: A Dynamic InterfaceChapter 15.4 - Ocean WavesChapter 15.5 - The Work Of WavesChapter 15.6 - Shoreline FeaturesChapter 15.7 - Contrasting America's CoastsChapter 15.8 - Stabiling The ShoreChapter 15.9 - TidesChapter 16 - The Atomosphere: Composition, Structure, And TemperatureChapter 16.1 - Focus On The AtmosphereChapter 16.2 - Composition Of The AtmosphereChapter 16.3 - Vertical Structure Of The AtmosphereChapter 16.4 - Earth-sun RelationshipsChapter 16.5 - Energy, Heat, And TemperatureChapter 16.6 - Heating The AtmosphereChapter 16.7 - For The Record: Air Temperature DataChapter 16.8 - Why Temperatures Vary: The Controls Of TemperatureChapter 16.9 - World Distribution Of TemperatureChapter 17 - Moisture, Clouds, And PrecipitationChapter 17.1 - Water's Changes Of StateChapter 17.2 - Humidity: Water Vapor In The AirChapter 17.3 - Adiabatic Temperature Changes And Cloud FormationChapter 17.4 - Process That Lift AirChapter 17.5 - The Critical Weatermaker:atmospheric StabilityChapter 17.6 - Condenstation And Cloud FormationChapter 17.7 - Types Of FogChapter 17.8 - How Precipitation FormsChapter 17.9 - Forms Of PrecipitaitonChapter 17.10 - Measuring PrecipitatiionChapter 18 - Air Pressure And WindChapter 18.1 - Understanding Air PressureChapter 18.2 - Factors Affecting WindChapter 18.3 - Highs And LowsChapter 18.4 - General Circulation Of The AtmosphereChapter 18.5 - Local WindsChapter 18.6 - Measuring WindChapter 18.7 - El Nino, La Nina, And The Southern OscillaitonChapter 18.8 - Global Distribution Of PrecipitationChapter 19 - Weather Patterns And Severe StormsChapter 19.1 - Air MassesChapter 19.2 - FrontsChapter 19.3 - Midlatitude CyclonesChapter 19.4 - ThunderstormsChapter 19.5 - TornadoesChapter 19.6 - HurricanesChapter 20 - World Climates And Global Climate ChangeChapter 20.1 - The Climate SystemChapter 20.2 - World ClimatesChapter 20.3 - Humid Tropical (a) ClimatesChapter 20.4 - Dry (b) ClimatesChapter 20.5 - Humid Middle - Lattitude Climates (c And D Climates)Chapter 20.6 - Polar (e) ClimatesChapter 20.7 - Highland ClimatesChapter 20.8 - Human Impact On Global ClimateChapter 20.9 - Climate-feedback MechanismsChapter 20.10 - Some Possible Consequences Of Global WarmingChapter 21 - Orgins Of Modern AstronomyChapter 21.1 - Ancient AstronomyChapter 21.2 - The Birth Of Modern AstronomyChapter 21.3 - Patterns In The Night SkyChapter 21.4 - The Motions Of EarthChapter 21.5 - Motions Of The Earth-moon SystemChapter 21.6 - Eclipses Of The Sun And MoonChapter 22 - Touring Our Solar SystemChapter 22.1 - Our Solar System: An OverviewChapter 22.2 - Earth's Moon: A Chip Off The Old BlockChapter 22.3 - Terrestrial PlanetsChapter 22.4 - Jovian PlanetsChapter 22.5 - Small Solar System BodiesChapter 23 - Light, Telescopes, And The SunChapter 23.1 - Light: Messenger From SpaceChapter 23.2 - What Can We Learn From Light?Chapter 23.3 - Collecting Light Using Optical TelescopesChapter 23.4 - Radio-and Space-based AstronomyChapter 23.5 - Our Star: The SunChapter 23.6 - The Active SunChapter 24 - Beyond Our Solar SystemChapter 24.1 - Classifying StarsChapter 24.2 - Stellar EvolutionChapter 24.3 - Steller RemnantsChapter 24.4 - Galaxies And Galaxy ClustersChapter 24.5 - The Universe

Book Details

Use dynamic media to bring earth science to life. Earth Science answers the need for a straightforward text that excites readers about the world around them. Perfect for individuals with little-to-no background in science, the text covers geology, oceanography, meteorology, and astronomy clearly and without technical jargon. Tarbuck, Lutgens, and Tasa are praised for their uncomplicated writing, dynamic media that help visualize physical processes, stunning art program that brings the "wow" factor, and valuable activities in Mastering Geology that provide activity-based learning to solidify readers' understanding. The 15th Edition incorporates the latest data and applications from earth science, new data analysis activities, and an updated dynamic mobile media and Mastering Geology program.

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Explanation: The given diagram shows the pattern of movement of glacial ice in a mountain valley....Explanation: According to the principle of cross-cutting relationship, the igneous dike is younger...Explanation: The universe and the Earth are formed by the occurrence of several events. The first...Explanation: The major features accompanying these margins are as follows: Continental shelf: It is...Explanation: Surface salinity in polar latitudes varies seasonally due to the formation and melting...Explanation: The atmosphere and ocean, meet at the surface of the ocean. Here, the energy passes...Explanation: Weather and climate are common phenomena in the earth’s atmosphere, and it occurs due...Explanation: Evaporation is the conversion of water from a liquid to a gas state when subjected to...Explanation: Given info: The density of the mercury is 13.5 times heavier than water. Density is...Explanation: Lake-effect snow generally occurs in the late fall or early winter, when the dry...Explanation: The climatic system includes the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, cryosphere, and...Explanation: Erasthosthenes (276-194 B.C.E) is the one who successfully attempted to establish the...Explanation: The inner solar system consists of terrestrial planets and outer solar system consists...Explanation: The Doppler effect is the variation in wavelength or frequency of a wave for an...Explanation: “A space probe is a robotic spacecraft which explores further into outer space. A space...

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