EBK AN INTRODUCTION TO MATHEMATICAL STA - 6th Edition - by Marx - ISBN 9780134114248

6th Edition
Publisher: YUZU
ISBN: 9780134114248


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Chapter 3.6 - The VarianceChapter 3.7 - Joint DensitiesChapter 3.8 - Transforming And Combining Random VariablesChapter 3.9 - Further Properties Of The Mean And VarianceChapter 3.10 - Order StatisticsChapter 3.11 - Conditional DensitiesChapter 3.12 - Moment-generating FunctionsChapter 4.2 - The Poisson DistributionChapter 4.3 - The Normal DistributionChapter 4.4 - The Geometric DistributionChapter 4.5 - The Negative Binomial DistributionChapter 4.6 - The Gamma DistributionChapter 5.2 - Estimating Parameters: The Method Of Maximum Likelihood And The Method Of MomentsChapter 5.3 - Interval EstimationChapter 5.4 - Properties Of EstimatorsChapter 5.5 - Minimum-variance Estimators: The Cramer-rao Lower BoundChapter 5.6 - Sufficient EstimatorsChapter 5.7 - ConsistencyChapter 5.8 - Bayesian EstimationChapter 6.2 - The Decision RuleChapter 6.3 - Testing Binomial Data—h0: P = PoChapter 6.4 - Type I And Type Ii ErrorsChapter 6.5 - A Notion Of Optimality: The Generalized Likelihood RatioChapter 7.3 - Deriving The Distribution Of Y−μChapter 7.4 - Drawing Inferences About μChapter 7.5 - Drawing Inferences About Σ2Chapter 8.2 - Classifying DataChapter 9.2 - Testing H0: Μx = ΜyChapter 9.3 - Testing H0: Σ2 X = Σ2 Y—the F TestChapter 9.4 - Binomial Data: Testing H0: Px = PyChapter 9.5 - Confidence Intervals For The Two-sample ProblemChapter 10.2 - The Multinomial DistributionChapter 10.3 - Goodness-of-fit Tests: All Parameters KnownChapter 10.4 - Goodness-of-fit Tests: Parameters UnknownChapter 10.5 - Contingency TablesChapter 11.2 - The Method Of Least SquaresChapter 11.3 - The Linear ModelChapter 11.4 - Covariance And CorrelationChapter 11.5 - The Bivariate Normal DistributionChapter 12.2 - The F TestChapter 12.3 - Multiple Comparisons: Tukey’s MethodChapter 12.4 - Testing Subhypotheses With ContrastsChapter 12.5 - Data TransformationsChapter 12.A.2 - The Distribution Of Sstr/(k−1)/sse/(n−k) When H1 Is TrueChapter 13.2 - The F Test For A Randomized Block DesignChapter 13.3 - The Paired T TestChapter 14.2 - The Sign TestChapter 14.3 - Wilcoxon TestsChapter 14.4 - The Kruskal-wallis TestChapter 14.5 - The Friedman TestChapter 14.6 - Testing For Randomness

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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses in Mathematical Statistics Introducing the principles of statistics and data modeling I

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