Introduction to Mathcad 15 - 3rd Edition - by Ronald W. Larsen - ISBN 9780136025139

Introduction to Mathcad 15
3rd Edition
Ronald W. Larsen
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 9780136025139

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Book Details

Introduction to MathCAD 15, 3/e is ideal for Freshman or Introductory courses in Engineering and Computer Science. Introduces MathCAD's basic mathematical and data analysis functions (e.g., trigonometric, regression, and interpolation functions) using easy-to-follow examples, then applies the functions to examples drawn from emerging or rapidly developing fields in engineering. ESourcendash;Prentice Hall's Engineering Sourcendash;provides a complete, flexible introductory engineering and computing program. ESource allows professors to fully customize their textbooks through the ESource website. Professors are not only able to pick and choose modules, but also sections of modules, incorporate their own materials, and re-paginate and re-index the complete project.

More Editions of This Book

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[Studyguide for Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications by Larsen, Richard J., ISBN 9780131867932] (By: Cram101 Textbook Reviews) [published: February, 2008]
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