In Quest Of The Universe - 7th Edition - by Theo Koupelis - ISBN 9781449687755

In Quest Of The Universe
7th Edition
Theo Koupelis
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
ISBN: 9781449687755

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Book Details

Every new copy of In Quest of the Universe, Seventh Edition includes access to the Companion WebsiteDesigned for the nonscience major, In Quest of the Universe, Seventh Edition provides a comprehensive, accessible introduction to astronomy, while taking students on an exciting trek through our solar system and beyond. Update throughout with the latest findings in this fast-paced field, the author unfolds historical and contemporary theories in astronomy to provide a clear account of how the science works. His student-friendly writing style and clear explanations acquaint students with our own solar system before moving on to the stars and distant galaxies. New Comparative Planetology boxes and data table throughout the text examine the similarities and differences in the geology, evolution, and atmospheres of all the planets in our solar system. This rich pedagogy further engages students and motivates them to think critically and develop basic reasoning skills in their studies.New and Key Features of the Seventh Edition:Update throughout with the latest discoveries in the field, with new and expanded content found in each chapter.Added critical thinking and problem solving exercises can be found at the end of each chapter.New boxes and data tables throughout examine the similarities and differences in the geology, evolution, and atmospheres of all planets in our solar system.To increase understanding and clarity, sample calculations have been added to mathematical sectionsInstructor's materials include PowerPoint Lecture Slides, PowerPoint Image Bank, Test Bank, Instructor's Manual, animations, and more.The companion Web site, Starlinks, is included with every new copy of the text and includes study quizzes, Exploration Web links, animated flashcards, an online glossary, chapter outlines, a calendar of upcoming astronomical events, a guide to the constellations, and a new math review/tutor.

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

In Quest of the Universe
7th Edition
ISBN: 9781284149142

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