Modeling the Dynamics of Life: Calculus and Probability for Life Scientists - 3rd Edition - by Frederick R. Adler - ISBN 9780840064189

Modeling the Dynamics of Life: Calculus...
3rd Edition
Frederick R. Adler
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9780840064189

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Book Details

Designed to help life sciences students understand the role mathematics has played in breakthroughs in epidemiology, genetics, statistics, physiology, and other biological areas, MODELING THE DYNAMCICS OF LIFE: CALCULUS AND PROBABILTY FOR LIFE SCIENTISTS, Third Edition, provides students with a thorough grounding in mathematics, the language, and 'the technology of thought' with which these developments are created and controlled. The text teaches the skills of describing a system, translating appropriate aspects into equations, and interpreting the results in terms of the original problem.

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Given information: The height of the tree h is given by, h=100a100+a ,where a represents the age of...Given: The function F(r)=r2+5 The given input points are as follows: r=0 r=1 r=4 Consider the...Given information: The table that provides elevation of the surface of Great Salt Lake in Utah for...Given information: The table that provides relation between measurement of a growing plant. Age, a (...Given information: The table that provides relation between measurement of a growing plant. Age, a (...Given information: The table that provides relation between measurement of a growing plant. Age, a (...Given information: The table that provides relation between measurement of a growing plant. Age, a (...Given information: The discrete-time dynamical system of medication concentration Mt+1=0.75Mt+2.0...Given: The discrete- time dynamical system for volume: Mt+1=0.75Mt+2.0 The initial condition is...Given: The discrete- time dynamical system for volume: Mt+1=0.75Mt+2.0 The initial condition is...Given: The given updating function is h(x)=xx−1 The initial condition is x0=3 Calculation: The...Given information: b0=3.0×106 bacteria Calculation: Suppose a population of bacteria with the...Given: The population of bacteria doubles every hour but that 1.0×106 individual are removed before...Given information: The discrete time dynamical system, xt+1=axt1+xt . Formula used: The steps to...Given information: The discrete time dynamical system, xt+1=xtxt−K . Formula used: The steps to...Given: The equation is, bt+1=0.5bt+100 starting from b0=100 Calculation: Let initial be b0 . The...Given: The discrete-time dynamical system : Mt+1=12Mt+1 Consider the following discrete-time...Given: The equation, 4e−2x+1=7e3x . Concept Used: Laws of Logs: Law 1: Product property of...Given: The equation, 4e2x+3=7e3x−2 . Concept Used: Laws of Logs: Law 1: Product property of...Given: The given function is 0.1e−0.2x Calculation: The graph of the function will be The value of x...Given information: D=cM−34 Calculation: Consider the following function: D=cM34 Here, D is the...Given information: S1(t)=3.4e0.2t. Calculation: We are to find the doubling time and plot graph to...Consider the following functions: S1(t)=3.4e0.2tS2(t)=0.2e3.4tH1(t)=3.4e−0.2tH2(t)=0.2e−3.4t The...Given information: Given ln(x) is 10≤x≤100,000 Graph: The value of ln(x) is 10≤x≤100,000 . The graph...Given: θ=0 Concept Used: cos(0)=1 Calculation: To check the identity cos(θ2)=1+cosθ2 At θ=0 Put θ=0...Given: θ=0 Concept Used: sin0=0, and cos(0)=1 Calculation: To check the identity sin2θ+cos2θ=1 At...Given: θ=0 Concept Used: cos(0)=1, and sin(0)=0 Calculation: To check the identity...Given: θ=0 Concept Used: cos(0)=1, and sin(0)=0 Calculation: To check the identity sin(2θ)=2sinθcosθ...Given information: Consider the following functions,...Given : It is given in the question that the volume of the lungs is V , the amount breathed in and...Given : It is given in the question that the the volume of the lungs is V , the amount breathed in...Given : It is given in the question that the volume of the lungs is V , the amount breathed in and...Given : It is given in the question that the the volume of the lungs is V , the amount breathed in...Given information: 3.0×106m3 Calculation: We ate given that there is no evaporation in the lake and...Given information: Suppose that a fraction 0.1 of wild-type mutate each generation, but that each...Given information: Suppose that a fraction 0.2 of wild-type mutate each generation, but that each...Given information: Each year, 20% of the butterflies from the first island fly to the second and 30%...Given information: Each year, 20% of the butterflies from the first island fly to the second and 30%...Given: The given parameter is, Vc=20.0 mVu=10.0 mVc=0.7Vt=30.0 mV Calculation: The potential of the...Given: The parameters are, Vc=20.0 mVu=10.0 mVc=0.4, 0.9, 1Vt=30.0 mV Calculation: The potential of...Chapter 1, Problem 1SPGiven: Given the functions f(x)=e−2xg(x)=x3+1 Calculation: First find the inverse of f(x) Let f(x)=y...Given information: θ=60∘ Calculation: Let us convert the angles from degree to radian by using the...Given information: b(t)=1.5t Calculation: Consider the equation for a population size. b(t)=1.5t The...Given information: b(t)=2.0t Calculation: Consider the following equation for a population size....Given information: h(t)=5.0t2 Calculation: Consider the following equation for a population...Given information: b(t)=(1.0+2.0t)3 Calculation: Consider the equation for population size....Given information: f(x)=5x2 near x=1 . Formula used: Average rate of change = f(x+Δx)−f(x)Δx Concept...Given information: f(x)=5x2+7x+3 near x=1 . Formula used: Average rate of change = f(x+Δx)−f(x)Δx...Given information: f(x)=5x2+7x+3 near x=2 . Formula used: Average rate of change = f(x+Δx)−f(x)Δx...Given: Inside the sun the temperature increases by approximately 1 million C0=106 C0 for every...Given information: The function h(y)=y2ln(y−1) for y>1 . Formula used: If a function f is...Given information: The function r(w)=(1−w)−4 . Formula used: If a function f is continuous at a...Given information: A continuous function that is −1 for x≤−0.1, 1 for x≥0.1 and is linear for...Given information: A continuous function that is −1 for x≤−0.01, 1 for x≥0.01 and is linear for...Given information: The given quadratic function is f(x)=4−x2 . Method/Formulaused: The slope of a...Given information: The given quadratic function is g(x)=x+2x2 . Method/Formulaused: The slope of a...Given: The given function is y(t)=10t2.5 . Base point is t=1 and secant joins the base point t=1 and...Given information: The volume of a sphere as a function of radius r is given by V(r)=4π3r3 . We have...Given: A population of bacteria consists of two types a , b which grow with time according to...The above- ground volume (stern and leaves) of a plant represented by the following equation....Given information: The series of polynomials is given as follows....Given: The given functions are, f(x)=2x+3g(x)=−3x+2 Calculation: Consider the following function,...Given: The given functions are, f(x)=x2+2g(x)=3x2−1 Calculation: Consider the following function,...Given: The population size is P(t)=2.0×106+1000t2 The weight per person is W(t)=80−0.5t Calculation:...Given: The given mass function M(t) and the volume function V(t) are: M(t)=1+t2 and V(t)=1+2t ,...Given information: The function g(z)=z+1z . Formula used: Let a function g be continuous on closed...Given information: The function h(x)=(1−x)(2−x)(3−x) . Formula used: Let a function g be continuous...Given information: The function M(t)=t1+t . Formula used: Let a function g be continuous on closed...Given information: The function f(x)=10x2−50x . Formula used: Let a function g be continuous on...Given: The function, F(z)=1+e−z1+ez . Concept Used: The quotient rule of derivatives:...Given: The function, p(x)=1−ex1+ex . Concept Used: The quotient rule of derivatives:...Given information: The function F(z)=z3ez and domain 0≤z≤5 . Graph: Consider the provided function...Given information: The given function is G(x)= e−xx , the graph to be shown in the interval 0≤x≤2 ....Given: F(x)=(1+2x)3 Concept Used: Addition/subtraction rule of differentiation formula...Given information: The function, q(x)=x+x2 for x≥0 . Formula used: Let a function g is...Given information: The given implicit relation is y2+4xy+4x4=0 , the slopes of tangents at points...Given: The speed of the Cheetah is 30m/s towards the popular watering hole and the misguided gazelle...Given information: Consider the equation E=c1(pM)0.75+c2((1−p)M)0.75...Given information: The function c(z)=e−zsin(z) and the points 0,π2 and π . Formula used: The slope...Given information: The function p(t)=et(1+0.2cos(t)) and the points 0,π2 and π . Formula used: The...Given: The given equation is d2ydt2=−sin(y(t)) And the solution of the spring equation is...Given: The expression is cos(cos(x)) . Calculation: The critical point is the point on the curve...Given: limx→0(1+x2) Concept Used: Theorem on limits: limx→a[f(x)g(x)]=limx→af(x)limx→ag(x), product...Given: The volume of a cell as a function of time is given by V(t)=2−2t+t2 , V(t) (in 1000 s of μm3...Given information: Consider the equation, x(t)=2.0cos(2πt3.2) Calculation: The position of the...Given information: Consider the equation with increasing temperature, Vi(t)={T if T≤50100...

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