Work Stress Essay

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    Stress at Work

    • 2010 Words
    • 9 Pages

    What is work-related stress? It is well recognised that stress at work is a massive problem. Any stress can reduce employee well-being and it is well recognised that excessive or sustained work pressure can lead to stress. Occupational stress poses a risk to most businesses and compensation payments for stress are increasing. It is important to meet the challenge by dealing with excessive and long-term causes of stress. Our annual absence management surveys show that stress is one of the most important

    • 2010 Words
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  • Better Essays

    Stress on Work

    • 1782 Words
    • 8 Pages

    feel overloaded. They feel that they need to handle too much pressure that they cannot keep going. Work, school, children, taxes, are just a few examples of what surrounds a regular person that defines his whole situation as stress. It is defined as anything that challenges or threats our well-being. There are many causes of stress. The most important deal with financial problems, workplace stress, personal relationships, health and irritants. Financial problems have always been the common factor

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  • Decent Essays

    organizations have showed that long working hours and pressured work lead to stress which affects the employees mentally and physically and leads indirectly to low productivity levels. Not only stress, but it can cause a lot more of health issues like extreme fatigue including sleepiness, poor concentration, and increased susceptibility to illness. These symptoms can a have a noticed effect on the general productivity of an organization. A healthy work-life balance has many benefits including better general

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Emotional distress is an issue for social workers because they deal with emotional exhaustion, more caseloads than they can handle, and serious concerns about their patients. One reason emotional distress is an issue in social work is because social workers deal with emotional exhaustion. According to Marglin, burnout is the natural emotional exhaustion that results from spending forty or more hours per week giving to others and forgetting to take care of themselves (Marglin). Social workers

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  • Good Essays

    INTRODUCTION 250 We all deal with stress, and finding ways to inflict it may be the best investment you can do for yourself. A This essay is largely concern to inform the reader the problem of employee’s everyday stress at work. According to Mujtaba (2009a, as cited by Mujtaba, Lara, & King, 2010), stress is described as a response or a stimulus to any sort of stressor. Stress is a significant problem because it reduces a worker’s productivity and quality level in an organisation. Matin, Razavi

    • 1441 Words
    • 6 Pages
    Good Essays
  • Best Essays

    Effects of stress on an individual are as follows. Physical wellbeing: including expanded cerebral pains, headaches, danger of cardiovascular sickness, digestive framework issue (e.g., ulcers or bad tempered dish disorder), musculoskeletal torment, depletion, hyper pressure. Mental wellbeing: including expanded danger for regular psychological well-being issues, for example, nervousness, dejection, decreased fixation, absent mindedness, testiness, loss of comical inclination, sorrow, lessened self-regard

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  • Better Essays

    Work-Related Stress and its Management Peter S. Carlson MGMT 305 Dr. Peter H. Antoniou December 6, 2012 Abstract This paper will discuss the topic of work-related stress and its management. It will present a general introduction or definition of stress and will discuss several subtopics related to work stress. This paper will present several subtopics including a model of stress known as the General Adaptation Syndrome, the causes of stress, the consequences of stress, and how to manage work-related

    • 5352 Words
    • 22 Pages
    Better Essays
  • Good Essays

    Work related stress has been emerging as one of the main causes of adverse symptoms of mental health in today’s industrial societies. The direct result of excessive pressures and/or demands placed on individuals at work, work-related stress has caused some people to develop symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other adverse mental health effects. While it might be possible that other co-factors contribute to the development of anxiety and depression in some population groups, evidence suggests that

    • 2170 Words
    • 9 Pages
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  • Decent Essays

    Work-related stress is a very serious problem that will end up costing companies millions of dollars as a result of employee productivity declining. It always falls back on the management team to find solutions to their employee’s stress within the means of the company. This problem needs to be addressed very rapidly because if not dealt with the end results will be negative effects for both the employee and employer. Employees that are stressed need to recognize the signs of stress because they

    • 1689 Words
    • 7 Pages
    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in research about work-related stress. Indeed, De Vries & Wilkerson (2003, as cited in Al-Hassan, 2014) reported that stress is fast becoming the most common cause of worker disability; 40% of employment turnover is expected due to stress, and 25% of workers find work as their largest life stress. Work-related stress is another factor which has been shown to impact the likelihood that an individual will initiate or participate in deviant behavior

    • 2757 Words
    • 12 Pages
    Decent Essays