Leonidas at Thermopylae

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    depicts Leonidas and his men in the final moments before battle. At the center and focus of the painting, David has placed Leonidas sitting on a rock. He seems to be thinking about the fate of himself and his men. While Leonidas is looking stoically at the viewer, flurries of activity are occurring around him. To Leonidas’s right, sentinel trumpeters sound the call to arms increasing the sense of the movement. Seated at his feet is his wife’s brother Agis, awaiting orders. Behind Leonidas, are

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    Exekias was a Greek black figure potter and painter that dates back to the mid-6th century B.C. He currently has 13 vases signed and attributed to him. His pieces are known for their ability to instill feelings of psychological tension within the viewer. Today, we will be briefly evaluating two of his major remaining pieces that were of particular interest to me. This is a black figure amphora painted by Exekias, dated to approximately 520 B.C. Depicted are Ajax and Achilles, playing a board game

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    by Zack Snyder and staring Gerard Butler as Leonidas, is the perfect example of how people’s craving for a fantastic warrior tale results in the creation of an embellished myth. This film is based on real events that occurred at the battle of Thermopylae, yet certain elements have been changed for the sake of satisfying the warrior myth. Due to society’s desire for warrior myths, the movie “300” reinvents the battle of Thermopylae by overstating Leonidas and his 300 men’s physical capabilities, the

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    The movie 300 is about King Leonidas of Sparta and a force of 300 men fighting against the Persians at Thermopylae in 480 B.C. (300) This movie is based on the novel “300” written by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley. ("Frank Miller 300 Movie vs. 300 Spartans History - Battle of Thermopylae") But, how much of the movie corresponds to what it was really like in 480 B.C. with the battle in Thermopylae. According to historians, Leonidas is deliberated as one of the renowned potentates of Sparta, who led

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    King Leonidas was the king as well as the primary military leader of Sparta that lead 300 of his best troops to the Battle of Thermopylae against Xerxes and his Persian military 480 B.C. Leonidas unfortunately lost the battle, and Thermopylae was overtaken but Leonidas will always be known for his sacrifice as well as leading by example by always fighting up front with his men as equals. He as well as his brave 300 fought gallantly and died protecting Thermopylae. The courageous attributes of King

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    infamous king Leonidas, which told the story of the Battle of Thermopylae’s and how king Leonidas and his 300 Spartans defeated thousands of Persian soldiers. At child birth you were either deemed fit or unfit to be called a spartan. If the baby were deemed unfit, the baby would be left out to die. At the age of 7 you would leave your family start your training as a young soldier. This was all portrayed in the movie however, how king Leonidas became king is false. The story of king Leonidas and the

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  • Decent Essays

    Leonidas I king of Sparta Greek was a very corrupt place at the time of Leonidas this was because they needed resources and land. These problems made other states get ready to attack or defend most states were waiting for invasions so they had more time to prepare before attacking, After this conflict most states hated each other. Leonidas was born 540 BC and died on 11 August in 480 BC. My hypothesis is that I predict that I will learn why Leonidas was chosen to be king of Sparta and commander of

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  • Better Essays

    In the year 480 CE King Leonidas of Sparta was faced with one of the toughest decisions in war history. He decided to take three hundred Spartan soldiers to war with him at the pass of Thermopylae. King Leonidas’ decision would mark his name in the history books, after his death statues and monuments, along with books and films were created to reflect on his heroism against the Persians. 300 is a prime example, and has been nominated for numerous awards and is a known movie for the events that

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    The Battle of Thermopylae began in 480 BC and was a product of the Greeks attempt help defend the Ionians from the Persians. This irritated the Persian Emperor, Xerxes, because he thought of Greece as a small kingdom that had no place revolting against the Persian Empire. The Athenians sympathized with the Ionians because the Persians had also tried to invade Greece on multiple occasions. The Athenians provided feeble help to the Ionians and in retaliation the Persians struck at athens (23B). Xerxes

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    Ramsey Parra LLRN 151 – 01 300 Scholars, artists, authors, and filmmakers in recent years have been interested in Herodotus’s depiction of the Battle of Thermopylae, creating several different versions and interpretations of the story across multiple forms of media. The legendary battle of Thermopylae, in 480 B.C.E, demonstrated the strength, courage and bravery of the Spartan Army that went up against the Persians. The Spartans held off the Persian army of Xerxes for two days until their position

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