transformed the face of American Theatre with its inventive style that blends dynamic collaborative performance, authentic, acting and bold, stimulating stories to create enthralling theatre. Steppenwolf Theatre was founded in 1974 by Gray Sinise, Terry Kinney, and Jeff Perry. The theatre began in the Unitarian church on Half Day road in Deerfield, which is located in Lincoln Park on Halsted Street in
I sprinted. I sprinted until my lungs burned, and my legs just couldn’t move anymore. I began to quiver with exhaustion. I knew he was still back there. Somewhere, hiding with his knife. Watching. I’d barely escaped with my life, he knew it and I knew it. I knew he was still on to me. Waiting until the perfect moment for when I wasn’t quite paying enough attention. He’d catch me off guard. I peer around, looking for a quick escape route through the tall dark trees. Granted, I could hide, but I’m
Many things can happen during childhood, some events much more extreme than others. This reminded me of the passage “Child Custody: Anthropology versus Psychology” from the short story Notes from an Expert Witness. Many households experience a divorce some can be easy and painless, and others can have a large impact on a child’s life. My family fell under that fifty percent, and for better, or worse it has sculpted my childhood and made me who I am today. It all started with typical fighting between
suppose I should start my story at the beginning. I mean, it wouldn 't make sense to start it at the end or in the middle, now would it? It 's like if you turn the TV on right at the end of a mystery show and you learn who the killer is. Well, you 're not going to wait around till that episode plays again to see the beginning. You already know who the killer is, so it 's not a mystery anymore! No point at all. Anyways, I 'll just start at the beginning, which just happens to be when I was out in
This morning I was walking through the woods. The leaves and trees brushing up against my long brown hair. The morning breeze blowing through my long luscious hair. There is a dark path ahead so I walk through it. It has beautiful scenery and so many gorgeous animals as you walk into it. Summer is coming to an end and the leaves are starting to change into bright colors, which makes the whole view prettier. Then, all of the sudden I come upon something amazing and shiny, and it catches my eye so
Icy fingers gripped my arm in the darkness, I took my attention from the starry sky to look from the hand that touched me up to the face of my Grandma. She shared a kind smile with me emphasizing her rosey cheeks warming my own despite the winter snow falling around us. My little sister Sara squealed with glee as our shepherd pup Macy hopped around her, wagging her tail so fast the entire back end of her body would follow in sync. Grandma took a deep breath as she rewrapped her rope around her waist
It’s Halloween, my favorite time of year. My three friends and I spent hours getting ready at my house. This year, we are going to be superheroes, our best idea so far. We each had on a different colored capes and little tiny masks covering our eyes. This Halloween is going to be a blast. However, there was just one problem. Mom kept telling me that I needed to be home by ten, annoying. Apparently, a murderer escaped from prison about ten miles away from our town. Emma said “Mom
Jack was steaming mad. He had just had yet another fight with his mom about wasting food and was heading to the old tree house in the woods. They were always fighting about wasting food. He saw where she was coming from. They were pretty tight on cash, but if she was so intent on not wasting food why didn't she eat it. He was sitting at the foot of the abandoned tree house, drawing a dragon in the sand, when he suddenly felt the overwhelming need to go deeper into the woods. He knew he shouldn’t
Loki is a introverted 16 year old. he loves to read, and usually just prefers to be alone, but that all changes when he gets braver than he's ever been before. Homecoming was rapidly approaching, and as per usual, I still didn't have a date. All of my friends have dates, even Hermann, who no one ever expected to have a date. "Why does everyone I ask seem to have a date," I thought to myself, "I'm a perfectly nice guy, I'm smart, I try to be funny... bah heck with it. I'll just go to the game, and
Ernie has always been a little messed up, he has lived in Missouri for the 32 long years of his life. On the day that changed his life forever, November 22, 1996. Him and his family were driving to the mall and they got into an accident. His Mom and Dad both died and Ernie was very depressed. He got the notes, of what made the car accident happen, an inspection failure with the Engine. He did not know what to do with his life. He almost committed suicide, but then out of rage, the decided he was