Chemistry Lab 2



Portage Learning *

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May 8, 2024





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Name: Heather Lee Date: March 1, 2024 Experiment #: 2 Title: Density Purpose: To measure the density of some liquids and solids which includes some materials of biological interest. Procedure: 1. Dispense 10mL of water using a 10mL pipet into beaker on zeroed scale 2. Use scale to measure mass of water 3. Calculate density 4. Add 5mL of water to beaker using a 5mL pipet 5. Use scale to measure mass of water 6. Calculate Density 7. Add 10mL of water to beaker using a 10mL pipet 8. Use scale to measure mass of water 9. Calculate Density Density of cow bone 10. Zero scale with 40mL of water in graduated cylinder 11. Place cow bone in graduated cylinder 12. Record mass of bone 13. Record change in volume in graduated cylinder Density of suet 14. Use scale to measure mass of suet 15. Calculate density Density of chicken breast 16. Use test tube and squish chicken breast down to exclude air in order to measure volume 17. Use scale to measure mass 18. Calculate density Nylon 19. Calculate the volume of nylon using geometry and using a ruler to measure sides 20. Use scale to measure mass 21. Calculate the volume of nylon using a graduated cylinder and displacement 22. Calculate for density Walnut wood 23. Calculate the volume of the walnut cylinder by using the ruler to measure the diameter, height. 24. Use scale to measure mass 25. Calculate the volume of walnut wood using graduated cylinder and displacement - use pencil to push walnut wood under the water since it floats.
26. Calculate for density Teflon 27. Calculate the volume of the teflon cylinder by using the ruler to measure the diameter and height 28. Use scale to measure mass 29. Calculate the volume of walnut wood using graduated cylinder and displacement 30. Calculate for density Copper 31. Calculate the volume of the Copper cylinder by using the ruler to measure the diameter and height 32. Use scale to measure mass 33. Calculate the volume of Copper using graduated cylinder and displacement 34. Calculate for density PVC 35. Calculate the volume of the pvc cylinder by using the ruler to measure the diameter and height 36. Use scale to measure mass 37. Calculate the volume of pvc using graduated cylinder and displacement 38. Calculate for density Aluminum 39. Calculate the volume of the aluminum cylinder by using the ruler to measure the diameter and height 40. Use scale to measure mass 41. Calculate the volume of aluminum using graduated cylinder and displacement 42. Calculate for density Brass 43. Calculate the volume of the brass cylinder by using the ruler to measure the diameter and height 44. Use scale to measure mass 45. Calculate the volume of brass using graduated cylinder and displacement 46. Calculate for density Acrylic 47. Calculate the volume of the acrylic cylinder by using the ruler to measure the diameter and height 48. Use scale to measure mass 49. Calculate the volume of acrylic using graduated cylinder and displacement 50. Calculate for density Data/Results/Calculations: Water: 21.4 degrees C Volume: 10mL Mass: 9.83g
Density: .98 g/mL Volume: 15mL Mass;: 15.54g Density: 1.036 g/mL Volume: 25 mL Mass: 25.49g Density: 1.02g/mL Cow Bone Mass: 20.24g Volume change: 10mL Density: 2.02 g/mL Literature density of human bone = 1.85 g/mL Density of Suet (fat) Mass: 2.44g Volume:2.9 mL Density = 0.841g/mL Literature density of Fat = .90g/mL Density of chicken breast (muscle) Mass: 5.52g Volume: 5.5mL Density:1.00g/mL Literature Density of human muscle: 1.06g/mL Density of Nylon using geometry Diameter: 1.6cm r=.8cm L = 7.6cm Cylinder volume = 3.14 x 0.8^2 x 7.6 =15.28cm^3 Mass 17.56g Density = 1.15g/cm^3 Density of Nylon using displacement Cylinder volume = 45mL-30mL =15mL Mass: 17.56g Density = 1.17 g/mL Literature density of Nylon=1.15 g/cm^3 Density of walnut wood using geometry
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