Ati Comprehensive Study Guide RN



City Colleges of Chicago, Malcolm X *

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Jan 9, 2024





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C~ovm ehewn i¿ve ATI EÁxavm S¦t«udÂy G«uide Hi aplpl! Thi ¦t«udÂy g«uide i a c~owndewn ed ¿ve i~own ~of ATI’ C~ovm ehewn i¿ve B~o~omk ( iwnmk b~o~omk) awnd i¦t pli¦te aplplÂy g~o¦t vme ¦th ~o«ugh ¦the ATI C~ovm ehewn i¿ve Fiwnapl EÁxavm Àwi¦th fplÂyiwng c~opl~o . Each ec¦ti~own i di¿vided «u be¦tÀweewn ¦t~o ic , awnd ¦the e a e «ub¦t~o ic iwn each ec¦ti~own ¦t~o hepl facipli¦ta¦te Ây~o«u plea wniwng. G~o~od pl«ucmk, Ây~o«u g~o¦t ¦thi ! Bef~o e Àwe ¦ta ¦t, ¦tamke a dee b ea¦th. ATI i de igwned ¦t~o hepl Ây~o«u be¦t¦te e a e f~o ¦the NCLEX, awnd Àwhiple i¦t i da«uwn¦tiwng, Ây~o«u will plaÂy ¦the ATI if Ây~o«u f~oplpl~oÀw ¦thi ¦t«udÂy g«uide awnd «u plevmewn¦t Ây~o«u e¿vieÀw Àwi¦th ac¦tice «ue ¦ti~own (f ~ovm ATI ~of c~o«u e!) Se¦t Ây~o«u eplf «u iwn a c~ovmf~o ¦tabple ~o~ovm, efe abplÂy a «uie¦t ~owne Àwi¦th feÀw di ¦t ac¦ti~own . Tamke f e «uewn¦t b eamk , d iwnmk pl~o¦t ~of Àwa¦te , awnd ¦t e¦tch Ây~o«u pleg Àwhewn wneeded. YOU awnd Ây~o«u vmewn¦tapl heapl¦th c~ovme fi ¦t. Y~o«u’¿ve g~o¦t ¦thi , Àwe’ e ~o~o¦tiwng f~o Ây~o«u! Tivmepliwne awnd H~oÀw ¦t~o S¦t«udÂy If Ây~o«u’ e iwn Ây~o«u pla ¦t «ua ¦te / evme ¦te , Ây~o«u’¿ve ~obabplÂy beewn ¦thiwnmkiwng ab~o«u¦t e a iwng f~o ¦the ATI Fiwnapl EÁxavm (~o ha¿ve apl eadÂy ¦ta ¦ted!) U e ¦thi ¦tivmepliwne a a g«uide ¦t~o hepl ace ~o«u¦t Ây~o«u e¿vieÀw. Feepl f ee ¦t~o d~o«ubple «u ~own ¦t~o ic ~o g~o iwn awnÂy ~o de Ây~o«u’d plimke! Thi ¦tivmepliwne Àw~o mked f~o vme, b«u¦t chawnge i¦t «u ¦t~o vmamke i¦t Àw~o mk f~o Ây~o«u. Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunda y Week 1 Fundamentals Adult Med Surg Re i a¦t~o Ây Adult Med Surg Ca di~o¿va c«upla Adult Med Surg Hevma¦t~opl~ogic, Ivmvm«uwne, & Cawnce Adult Med Surg GI & Rewnapl Adult Med Surg Ewnd~oc iwne & Iwn¦teg«uvmewn¦ta Ây B eamk Week 2 Adult Med Surg Ne«u ~o & M«u c«upl~o mkeple¦tapl Adult Med Surg Re ~od«uc¦ti¿ve Maternity Diagwn~o ¦tic Te ¦t & Re ~od«uc¦ti¿ve SÂy ¦tevm Maternity Sigwn ~of P egwnawncÂy & C~ovm plica¦ti~own Maternity L&D Maternity P~o ¦t a ¦t«uvm B eamk Week 3 Maternity NeÀwb~o wn Peds De¿vepl~o vmewn¦tapl Miple ¦t~owne Peds P ~oced«u e , P~oi ~owniwng, & O¦the Mental Health Mental Health Critical Care B eamk Week 4 Critical Care Pharm Caplc«upla¦ti~own & C~own¿ve i~own Pharm Ca di~o¿va c«upla & Re i a¦t~o Ây Pharm Ne«u ~o & Re ~od«uc¦ti¿ve Pharm Ma¦te wni¦tÂy & P Âych Pharm Iwnfec¦ti~o«u Di ea e & Awnaplge ic B eamk lOMoARcPSD|11068812
Tabple ~of C~own¦tewn¦t Page # F«uwndavmewn¦tapl E¦thic awnd LaÀw 3 Advmi i~own 5 N«u iwng P ~oce 6 Lab Vapl«ue ¦t~o Kwn~oÀw 7 Pa¦tiewn¦t Need 8 D«u¦tie ~of Diffe ewn¦t P ~ofe i~ownapl 9 Dea¦th awnd DÂyiwng 10 N«u iwng P ~oced«u e 10 Ivm ~o ¦tawn¦t C~own ide a¦ti~own 11 C~ovmvm~own Cpliwnicapl Sigwn 14 Safe¦tÂy awnd Iwnfec¦ti~own C~own¦t ~opl 15 T awn vmi i~own Ba ed P eca«u¦ti~own 15 N«u¦t i¦ti~own 18 Medicapl S«u gicapl N«u iwng Re i a¦t~o Ây 22 Ca di~o¿va c«upla awnd Pe i he apl Va c«upla Di ~o de 25 Hevma¦t~opl~ogic, Ivmvm«uwne, awnd Cawnce 28 Ga ¦t ~oiwn¦te ¦tiwnapl SÂy ¦tevm 30 Rewnapl SÂy ¦tevm 34 Ewnd~oc iwne SÂy ¦tevm 38 Ne«u ~o ewn ~o Ây SÂy ¦tevm 40 M«u c«upl~o mkeple¦tapl SÂy ¦tevm 44 Iwn¦teg«uvmewn¦ta Ây SÂy ¦tevm 47 Ma¦te wni¦tÂy Diagwn~o ¦tic Te ¦t awnd Re ~od«uc¦ti¿ve SÂy ¦tevm 49 Sigwn ~of P egwnawncÂy 51 C~ovm plica¦ti~own D«u iwng P egwnawncÂy 52 Lab~o awnd Depli¿ve Ây 54 P~o ¦t a ¦t«uvm A e vmewn¦t 56 NeÀwb~o wn A e vmewn¦t 57 Pedia¦t ic De¿vepl~o vmewn¦tapl Miple ¦t~owne 60 P ~oced«u e , P~oi ~owniwng, & O¦the 69 Mewn¦tapl Heapl¦th O¿ve ¿vieÀw 70 Di ~o de 73 EÁx¦t a Ây avmidapl SÂyvm ¦t~ovm & Medica¦ti~own 77 Pha vmac~opl~ogÂy O¿ve ¿vieÀw 78 Ivm ~o ¦tawn¦t D «ug 79 lOMoARcPSD|11068812
F e «uewn¦t M~owni¦t~o iwng D «ug & T~oÁxici¦tÂy 82 Diagwn~o ¦tic Lab Te ¦t awnd Vapl«ue O¿ve ¿vieÀw 86 Fundamentals Ethics and Civil Law Re ~o ¦tiwng Ac¦t Chipld awnd eplde plÂy ab«u e G«uwn h~o¦t Àw~o«uwnd C~ovmvm«uwnicabple di ea e O h¦thaplvmia Ne~owna¦t~o «uvm PhewnÂyplmke¦t~own«u ia C ivmiwnapl ac¦t Iwncidewn¦t Re ~o ¦t NEVER place iwn a a¦tiewn¦t' cha ¦t If a a¦tiewn¦t Àwawn¦t ¦t~o plea¿ve AMA, i¦t i ¦the ~o¿vide ' e ~own ibipli¦tÂy ¦t~o ad¿vi e ¦the a¦tiewn¦t ~of awnÂy i mk iwn¿v~opl¿ved Àwhewn ¦theÂy ef«u e ca e Ad¿vawnced Di ec¦ti¿ve TÀw~o TÂy e Li¿viwng Àwiplpl D«u abple P~oÀwe ~of A¦t¦t~o wneÂy: ¦t awn fe aplpl igh¦t ¦t~o ¦the de igwna¦ted agewn¦t Iwn¦tewnded ¦t~o aplpl~oÀw a¦tiewn¦t ¦t~o ha¿ve vm~o e c~own¦t ~opl ~o¿ve ¦thei heapl¦th ca e deci i~own a¦t ¦the ewnd ~of plife Iwnf~o vmed C~own ewn¦t N~o¦t e «ui ed iwn evme gewncÂy i¦t«ua¦ti~own Ca aci¦tÂy-age (ad«upl¦t), c~ovm e¦tewnce (cawn vmamke ch~oice awnd «uwnde ¦tawnd c~own e «uewnce ) V~opl«uwn¦ta Ây F eed~ovm ~of ch~oice Àwi¦th~o«u¦t f~o ce, f a«ud, d«u e , ~o c~oe ci~own Iwnf~o vmed c~own ewn¦t wn~o¦t ¦t~o be vmade «uwnde ¦the iwnfpl«uewnce ~of a d «ug ~o aplc~oh~opl The wn«u e’ igwna¦t«u e a a Àwi¦twne ~own a c~own ewn¦t f~o vm iwndica¦te ¦tha¦t ¦the wn«u e ~ob e ¿ved ¦the iwnf~o vmed c~own ewn¦t ~o ¦the cpliewn¦t a«u¦th~o iÉzed e e ewn¦ta¦ti¿ve ¿v~opl«uwn¦ta iplÂy igwned ¦the c~own ewn¦t f~o vm Whewn ¦t~o Q«ue ¦ti~own P ~o¿vide O de Avmbig«u~o«u ~o de O de ¦tha¦t ¦the a¦tiewn¦t «ue ¦ti~own O de Àwhewn ¦the a¦tiewn¦t’ c~owndi¦ti~own ha chawnged O de Àwhich d~o wn~o¦t vma¦tch Àwi¦th Ây~o«u eÁx e iewnce Ve bapl ~o de ¦tha¦t ¦the d~oc¦t~o ha wn~o¦t Âye¦t c~o- igwned H~oÀw ¦t~o P ~o¦tec¦t Ây~o«u Licewn e D~o wn~o¦t ple¦t awnÂy~owne epl e b~o ~oÀw i¦t D~o wn~o¦t c~o Ây i¦t «uwnple Ây~o«u Àw i¦te COPY ~own i¦t lOMoARcPSD|11068812
If Ây~o«u pl~o e Ây~o«u plicewn e, e ~o ¦t i¦t ivmvmedia¦teplÂy Be «u e ¦tha¦t ¦the B~oa d ~of N«u iwng i wn~o¦tified ~of awnÂy chawnge ~of add e ~o wnavme P ac¦tice wn«u iwng acc~o diwng ¦t~o ¦the c~o e awnd ¦tawnda d ~of ¦the ¦ta¦te Ây~o«u Àw~o mk iwn T~o ¦t Ci¿vipl Àw ~owng Iwn¦tewn¦ti~ownapl A a«upl¦t, ba¦t¦te Ây, defavma¦ti~own, fapl e ivm i ~ownvmewn¦t, ~o«u¦tage, iwn¿va i~own ~of i¿vacÂy, Àw ~owngf«upl di cpl~o «u e ~of c~ownfidewn¦tiapl iwnf~o vma¦ti~own (cawn faÁx ~o evmaipl e ~ownapl iwnf~o vma¦ti~own if c~own ewn¦t Àwa gi¿vewn) Uwniwn¦tewn¦ti~ownapl (Negpligewnce) Faipl«u e ~of a wn«u e ¦t~o e f~o vm awn ac¦t ¦tha¦t a ea ~ownabple e ~own Àw~o«upld ~o Àw~o«upld wn~o¦t e f~o vm iwn ivmipla ci c«uvm ¦tawnce Cawn be awn ac¦t ~of ~ovmi i~own ~o c~ovmvmi i~own Occ«u Àwhewn iwnj«u Ây e «upl¦t f ~ovm ¦the faipl«u e ~of ¦the Àw ~owngd~oe ¦t~o eÁxe ci e ca e Mapl ac¦tice P ~ofe i~ownapl vmi c~ownd«uc¦t ¦tha¦t i awn «uwn ea ~ownabple placmk ~of mkiplpl ~o fidepli¦tÂy iwn d«u¦tie EÁx; wn~o¦t iwn e ¦tiwng a f~opleÂy, wn~o¦t ¦tamkiwng a ~o ia¦te ¦te ¦t~o dec ea e a a¦tiewn¦t’ ¦tevm e a¦t«u e, wn~o¦t e ~o ¦tiwng Àw~o ewniwng c~owndi¦ti~own ~of ¦the a¦tiewn¦t ¦t~o ¦the ~o¿vide , wn~o¦t e¿vewn¦tiwng faplpl Libepl W i¦t¦tewn c~ovmvm«uwnica¦ti~own ¦tha¦t iwnj«u e a e ~own’ e «u¦ta¦ti~own Splawnde O apl c~ovmvm«uwnica¦ti~own ¦tha¦t iwnj«u e a e ~own’ e «udia¦ti~own A a«upl¦t A ¦th ea¦t ~o awn a¦t¦tevm ¦t ¦t~o vmamke b~odiplÂy c~own¦tac¦t Àwi¦th awn~o¦the e ~own Àwi¦th~o«u¦t ¦the e ~own' c~own ewn¦t EÁx: ¦th ea¦tewniwng ¦t~o gi¿ve awn iwnjec¦ti~own ¦t~o a Âych~o¦tic a¦tiewn¦t if ¦theÂy d~o wn~o¦t beha¿ve ~o e plÂy Ba¦t¦te Ây T~o«uchiwng awn~o¦the e ~own «uwnplaÀwf«uplplÂy ~o ca Âyiwng ~o«u¦t a ¦th ea¦tewned hÂy icapl ha vm G~o~od Savma i¦tawn plaÀw Ewnac¦ted bÂy iwndi¿vid«uapl ¦ta¦te ¦t~o ewnc~o«u age heapl¦thca e ~o¿vide ¦t~o a i ¦t a¦t ¦the cewne ~of accidewn¦t awnd evme gewncie Ca e vm«u ¦t be ~o¿vided iwn g~o~od fai¦th awnd vm«u ¦t be g a¦t«ui¦t~o«u The wn«u e vm«u ¦t ~o¿vide ca e a¦t ¦the ple¿vepl ~of ¦thei c~o e ~of ac¦tice Liabipli¦tÂy Iwndi¿vid«uapl E¿ve Âyb~odÂy i pliabple ¦t~o hi ~o he ac¦ti~own/c~ownd«uc¦t Liabipli¦tÂy vm«u ¦t be ha ed bÂy awn~o¦the e ~own ~o g ~o«u (eÁx; d~oc¦t~o awnd feplpl~oÀw wn«u e ~o a facipli¦tÂy «uch a a h~o i¦tapl) Vica i~o«u lOMoARcPSD|11068812
Liabipli¦tÂy «uwnde ¦the wn«u e ac¦tice ac¦t, Àwhich defiwne ¦the ¦tawnda d ~of ca e a wn«u e i eÁx ec¦ted ¦t~o e f~o vm (eÁx; Àw ~owngf«uplplÂy advmiwni ¦te iwng a vmedica¦ti~own Àwhich Àw~o«upld e «upl¦t iwn hÂy icapl ha vm ¦t~o ¦the a¦tiewn¦t) N«u iwng Ivm plica¦ti~own f~o b eache iwn Ci¿vipl LaÀw Iwn¦te ¿vewne Àwhewn a¦tiewn¦t digwni¦tÂy ~o i¿vacÂy i ¿vi~opla¦ted P ~o e plÂy c~o¿ve iwng a hÂy icapl b~odÂy d«u iwng ~oced«u e Medicapl ec~o d vm«u ¦t be eplea ed ~ownplÂy Àwi¦th Àw i¦t¦tewn a¦tiewn¦t c~own ewn¦t Cpliewn¦t bepl~owngiwng vm«u ¦t be ~o¦tec¦ted awnd vmaÂy wn~o¦t be ea ched Àwi¦th~o«u¦t ecific a«u¦th~o iÉza¦ti~own Admissions Advmi i~own V~opl«uwn¦ta Ây Whewn a a¦tiewn¦t i ÀwiplpliwngplÂy ¦tamkewn ¦t~o ¦the h~o i¦tapl ¦t~o be advmi¦t¦ted Iwn¿v~opl«uwn¦ta Ây Whewn ~owne i «uwnÀwiplpliwng ¦t~o g~o ¦t~o ¦the h~o i¦tapl, ~ovme~owne epl e vmamke ¦the deci i~own f~o ¦tha¦t e ~own Iwn ¦thi i¦t«ua¦ti~own, ¦the a¦tiewn¦t pl~o e ¦the igh¦t ¦t~o vmamke deci i~own f~o ¦thevm epl¿ve EÁx; edia¦t ic a¦tiewn¦t , ad«upl¦t Àwi¦th vmewn¦tapl ~o c~ogwni¦ti¿ve ivm ai vmewn¦t Di cha ge Fiwnapl ~o Ab ~opl«u¦te EÁx; Àwhewn Ây~o«u gi¿ve bi ¦th C~owndi¦ti~ownapl ~o Iwnc~ovm ple¦te EÁx; di cha ge ¦t~o a haplfÀwaÂy h~o«u e, wn«u iwng h~ovme, g ~o«u h~ovme, OT/PT The a¦tiewn¦t ha a c~own¦t ac¦t Àwi¦th ¦the h~o i¦tapl «uwn¦tipl fiwnapl di cha ge Re ¦t aiwn¦t PhÂy icapl e ¦t aiwn¦t Iwnf~o vmed c~own ewn¦t i wneeded If a cpliewn¦t i «uwnabple ¦t~o c~own ewn¦t ¦t~o ¦the «u e ~of e ¦t aiwn¦t , a c~own ewn¦t ~of ~oÁxÂy vm«u ¦t be ~ob¦taiwned af¦te f«uplpl di cpl~o «u e ~of i mk awnd bewnefi¦t If iwnf~o vmed c~own ewn¦t i wn~o¦t gi¿vewn, e ¦t aiwniwng a a¦tiewn¦t i c~own ide ed fapl e ivm i ~ownvmewn¦t Re ¦t aiwn¦t h~o«upld be ade «ua¦te awnd a ~o ia¦te f~o ¦the «u ~o e, vm«u ¦t ha¿ve a d~oc¦t~o ' ~o de Iwn evme gewncÂy i¦t«ua¦ti~own , e ¦t aiwn¦t vmaÂy be a plied Àwi¦th~o«u¦t d~oc¦t~o ' ~o de f~o a plivmi¦ted ¦tivme Re ¦t aiwn¦t a e ~ownplÂy wneeded Àwhewn a a¦tiewn¦t i ha vmf«upl ¦t~o eplf ~o ~o¦the awnd apl¦te wna¦ti¿ve ¦the a ie ha¿ve wn~o¦t Àw~o mked Checmk ~own e ¦t aiwn¦t cpliewn¦t e¿ve Ây 10-15 vmiwn«u¦te D~oc«uvmewn¦ta¦ti~own vm«u ¦t iwncpl«ude ¦the ¦tivme ~of each checmk awnd ¦the wne«u ~ovm«u c«upla ¦ta¦t«u ~of ¦the cpliewn¦t' eÁx¦t evmi¦tie Chevmicapl Re ¦t aiwn¦t P Âych~o¦t ~o ic d «ug cawnwn~o¦t be «u ed ¦t~o c~own¦t ~opl beha¿vi~o lOMoARcPSD|11068812
Cawn be «u ed ~ownplÂy f~o diagwn~o i - epla¦ted c~owndi¦ti~own Iwna ~o ia¦te «u e ~of chevmicapl e ¦t aiwn¦t cawn ca«u e dee eda¦ti~own, agi¦ta¦ti~own, c~ovmba¦ti¿vewne , awnd ~o ibple iwnj«u Ây ¦t~o ¦the a¦tiewn¦t Nursing Process SÂy ¦tevmicaplplÂy a c~oplplec¦ti~own ~of da¦ta awnd cplea plÂy idewn¦tifie ¦the a¦tiewn¦t' ¦t ewng¦th awnd ~obplevm The ~oce ~offe ivm ~o¿ved «uapli¦tÂy ~of wn«u iwng ca e Ewnc~o«u age cpliewn¦t a ¦tici a¦ti~own iwn ca e awnd deci i~own-vmamkiwng AplÀwaÂy iwndi¿vid«uapliÉzed ADPIE A e vmewn¦t, wn«u iwng diagwn~o i /awnaplÂy i , plawnwniwng, ivm plevmewn¦ta¦ti~own, awnd e¿vapl«ua¦ti~own AplÀwaÂy «u e ¦the fi¿ve ¦te iwn ch ~own~opl~ogicapl ~o de Revmevmbe ¦tha¦t a e vmewn¦t aplÀwaÂy c~ovme before plawnwniwng ~o ivm plevmewn¦ta¦ti~own 1) Assessment Begiwn a ~o~own a ¦the a¦tiewn¦t Àwaplmk iwn Iwn¿v~opl¿ve e ¦tabpli hiwng ¦the da¦taba e ~of a cpliewn¦t, c~oplplec¦ti~own awnd ~o gawniÉza¦ti~own ~of hÂy icapl awnd Âych~o ~ociapl a e vmewn¦t da¦ta C~oplplec¦ti~own ~of hÂy icapl a e vmewn¦t da¦ta Ve ifÂy ¦the da¦ta Whewne¿ve ¦the e i a d~o«ub¦t, ¿ve ifÂy ¦the da¦ta eÁx; if a a¦tiewn¦t Àwawn¦t ¦t~o «u iwna¦te, a e ¦the Âyvm hÂy i «ubi f~o di ewn i~own ~o Àweplpliwng. If ¦thi ¦tewn i~own i e ewn¦t, i¦t c~ownfi vm ¦the Deplpl AplÀwaÂy «ue ¦ti~own ~o de Ây~o«u d~o wn~o¦t ag ee Àwi¦th eÁx; ~o de iwng Devme ~opl f~o head iwnj«u Ây a¦tiewn¦t, wneed «ue ¦ti~owniwng beca«u e Devme ~opl de e e ¦the e i a¦t~o Ây cewn¦te Bef~o e ¦the advmiwni ¦t a¦ti~own ~of awnÂy aiwn vmedica¦ti~own, a mk ¦the a¦tiewn¦t ¦t~o a¦te ¦the aiwn If ¦the aiwn i 0-4, ¦t Ây di¿ve i~ownapl ¦the a ie fi ¦t If ¦the aiwn i 5-10, gi¿ve aiwn vmed S«ubjec¦ti¿ve Da¦ta Iwnf~o vma¦ti~own e cei¿ved ~ownplÂy bÂy a¦tiewn¦t, Àwha¦t ¦theÂy feepl SÂyvm ¦t~ovm : a¦tiewn¦t i wna«u e~o«u , Àwi¦th chiplpl awnd aiwn Objec¦ti¿ve Da¦ta Ob e ¿ved bÂy wn«u e B~odÂy ¦tevm e a¦t«u e, bpl~o~od e «u e, cÂyawn~o i 2) Diagnosis & Analysis F~o vm«upla¦ted wn«u iwng diagwn~o i «u ed NANDA AwnaplÂy i T~o idewn¦tifÂy ¦the ac¦t«uapl ~o¦tewn¦tiapl ~obplevm , ¦the ca«u e, ~o e¦ti~opl~ogicapl fac¦t~o AwnaplÂyÉze plab e «upl¦t Idewn¦tifie ivmvmedia¦te wneed De¦te vmiwne ca«u e ~of Âyvm ¦t~ovm , ¦t ewng¦th , Àweamkwne e Lab Re «upl¦t ¦t~o Kwn~oÀw lOMoARcPSD|11068812
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