World of Chemistry, 3rd edition - 3rd Edition - by Steven S. Zumdahl, Susan L. Zumdahl, Donald J. DeCoste - ISBN 9781133109655

World of Chemistry, 3rd edition
3rd Edition
Steven S. Zumdahl, Susan L. Zumdahl, Donald J. DeCoste
Publisher: Brooks / Cole / Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9781133109655

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Browse All Chapters of This Textbook

Chapter 3.2 - Atoms And CompoundsChapter 3.3 - Atomic StructureChapter 3.4 - Using The Periodic TableChapter 3.5 - Ions And Their CompoundsChapter 4 - NomenclatureChapter 4.1 - Naming Binary CompoundsChapter 4.2 - Naming And Writing Formulas For More Complex CompoundsChapter 5 - Measurements And CalculationsChapter 5.1 - Scientific Notation And UnitsChapter 5.2 - Uncertainty In Measurement And Significant FiguresChapter 5.3 - Problem Solving And Unit ConversionsChapter 6 - Chemical CompositionChapter 6.1 - Atoms And MolesChapter 6.2 - Molar Mass And Percent CompositionChapter 6.3 - Formulas Of CompoundsChapter 7 - Chemical Reactions: An IntroductionChapter 7.1 - Evidence For A Chemical ReactionChapter 7.2 - Chemical EquationsChapter 7.3 - Balancing Chemical EquationsChapter 8 - Reactions In Aqueous SolutionsChapter 8.1 - Understanding Reactions In Aqueous SolutionsChapter 8.2 - Other Reactions In Aqueous SolutionsChapter 8.3 - Classifying ReactionsChapter 9 - Chemical QuantitiesChapter 9.1 - Using Chemical EquationsChapter 9.2 - Using Chemical Equations To Calculate MassChapter 9.3 - Limiting Reactants And Percent YieldChapter 10 - EnergyChapter 10.1 - Energy, Temperature, And HeatChapter 10.2 - The Flow Of EnergyChapter 10.3 - Energy And Chemical ReactionsChapter 10.4 - Using Energy In The Real WorldChapter 11 - Modern Atomic TheoryChapter 11.1 - Atoms And EnergyChapter 11.2 - The Hydrogen AtomChapter 11.3 - Atomic OrbitalsChapter 11.4 - Electron Configurations And Atomic PropertiesChapter 12 - Chemical BondingChapter 12.1 - Characteristics Of Chemical BondsChapter 12.2 - Characteristics Of Ions And Ionic CompoundsChapter 12.3 - Lewis StructuresChapter 12.4 - Structures Of MoleculesChapter 13 - GasesChapter 13.1 - Describing The Properties Of GasesChapter 13.2 - Using Gas Laws To Solve ProblemsChapter 13.3 - Using A Model To Describe GasesChapter 14 - Liquids And SolidsChapter 14.1 - Intermolecular Forces And Phase ChangesChapter 14.2 - Vapor Pressure And Boiling PointChapter 14.3 - Properties Of SolidsChapter 15 - SolutionsChapter 15.1 - Forming SolutionsChapter 15.2 - Describing Solution CompositionChapter 15.3 - Properties Of SolutionsChapter 16 - Acids And BasesChapter 16.1 - Properties Of Acids And BasesChapter 16.2 - Determining The Acidity Of A SolutionChapter 16.3 - Titrations And BuffersChapter 17 - EquilibriumChapter 17.1 - Reaction Rates And EquilibriumChapter 17.2 - Characteristics Of EquilibriumChapter 17.3 - Application Of EquilibriaChapter 18 - Oxidation–reduction Reactions And ElectrochemistryChapter 18.1 - Electron Transfer ReactionsChapter 18.2 - Balancing Oxidation– Reduction ReactionsChapter 18.3 - Electrochemistry And Its ApplicationsChapter 19 - Radioactivity And Nuclear EnergyChapter 19.1 - RadioactivityChapter 19.2 - Application Of RadioactivityChapter 19.3 - Using The Nucleus As A Source Of EnergyChapter 20 - Organic ChemistryChapter 20.1 - Saturated HydrocarbonsChapter 20.2 - Unsaturated HydrocarbonsChapter 20.3 - Introduction To Functional Groups And AlcoholsChapter 20.4 - Additional Organic CompoundsChapter 21 - BiochemistryChapter 21.1 - Introduction To ProteinsChapter 21.2 - Carbohydrates, Nucleic Acids, And Lipids

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Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

World of Chemistry
7th Edition
ISBN: 9780618562763

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