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May 7, 2024





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MKT101 TUTORIAL 1 (CHAPTERS 1, 2) True or False 1. Marketing is managing profitable customer relationships. Profitable customer relationship is a business objective. In a company, who can help in making sure that the customer relationship is positively? The marketing department. That is why marketing is managing. Market department is help to come out with plan and strategy to maintain relationship. T 2. The difference between human needs and wants is that needs are not created by marketers. wants are created by marketers, need created by our own T 3. A market is the set of actual and potential 潜在 buyers of a product or service. Not everyone have but the milo. you might drink but you stop taking it a few years already. you are the ex-customer or you are stop purchasing but we are all part of the market. T 4. Human needs are shaped by culture and individual personality. want can be shaped by culture and individual personality F 5. Market offerings are limited to physical products. services as well F 6. Market segmentation is the process of seeking fewer customers and reduced demand for profit maximization only. Segmentation is to categorize individual based on their similarity F 7. A mission statement is a document embodying an organization's short-term goals. overall purpose, it refer to direction of company in long term F 8. "At Joe's Diner, we serve great burgers" is a product-oriented business definition. burger restaurant so that is a product oriented business, it has mention their product T 9. On the BCG matrix, "question marks" are high-growth, high-share businesses or products. star F 10. To succeed in today's competitive marketplace, companies must be product- centered. should be customer centered F 11. The marketing mix consists of people, property, planning, and position. product, price, promotion and place F 12. Customer engagement and value are the key ingredients in the marketer's formula for success. means that the brand has to interact with their customer, if customer has complain or feedback, the brand will follow T Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which of the following is NOT an accurate description of modern marketing? A) Marketing is the creation of value for customers. B) Marketing involves managing profitable customer relationships. C) Marketing emphasizes selling and advertising exclusively. Under promotion and promotion is just a part of 4P D) Marketing involves satisfying customers' needs. E) Marketing is building value-laden exchange relationships with customers. 2. Needs include all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) food B) knowledge C) affection D) the newest iphone demand, want E) belonging
3. Which of the following terms refers to sellers being preoccupied with their own products and losing sight of underlying consumer needs? A) vendor lock-in B) social loafing C) value proposition D) Marketing myopia 营销近视 , 没有远见 E) Conspicuous consumption 4. When are sellers most effective? A) when they focus more on their specific products and services B) when they focus more on the price of their products and services C) when they focus more on the benefits and experiences produced by their products and services customer experience (CX) D) when they focus more on where their products and services can be purchased E) when they focus more on cost to produce the product or service 5. Dividing the market into various groups of customers that a company may serve is called ________. A) market segmentation B) positioning C) customization D) target marketing E) differentiation 6. Selecting which segments of a population to serve is called ________. A) market segmentation B) positioning C) customization D) target marketing E) differentiation 7. Which of the following statements is true of the production concept? A) It considers customer focus and value to be the paths to sales and profits. B) It follows the customer-centered sense-and-respond philosophy. C) It takes an outside-in perspective. D) It calls for sustainable marketing. E) It leads to companies focusing too narrowly on their own operations. company will focus a lot in producing as much as possible so that they can deliver it and making sure it is available in every corner in the country like toilet paper, stationeries, soft drink, newspaper 8. Which of the following statements is true of the selling concept? A) It requires minimum promotion efforts. B) It creates long-term, profitable customer relationships. C) It takes an outside-in perspective. D) It is typically practiced with unsought goods (customer will not plan to buy unless there are sales people approaching us or unless we see some advertisement or maybe the company invests a lot in sales and marketing like insurance, gym membership, golf membership). E) It follows the customer-centered sense-and-respond philosophy.
9. Which of the following marketing orientations holds that achieving organizational goals depends on knowing t he needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions better than competitors do? A) the product concept B) the production concept C) the selling concept D) the marketing concept like coca cola, why it can stand in the top of many soft drink because they do well in marketing concept E) the societal marketing concept Companies or product, they can actually have more than one of the five concepts. For example, uniqlo they first do well in marketing concepts. In addition to that, they also trying to fulfill the societal marketing concepts. Some uniqlo shop actually take in the old clothing or they will also do some donation. 10. Digital technology allows companies to reach out to customers in numerous ways. Which of the following is NOT the purpose of a company reaching out using digital and social media? A) solving consumer problems B) building customer relationships C) helping customers shop D) providing product information E) working with suppliers use procurement 11. Mission statements should be ________. it is a direction or image of the company. So that they not only showing to the customers or anyone in the public but also stuff A) meaningful and specific yet motivating B) technology oriented C) written solely for public relations purposes D) focused on increasing sales or profits E) strictly product oriented 12. Within a company, who is most likely to perform strategic planning? A) the president and vice presidents B) the accounting and finance departments C) the marketing and sales departments D) cross-functional teams of divisional managers close to their markets planning is for the whole organization, so that all the department have to come out and plan together E) the manufacturing and production departments 13. Which of the following is true with regard to cash cows? A) They are high-growth, high-share businesses or products. B) They can be used to help finance the company's question marks and stars. C) They require significant cash to maintain market share. D) They are low-share businesses and products. E) They do not promise to be large sources of cash.
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