
2.3 The Physiological Effects On Employee Performance..

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2.3 The Physiological Effects on Employee Performance.
Over the last two decades, many studies have been done on the psychological and physiological effects of motivation. Medical and scientific professionals who focus on the areas of neurology, biology and similar science branches have carried out these studies in an effort to help people suffering from the effects of low self-esteem, severe depression, and even Extreme levels of anxiety. In this article, we will explore the psychological and physiological effects of motivation. "Although our society is largely extrinsically-motivated by external rewards such as money, fame and power, research has indicated those who are intrinsically motivated by inner desires for creativity, …show more content…

The Power of Motivation
Motivation is a powerful driving force that we all have to some degree. We put the motivation to work on a daily basis. It is an essential key to basic survival - psychologically and physiologically. Motivation is the impulse, obsession, or pure desire to achieve specific goals in our life. For that motivation to be effective in our lives, the energy that each of us has to work together in an effort to put the power behind motivation. Motivation moves us, strengthens us, places us exactly where we want and we must be in life. If the motivation that experience is positive, we are able to optimize our physical and mental health in general.
People who lack sufficient or the right kind of motivation often experience a number of complications in their life. These complications may include negative emotions, lack of self-esteem, frustration, dissatisfaction with life, and even depression. In addition to this, physical symptoms and issues such as a rise in blood pressure, stress in the body and even ulcers can be effects that linger around individual motivation. If you want to optimize your health, it is important to understand the role of motivation in regards to the physiological and psychological aspects of who we are.
2.4 Problems that lead to unmotivated Employees:
Maybe you have heard the old saying

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