
2 Core Values Paper

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Assignment: 2 Core Values All organizations should have core values along with a vision in order the organization or the church to function well and to succeed. Usually most organizations or churches has guidelines which specify their core values. Core values are very important because they are the guiding principles of an organization or church. These core values assist in facilitating the leader’s ideas. In fact leadership is a product of core valves. A leader, leads according his or her valves. This paper will discuss core valves and how cores effect an organization, especially the Church. The core values of my church organization are the followings:

1. Respect for self and then you can respect others values and beliefs and respect …show more content…

Wisdom a leader that has a vision and the courage to execute this vision. In my organization the leader serves in the community, serves on state wide committees, and pastors two churches, and also organized sixty ministries.
6. Humility the leader is humble and exemplifies dignity towards others. The leader is cognitive of other limitations as well valuing the perspectives of others.

Critique of my organization values A critique of my organization values reveals an organization whose leader is focused on following the guideline of the scriptures and follows the mission statement. The organization exhibits respect for others, integrity, authenticity, service, wisdom, and humility. In fact the leader practices what Farber – Robertson writes “action science is about hating the sin and loving the sinner”. The organization has an effective leader that is described by Robert Clinton “one’s life that is guided by God”.

I would remind the congregation of the church values and the mission during meeting, and have a copy of the core values and practices these values when interacting with the congregation as well as the community. I will try to be flexible, but as leader be consistent. Also be a role model for

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