Assignment: 2 Core Values All organizations should have core values along with a vision in order the organization or the church to function well and to succeed. Usually most organizations or churches has guidelines which specify their core values. Core values are very important because they are the guiding principles of an organization or church. These core values assist in facilitating the leader’s ideas. In fact leadership is a product of core valves. A leader, leads according his or her valves. This paper will discuss core valves and how cores effect an organization, especially the Church. The core values of my church organization are the followings:
1. Respect for self and then you can respect others values and beliefs and respect
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Wisdom a leader that has a vision and the courage to execute this vision. In my organization the leader serves in the community, serves on state wide committees, and pastors two churches, and also organized sixty ministries.
6. Humility the leader is humble and exemplifies dignity towards others. The leader is cognitive of other limitations as well valuing the perspectives of others.
Critique of my organization values A critique of my organization values reveals an organization whose leader is focused on following the guideline of the scriptures and follows the mission statement. The organization exhibits respect for others, integrity, authenticity, service, wisdom, and humility. In fact the leader practices what Farber – Robertson writes “action science is about hating the sin and loving the sinner”. The organization has an effective leader that is described by Robert Clinton “one’s life that is guided by God”.
I would remind the congregation of the church values and the mission during meeting, and have a copy of the core values and practices these values when interacting with the congregation as well as the community. I will try to be flexible, but as leader be consistent. Also be a role model for
Of humanity, we aim to educate and uplift our present condition and restore consciousness to a higher level our values consist of honesty integrity and loyalty. All of these values will be used to ascend and enhance and build confidence. Each of these values wills foundation. Leadership is essential and key to promote growth within our congregation the foundation will be embarking on principles that will encourage higher learning and establish discipline for a learning environment manifest great minds that produce great
Identify some core values of this organization as best as you can. What do they believe in (beyond organizational success or profitability)? How might their revealing these values to customers and employees create opportunities to exceed expectations? How can they translate core values into actions to produce A-plus value, thus strengthening relationships?
Setting your priorities is discussed, the leadership style of Jesus is examined, commitment to the task is next discussed, followed by the need of virtues, skills are next surveyed, each with its own chapter (31-133). Bredfeldt finishes out the book by discussing change, values, vision, venture, and virtues the four paradigms of leadership. Placing the context within the four basic churches follows and he closes with the challenge to stay the course, pointing out the difficulties involved in what seems to be an easy task (135-201). In this book Bredfeldt takes many of the common leadership principles, Christian and secular, and applies them to the task of effective leadership in the church, by examining them in detail and applying them in the proper context, using many real-world
The purpose of this paper is to perform a compare and contrast of the leadership values of Jesus and The Apostles and Gore & Associates Inc. and to outline similarities and differences between their organizational origins, their organizational approaches toward culture building and their leadership methodology.
A leader is someone that others look to for guidance and instruction. He must be dependable and trustworthy. No one wants to follow someone who can’t get a job done, or someone who twists the truth. This falls in with the core value of integrity; he must be just. Even the most dependable leader can be dreaded if he fails to treat his followers with equality and respect. A good leader will make sure his team knows what they are supposed to be doing, but a great leader will also take the time to serve his followers and show them the proper way to conduct themselves. This
A sentiment common to almost any organization is that the one fact that remains constant is change. As society changes, and human understanding grows, any organization that maintains a static posture, assures its demise. Churches and Christian organizations are no exception. The gospel may remain the same, but the method for communicating it must speak to the audience to assure understanding. The Christian leader must be prepared to meet this challenge by incorporating an effective model for change into his theology of leadership in order to keep the ministry relevant and effective. Searching for such a change agent can prove to be challenging as well. To aid in this search, four
Wisdom. Wisdom can be defined as the ability to take the right action at the right time (Admad, Salleh, Awang, & Mohamad, 2013). While there is a multitude of traits that can characterize wise leadership, one that is paramount to a leader’s success is wisdom. According to Dees (2013), courage can easily turn into folly without proper wisdom. Wise leaders make informed decisions while weighing their options. Additionally, a wise leader understands that the growth component of wisdom is continual over one’s
Kouzes and Posner (2012) beliefs in leadership are that it is “value-based with a foundation of credibility”. In addition to the 10 Caritas, Kouzes and Posner (2012) five practices have been incorporated into the leadership culture at Wake Forest Baptist Health. Their message is that mastery of leadership requires
The second of the core values is duty. Duty is more than that of doing your single job it is making sure that everyone on
According to Fischer (n.d), one of the easiest ways to apply biblical principles in an organization is to make a covenant. Hence the idea is expressed by you putting a personal and professional unifying contract with God. Furthermore, we need to trust in the Lord to provide the guidance and wisdom that we need daily. “And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not” (Isaiah 58:11, KJV). It is easy to get distracted and
2. Leaders and followers of a group tend to have the same goal, but different roles in reaching their goals. The first principle that has really stuck with me is the concept of “authentic leadership” from the article provided to us. The authors discuss how it is becoming more common for followers to distrust their leaders, due to a lack and practice of core values, passion, and relationships by the leaders themselves (Smith et al 130). This stuck out, because in the past, I have been very goal-minded which has decreased my effectiveness. In order for leaders to be effective with their group they must become a more authentic person and leader meaning that they must: “know themselves, practice their values, balance motivations, support the team, stay grounded, and empower others” (Smith et al 133-138). I plan to apply all of these things to my leadership practices in order
Rowan University’s five core values of the first-year writing program are something that is unfamiliar to me. Although I have completed my intensive college composition 1 class last semester we never went over this information in the course. After reviewing many of the core values I can still see how they can relate to my past experiences with other classes I may have taken. This semester I hope to use this as a prompt to guide me whenever I am writing to ensure that my essays’ are well written.
In the opening chapter of the book entitled, “The Leader’s Challenge,” the authors show an understanding of the challenges leaders face along with laying out the case for the need to address the issue. Christians who are leading secular businesses face the challenge of trying to be faithful to their convictions while their leadership team’s goal may be to simply make money at any cost. Church leaders face the challenge of trying to lead everyone to the same purpose and goals for the church.
An organization guided by Christian principles will build a structural solid foundation. As a follower of Christ, “communication” is [essentially] required to fulfill the responsibility of advocating Christianity. In a business setting the benefit of applying Christian values to provide guidance that will affirm the foundations of an organization. The philosophy of promoting growth and sustainability with any establishment is to follow the organization's vision and mission. Smith (2011) expresses the importance of fulfilling one’s purpose with God by building interpersonal relationships, “Indeed we can only hope to fulfill our vocations if we learn the grace and strength of working with others in
Participating in the course Foundations of Organizational Leadership presented many opportunities to enhance and enrich my perspective on leadership as well as develop my own unique leadership philosophy. By observing the theories, models and cases presented in Northouse, Kouzes and Posner textbooks, I was able to learn through the experience of others what a true leader should represent. While considering the strengths and weaknesses of each theory, I am able to implement a leadership style with an effective approach tailored to many different types of learners. In addition, witnessing both the triumphs and failures of various businesses and leadership styles, helped me confirm my personal stance and aspirations towards becoming a leader. By implementing what I have learned from the course and textbooks, I will address in this paper what specific leadership theories, styles and models have contributed to forming my own leadership philosophy. In addition, I will also define the values, qualities, strengths and weaknesses and ethical considerations that pertain to my stance on leadership. By integrating a faith based approach as the foundation of my leadership style, I hope to implement my new philosophy into my current and future career path.