
A Issue For The Older Person With Fracture Trauma

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This assignment will critically discuss a pertinent issue for the older person with fracture trauma. It will aim to explore the mortality rate and clinical outcomes of neck of femur fractures in the older person. It will look at information from the National Hip Fracture Database (NHFD) and the Fracture Outcome Research Database (FORD) while also looking at the best evidence based practice in accordance with the National Institute for health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines, the British Geriatric Society (BGS) and the British Orthopaedic Associations (BOA) blue book standards. It will also compare the current statistics in Northern Ireland with the rest of the United Kingdom.
The National Hip Fracture Database is the largest and …show more content…

Its figures showed approximately 70,000 to 75,000 hip fractures occur each year which costs the NHS £2 billion per year including social and medical input. Within one month about 10% of all neck of femur fractures die, however these deaths are more commonly associated with pre-existing health conditions as opposed to being as a result of the fracture itself.
Bretherton and Parker (2014) have given evidence that suggests that approximately 200 elderly patients sustain a hip fracture per day in England and Wales. The rate of 30 day mortality which is associated with this injury is 8.2%. Travis et al, (2014) found that in 1990, the global number of hip fractures reported were 1.3 million, it is estimated that this could increase to 21 million by 2050. Neck of femur fractures are considered the most common cause of injury related death. In 2006, roughly 330,000 patients sustained neck of femur fractures. (Shields et Kates 2014). It is found that neck of femur fractures are the most common occurring fractures in the older patient. Hershkovitz et al (2010) highlight how it is the most common traumatic event in the elderly and may lead to significant mortality. A study carried out over ten years, between 2001 and 2011 using data from the National Health Service (NHS) in England, showed a 15.5% increase in hospital admissions

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