
A Journey of Mobile Number Portable Since Inauguration of 2011

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Did you recently get relocated to a new state? And, did you have to follow the painful procedure of switching to a new number, letting everyone know you are using a different number and yet feel fidgety that your old number might be getting missed call alerts and important messages? With the recent TRAI directive to the Telecom companies to implement full MNP by April 2014, this could be one lesser thing on your plate for your future relocations.
Until 2010, changing service providers was something most customers shuddered at the thought of. The accompanying change of number would change the customer’s social interaction for a long time after that. In 2011 though, Mobile Number Portability (MNP) was implemented after a trial run in Haryana. This decision followed 70 other nations, and was a need for the masses for a very long time. It is still better late than never.
Under MNP, a customer can switch to a different service provider on his/her mobile phone, within 7 days, on paying a fee of Rs. 19. The other nations providing this service did it mostly for free, and within 2 hours of application. Syniverse and Telcordia Technologies were contracted the task of maintenance of database regarding customer transfers.
In the very first year, MNP saw almost 30 million customers using this service. This was below the projections by TRAI, as around 17% of customers had said in polls earlier that they would use this service

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