An estimated of approximately 11% of children from ages 4-17 years of age (6.4 million) has been diagnosed with ADHD as of 2011. Rates of ADHD diagnosis increased an average of 3% per year from 1997 to 2006 and an average of approximately 5% per year from 2003 to 2011. Boys (13.2%) were more likely than girls (5.6%) to have ever been diagnosed with ADHD. The average age of ADHD diagnosis was age 7 years. There are 1 to 3 children on average who have ADHD in every classroom of 30 students. Three to six more boys are diagnosed than girls. 1 in 3 children which is equivalent to 30.7% was diagnosed before the age of 6. According to the CDC national health statistics reports (September 3,2015), 68.0% of children that was diagnosed with ADHD had …show more content…
ADHD is often seen in families, and genes appear to play a role, but other factors may contribute or make symptoms worse. One of the greatest risk factor for ADHD is having an inherited tendency for the condition. Some Environmental exposures such as certain parenting methods, may influence how symptoms of ADHD. have been linked to increased ADHD symptoms, but the evidence has been inconsistent. Knowing more about those factors would help with planning how to decrease the risk for ADHD. National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities funded a comprehensive literature review of studies that investigate a large range of factors that might increase the risk for ADHD. The results will be able to increase the ability of public health professionals to make the most informed decisions and recommendations about potential public health prevention strategies. Some risk factors for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder may include Blood relatives, such as a sibling or parent, with ADHD or another mental health disorder. Mothers smoking during pregnancy, alcohol use or maternal drug use may increase the risk ADHD. Also premature birth and exposure to environmental toxins such as lead, found mainly in paint and pipes in older buildings. Even though sugar is a popular suspect in causing hyperactivity, there's no reliable proof of this. Many issues in childhood can lead to difficulty sustaining attention, but that's not the same as
Analysis of parent-reported data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 2011–2013 found that 10% of children ages 4–17 years were diagnosed with ADHD (Pastor et al. 2015) Boys (13.3%) are twice more affected by ADHD than girls (5.6%)(Pastor et al. 2015). A similar study found that the prevalence rate of ADHD diagnosis increased from 7.0% in 1997–1999 to 10.2% in 2012–2014(ADHD General Prevalence. (2014).
While the cause of ADHD is not exactly clear, there are some different ideas of what could cause or help develop it. Genetics, one’s environment, and the development of the person could all be causes of ADHD(“Mayo Clinic”). ADHD can run in a family, so some people could develop it from their parents and the genes that get passed down from them. If one is exposed to lead, it could heighten the chances of
The main topic of this page is information and statistics pertaining to children that possess the disorder of ADHD. It provided several statistics amongst the boys and girls that have ADHD. It also provided percentages and rates of how many children are diagnosed with the disorder. It revealed that statistically proven boys are more likely to become diagnosed with the disorder than females are. This site also provided statistics ad ratings of the different treatments that children are taking and how many American children received treatment for the disorder in 2011. There was also a percentage representing the children that may have been diagnosed with the disorder but are not receiving any type of treatment for it. There are also facts supporting that parents that may have been diagnosed with the disorder are more likely to reproduce children that suffer from the same disorder opposed to parents who have not been diagnosed or exhibited any behaviors or symptoms of ADHD. It is also quoted that children that have been diagnosed with the disorder may form a issue with maintaining any relationships or friendships amongst their peers. There was also a percentage that supported the fact that the children that suffer from the disorder of ADHD have a higher rate or major injuries and hospital visits compared to the average child. There is also a high economic cost to care and treat children that suffer from this disorder.
This disorder was identified over 100 years ago and was primarily seen as a hyperactivity issue (Curatolo et. al, 2010). This disease affects almost 4-8% of children in the world (Smoot, Boothby, Gillett, 2007). The American Psychiatric Association (2013) estimates this number at a 5% of youth and 2.5% of adults. In the general population, ADHD is more prevalent in males than females at a rate of 2:1 in youth and 1.6:1 in adults, respectively (American Psychiatric Association,
In the article “ADHD Grows Up” by Tim Billkey, Craig Surman & Karen Weintraub, these authors inform us about ADHD throughout the years. ADHD stands for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. This disorder is common in both girls and boys. Three types of ways you can recognize ADHD is trouble paying attention, restlessness, and impulsivity. These symptoms usually occur in the adulthood that can serve with many consequences. These consequences can vary from grades dropping, job opportunities and trouble getting things done. Emotion and expression can have a downfall also, for the reason that people with ADHD have trouble controlling those feelings. This may cause them to push people away or have a poor social life. Reducing
The cause of ADHD is unknown. Many researchers think that ADHD is caused by genetics, brain injuries, sugar and environmental links (Hasan, S. (Ed.). Research have found that certain areas of the brain are about 5 to 10 percent smaller in size and activity in kids with ADHD (Hasan, S. (Ed.). Another study has suggested that children who are exposed to a lot of television and video games at a young age has been linked to ADHD (Hasan, S. (Ed.). Some other researcher have also linked that mothers who smoked or used alcohol doing
Young boys are more diagnosed then young girls because doctors are looking for the average prototype which is young males. Children are given higher dosages of medication with a lack of research from doctors and or parents. Another article "ADHD Over-diagnosed in Youngest Kids in Class." gives statistics on the topic at hand and talks about the effects of the medication given to a wrongly diagnosed child. Children born in December are more likely to have ADHD because they are the youngest in their grade. The medicine given can cause a lack of sleep and cardiovascular disorders in children. Over a million children had an increase in heart issues due per scripted ADHD medicines. Overall the youngest child in class is more likely to be diagnosed with the disorder. The treatment of ADHD varies considerably because there is no founded cure for this disorder. Health care providers continue to claim this disorder can be controlled and managed basically advertising ADHD and the medications just like a
I remember watching old home videos of me and my sister and observing the contrast of our personalities even though she’s older than me by just one year.I specifically remember in one of those old tapes, my sister being loud,talkative and outgoing rambling about a bumblebee and me sitting in a corner attempting to pull the phone cord out of the wall.It was evident that I was the more shy and quiet sister.Around age five is when my character started to bloom due to my exposer and love of dance.
Some major causal variables that have been identified are categorised as neurological factors, toxic reactions, genetic linkages and environmental factors. However, most of the available evidence found, points to neurological factors, which are imbalances of neurotransmitters in the brain, and genetic variables as the primary causes of ADHD. The environmental factors and toxic reactions (such as lead exposure and food additives) are considered very minimal causes of ADHD. The search for causes of ADHD continues. There are many variables which are biological or thought to have an affect on biological functioning.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) seems to be the affliction of this generation of children. It seems more prevalent every year. However, diagnosis criteria for ADHD is so subjective, what qualifies, who qualifies? There is no specific clinical cause for ADHD but it obviously exists. So many questions remain to be answered about ADHD. Are more children really being diagnosed with ADHD annually and is it really on the rise as it appears? Are too many children being wrongly diagnosed with ADHD as an easy way out because of other behavioral problems? And when ADHD is properly diagnosed are we overmedicating our children to make it easier for parents and teachers to cope? How often are other afflictions
The study titled “Illicit use of Prescription ADHD Medications on College campuses, by DeSantis, Webb, & Noar, (2008) from the Journal of American College Health,” is both quantitative and qualitative in design, because the authors used mass surveys to gather statistics and in-depth interviews to collect personal information.
Therapy of some sort can be another good benefit. But, and I can’t stress this enough, find a doctor, or therapist that really understands the condition. All too often we can find ourselves thrust into a medicated state, when all we needed at the time was some help structuring our daily lives. In making that statement, does it mean that I’m anti-medication? No, but I’ll talk about medication later on in this paper. Finding a person, whether it be a Doctor or Therapist that truly understands the condition can be a very uplifting event. Knowing that someone understands what you’re feeling and understands your frustrations and is willing to help, can pull the struggling ADHD adult up from the chaotic, frustrating, and overwhelming “floor” that they may currently be on their mind.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is an everyday affliction for many adolescents in this day and age. According to, in 2011 almost 11% of children between the ages of four and seventeen had been diagnosed with ADHD. That equates to 6.4 million young people in the united states living with the disorder. Increasing rates of diagnosis grow yearly, with an average of 5% of children being diagnosed annually in between 2003 and 2011. Boys are more than twice as likely as girls to be diagnosed as having ADHD. Girls with the disorder may not show signs of hyperactivity, but may be quietly inattentive, which could be a factor in the higher diagnosis for boys. For a diagnosis of ADHD, a child must show symptoms before they turn twelve years old. Most children are diagnosed with the disorder around the age of seven. Some
The increase of ADHD is a trend because it has been occurring for several years. ADHD is one of the most well – known neurodevelopmental disorders Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), (2016). The possible consequences of the increase of ADHD is that the ADHD diagnosis will continue to rise, patients will not receive proper care, and ADHD diagnosis and medication will be overused. According to Gordon, J (2013) a study from the state of California showed the diagnosis of ADHD increased by twenty-four percent between the years 2001 and 2011. The awareness of ADHD may have contributed to increasing of ADHD diagnosis in the United States. Many doctors and physicians have noticed the rise in ADHD diagnosis occurring over the past several years. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discovered in their data that parent-reported cases of ADHD led to the increase by 22 percent between the years 2003 and 2007 Gordon, J
According to the research conducted by Dr. Laura A. King, the Frederick A. Middlebush Professor of Psychological Sciences at the University of Missouri, Columbia, “ADHD is one of the most commonly diagnosed neurobehavioral disorders of childhood, in which individuals show at least one of the following: impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattention.”