
Aetn The Importance Of Communication In The Workplace

Satisfactory Essays

Communication is very important to have in our everyday life. Without communication, there would be no relationships among people. When having a meeting of any sort, communication is the most effective way to get your thoughts and ideas across to people. I want to provide an observation of a meeting that I attended, where communication within the group was evaluated. The meeting I attended was with 4 attendees were discussing a product that is currently being used by our company. The meeting consists of Steve and Lee who work for Aetna, along with Brenda and Elaine who work for BASF. The guys from Aetna wanted to discuss the services they provide and what they have planned for the future. Brenda and Elaine work for BASF and uses the services of Aetna to process disability leaves. The meeting lasted about 2 hours. Attendees Number of Times Speaking …show more content…

Everyone is giving equal time and opportunity to speak. This shows how everyone is being respectful to their peers and everyone is on the same level. I also see that everyone is engaged in what is being told to them and they are eager to hear more. The type of meeting that was going on did not need anyone to dominant at any time. The communication pattern established is one that is all involved are there for one common goal. The goal is to discuss the services provided, whether it is a success or what can be improved. If this meeting were to go in a different direction, the implications could have been a disaster. If it were just one person talking the entire meeting, then you tend to lose the people you are addressing. If you the tone of your voice is low and dragging this would cause people to fall asleep or even lose focus. The good thing was this meeting was very interactive. There was graphs and charts. The handout was colorful and bright. The information provided was not overwhelming and it was easy to

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