
Alluvus Paid Media Strategy

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Paid Media Strategy, Recommendation for Placement of Advertising
The media landscape for legislators and their influencers is changing daily. Technological advancements, proliferation of media, and available channels for communication have forever altered the way Congressional members, and those that influence them, share and receive information. Gone are the days of positioning an ad in Roll Call to drive visibility. Today a brand must design compelling content, and then ensure that it reaches its intended audience.
This is the theory behind Alluvus’ P.O.E.M recommendation. On AGA’s behalf Alluvus will design paid media campaign, where advertising is not used merely intended to push out ads, but to draw consumer/audience attention to your …show more content…

Key learnings will be applied across all disciplines every day. There must be a dynamic flow of information in which each element is informed constantly by the others.
Across all of AGA’s paid, owned and earned platforms, your paid media team at Alluvus will ensure that your outreach:
• Utilizes as many communication vehicles at your disposal as possible in order to reach your audience throughout their day;
• Keeps your message fresh and consistent;
• Employs enough frequency to break through the extraordinarily cluttered landscape; and
• Measures the success of your messages and media often, and then optimizes and refreshes your campaign.
Paid Media Recommendation. AGA’s website and digital content is the heartbeat of its effort, and provides rich access to information related to natural gas. For this reason (coupled with media efficiency), AGA’s paid media efforts will be concentrated into digital tools that can make this content discoverable by legislators, regulators, policy makers and their staff. Specifically, the tools will include:
• Desktop/Mobile display media: including banner and text ads on political trade sites/apps, digital ad networks and within industry trade …show more content…

Paid Media Measurement
All the money and effort invested in your outreach is wasted if the right messages are not reaching (and resonating) with the right people, so ongoing measurement is critical. As a function of the P.O.E.M approach, the media campaign will provide insights that inform the entire marketing outreach. The buy will also be aggressively optimized toward those elements that generate efficient awareness, and that build actionable relationships. Optimizations are never completed, however, and the campaign may appear quite different upon conclusion than it did when it began.
Importantly, we will work with AGA to identify short-term, mid-point and long-term goals that show progress toward awareness, trust and (as desired) advocacy. And we will set up measurable milestones that indicate movement along the trajectory. At a minimum, we envision:
• Bi-weekly reports that provide high-level digital performance and any meaningful learnings;
• Monthly analyses that detail outcomes make strategic recommendations for ongoing message

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