
Amylase Temperature

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This experiment was performed to demonstrate how varying temperatures affects the activity of the enzyme, amylase. Also, it was conducted to determine the optimal temperature for the fungal, Aspergillus oryzae, and bacterial amylases by placing them both into different test tubes with differing temperature conditions. At varying time intervals, both enzymes were removed from their assigned temperatures. A drop of each enzyme will then be placed on two different spot plates with a pipette. All the wells on the spot plates contain three drops of iodine to clearly show whether a reaction has taken place. The pipette was used to mix the iodine with the starch enzyme to organize the levels of starch catabolism based on temperature. At the end of …show more content…

Amylase is the enzyme that catabolizes starch polymers into maltose which is a saccharide, or sugar, used as a food source and to store energy. In addition, both starch and amylase are essential in the commercial production of syrups, other food products and brewing processes (Alberte, Pitzer, Calero, 2012). Although, it is important to know the optimal temperatures of both enzymes, it is also important to know that this is not the only factors that affects the activity of the enzymes. Substrate concentration, salt concentration, and pH level are affect enzymatic activity. The presence of inhibitors, or molecules that bind to an enzyme decrease its activity, while activators increase enzymatic activity. If the temperature of an enzyme is greater than the optimal temperature, the active site of that enzyme denatures. In other words, it changes shape, which will prevent substrate binding. Without the substrate binding, the enzyme will not be able to carry out its normal functions and this can lead to a deficiency of an enzyme. In this case, if there were insufficient amylase in human body, it can cause cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, or Crohn’s

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