
Animal Testing Satire

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Animal Testing
Every year the united States spend between $12 billion to $14.5 billion on animal testing. Many sciencetifics have been getting so used to harming monkeys, mice, dogs, that now they don’t even hear the animals cry or feel their bones when cutting them or taring them apart. Preventing animal testing could prevent side effects on humans, decrease animal death, and help humans by having an animal as a pet to protect them from danger physically but not killing their pets.
Side effects on humans has become a major problem with animal testing. Studies by now have proven that some medication that are done with animal testing would work great on the animals but would failed on humans. 79% of doctors have stated that some side effects on humans cannot be curable. According to Animal Aid “Thousands of chimpanzees have been used in be curable. Useless experiments to find a cure for …show more content…

Imagine if one day puppies were gone for the reason that dogs are killed in laboratories so no more puppies are left. Kids enjoy having pets, they play with them, they became best friends with them, Kids are kids they need a pet to be happy no matter what kind of pet they have they love their pet so much. The government don’t see this, they just see human’s health which it’s important but happiness is the best health care a human should have. Being happy, being able to laugh and smile is now tactically notify that is the best medication to cured health problems. Animals are children happiness, not just children’s but for adults as well. Another way to see it is some adults can’t have kids so they have dogs as their kids. Humans share love to their pets as well not just because animals can’t speak doesn’t mean humans are allowed to killed them and hurt them without even treating the animals. If the unites states prevent animal testing it would increase preventing humans stress and cause more smiles and laughs on

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