
Assessment Task 1: Australian Hardware

Satisfactory Essays

Assessment Task 1 I. Review and familiarize yourself with Australian Hardware general business information in Appendix 1  Rufus and Emma Belcastran is on behalf of the CEO, the Australian Hardware has received huge profits and has more successful in the global businesses. However, in regarding to the industry has been falling in the last 3 months. Thus, the company has started to solve with the issues and has evaluated the business performance to classify the specific areas have to improve and found the right solutions. In addition, the valuation of business performance will be covered whole supplies of the firm with the accurate data and have developed the future development. II. Review and evaluate business performance data and information in Appendix 2  The business performance in sales categories and stores has been plunged last 6 months. Furthermore, the hardware goods sales has dropped when has …show more content…

Gather, organize and evaluate the data and information provided in the appendices to identify and analyze Australian Hardware potential business problem(s) or issues(s)  In order to collect, establish and assess the information and data which had been offered in the appendices Australian Hardware Products for the company, I already added the results in the report. VI. Test the validity and reliability of data and information you’ve used to identify and analyze the potential business problem(s) or issue(s) in Step 6. Check sources of information provided and their credibility and reliability. Determine if any are ambiguous or contradictory.  Based on my research on Australian Hardware’s business information, which has provided in Step 6. I am essentially certify that those data have adequate authorized to use in this research. VII. Choose one or the business problem(s) or issues(s) you discovered in Step 6. Identify types and sources of information required to determine appropriate courses of action and support decision makers for your selected issue or

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