The idea of American high school students being compelled to wear uniforms while attending school is very contentious. The role of uniforms in the lives of a student is a very difficult topic to approach. The school authorities have been at an impasse when the decision whether students should wear uniforms is brought up. Uniforms for high school students are purposefully designed to identify a child as a student to a particular school. A single unique design of garments will play the part of the uniforms. The fact of the matter is uniforms are quite debatable when it comes to assessing its importance for high school students. The idea may be quite unpopular in some quarters especially on the part of the students. The subject needs to be addressed as soon as possible to ascertain the implications of implementing such an ambitious plan.School uniforms are exceedingly beneficial for American high school students.
Benefits of School Uniforms for American High School Students School uniforms are designed and chosen to be similar throughout for each and every student thus promoting equality. The idea is rooted on a principle that every student should dress in a similar fashion as his or her schoolmates. It means that every student will have the same all-round look for the duration spent in school. A school is expected to comprise of diverse variety of students population variety. This means there are disparities in the social and economic history of each students. A school
For quite some time now there has been an ongoing discussion about students wearing school uniforms in public schools. Is students in the public-school system play a major role on them academically? Is making the students wear uniforms unfair or does it show equality? What image does it set for the schools that do have a uniform policy? Over the last few decades, the schools, parents, and students have had a debatable issue over the uniform matter.
Much of the current school uniform policy literature offers descriptions of potential strategies to achieve successful school uniform implementation. After reviewing all literature, the finding provide some support on school uniform policy and student achievement. Survey No.1, student survey indicated that combined with both schools, more girls participated in the study than boys. The results were very similar in both school results that most males and females did not agree with the uniform policy. Specifically more females, one hundred and seventy eight females overall did not agree. Students indicated that they totally disagreed with the school uniform policy because of their identity restrictions, which the school have enforce on them.
Uniforms have been used for centuries for things like sports, military affairs, and to help identify someone that is affiliated with a group or an organization. One place they should not be used is in public schools. In this day in age uniforms are still being argued and could still appear is school around the country causing problems. When I was in middle school I had uniforms for about four years and it made me hate school even more. None of the benefits that administration said we would get from uniforms ever materialized. They said it would put an end to bullying and we would still have some kind of freedom when it came to picking accessories. The uniforms were costly for my parents and as a student it made it hard for me to express myself. With that being said middle school students should not be required to wear school uniforms.
The history of school uniforms in the United States public schools begins with small underprivileged school of Cherry Hill Elementary in Maryland and the domino effect that happened soon after in the years after. The popularity of school uniforms can greatly be credited to the Long Beach, California study and President Bill Clinton’s speech on the topic. At first, school uniforms were only for the private or Catholic private schools however the school uniform trend spread to other public schools to adopt the “preppy look” and success. This has now set new standard for the United States school system. A brief history of school uniforms will give a significant insight on the growing development that is transforming American schools.
Does it really matter if students dress the same, or different at school? As a matter of fact, this has been a debatable topic when school uniforms are mentioned. Furthermore, in the majority of public schools, students do not have to wear uniforms. Moreover, in the majority of the private schools, students have to wear uniforms. In addition, what would happen if uniforms in a public school were required? Uniforms mean that every student in the school would be wearing the same clothing item. Of course, many parents and students are fond of this idea, however, many are opposed to school uniforms. In this journal entry, we will be looking at why schools should have uniforms, and why they shouldn't have uniforms.
School uniforms have been debated in the public school system for what seem like fifty years. Understand the constructive views that most administrations envision, you start to recognize the goals associated with having students wear them; however, there is a flip side. The unenthusiastic views that are associated with school uniforms present an equally intriguing question. Should schools incorporate them into the curriculum or not? Who opposes it and why it may be used to insure our children’s future. All views will be presented for you to make the decision.
Lack of parents support is the most significant reason for schools failing to implement any sort of school uniform code. Parents, teachers, and students should support the need for school uniforms in public schools so that they may be able to achieve higher educational goals. This paper will discuss many of the pros to the debate on uniforms in public schools as well as touch on some of the cons on the subject. After weighing the two sides, it will demonstrate how the pros are a more sensible alternative and why schools should require mandatory uniforms for their students.
The idea of uniforms being required for public school students has been a widely controversial topic in the recent past. In the 2003-2004 school year, only one in eight public schools required students to wear uniforms (ProConorg Headlines). In the 2013-2014 school year, one in five public schools required students to wear uniforms (ProConorg Headlines). This essay will discuss the reasons that uniforms restrict the individuality of students, burdens families that cannot afford two sets of clothes for each of their children (Farrell), and serve little to none purpose in benefitting the education of students. Uniforms are meant for the workforce, not school children.
Seeing students wear uniforms in school may seem either too strict or too traditional, but when one figures out, and understand, the reason why for this formality, more will see the advantage of wearing school uniforms. Some may feel that uniforms should not be required in schools because they think it’s a waste of money, students don’t want to be told what to wear, or because they don’t want to look the same like everyone else at school. However, uniforms are much less expensive than the clothing brands that students wear, so parents are saving more money. Students also need to understand that they can’t always get what they want, they need to realize that not everything is going to be their way. Students don’t want to wear the same clothing like others because they want to stand out, but this can create conflict at school because the students will begin to judge each other by what they wear, and if everyone wears uniforms we would be avoiding these types of conflicts.
Some of the opponents of uniform argue that, forcing students to wear uniforms can make them unruly as they may turn to unsuitable mode of dressing. Uniforms hamper a smooth transition of students from childhood to adulthood as their socialization is practically controlled. Uniforms may also be a probable source of uneasiness for students considering that; they need to make maximum use of their time in schools. The subject of uniforms in public schools cannot be decided on a pro- and- cons approach. There is a need to evaluate some of the moral grounds before coming to a proper conclusion on this issue. The decision of whether uniforms are right for a student is solely dependent on the individual
School uniforms and dress codes are becoming a popular trend among schools. Most Students and some parents don’t agree with the enforcement with school uniforms, saying that uniforms are taking away self-expression in schools. But, school uniforms are not a negative thing to have. Yes, uniforms and some very strict dress codes limit what the students have to choose to wear to school every day, but it doesn’t limit them from learning which is the main reason they are in school. Some students treat school as a fashion show, so eliminating the size of wardrobe shifts the attention toward their school work. Although requiring students to wear school uniforms may violate their self-expression in some ways, a uniform is supposed to be looked
A study has been done by two Notre Dame University professors, they looked at how uniforms affected “attendance, disciplinary behavior problems, substance abuse, and academic achievement.” From the study the teachers’ outlook of their students with uniforms on changed immensely, they saw them as acting more responsibly, intelligent, and more prosperous. This opinion is false, the students had the same intelligence level as before and based on the results of the study the uniforms did not show a decline in absence, drug use, attitudes toward school, or achievement in the classroom. The study found that tenth graders’ success levels were adversely affected by being compelled to wear uniforms. This shows that there are negative effects of wearing school uniforms.
Over the past years, most public school administrators have been engaged in the heated debate over whether public school students should put on school uniforms or not. This important argument has drawn the attention of both liberal thinkers and conservatives. From one far end, a section of the society feels that public school students school have the freedom to put on their clothing of choice while the other section feels that there should be uniformity in the public-school attire. Based on such contradicting opinions, there is need to focus on the issue of school uniforms in public schools. This essay seeks to provide reasons as to why public school students should wear school uniforms. Moreover, it explores the arguments and
The decision for school district to enforce school uniforms has been in existence since the 16th century. School uniforms were originally created for poor children; however, over time, schools saw uniforms as a way to bring students together. There has been debate whether uniforms improve academic success while reducing affiliation of violence. There is opinion and study that indicate no correlation between school uniforms and academic achievement; however, there were come correlation between school uniforms and student behavior. Among many concerns is the cost of uniforms, especially for a multiple child household.
School Uniforms are being pushed more and more in schools, but what is commonly thought of when the words “school uniform” is said? For most people the picture of children in the same colored uniforms gathered in front of a Catholic Church or a private school is displayed in their mind. This picture is one of the many problems with school uniforms. Instead of being seen as an individual, students are seen as just another kid in a uniform attending a fancy private school. The students cannot develop the self-expression that is crucial to their development at this age. Uniforms are thought to create a more protected campus and learning environment, however, if someone wants to bully someone else, clothes are not going to stop them. The cost, which is usually seen as a pro, can actually be more than people anticipate. As one can see, in the best interest of any student, school uniforms should not be made part of the dress code.