
Essay on Business Teams

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Business Teams Effective coaching and team building skills are important in many contexts. Whether discussing a high school soccer team or a team of business executives, many of the same strategies and skills are needed to allow teams to succeed to their highest potential. In this paper I will discuss these strategies and skills and explain their importance. I have interviewed a former high school soccer player about her interpretations of effective coaching and team building skills, and will compare the information gathered during the interview with issues discussed in the Robbins and Hunsaker text.
Jennifer Watson was a member of the Central Jersey Group Two High School Championship soccer team. She was able to provide valuable …show more content…

During the interview Jennifer went on to say " The coach went over any important play that was used in a game. We understood the way that he felt, how we should execute the play, and we were able to achieve our goal on our own." Jennifer's coach demonstrated that by educating his players he was able to teach individuals new ideas that could be implemented without supervision. A coach must always be a representative of the qualities that is expected from the individuals.

A team is a group of people who are committed to achieving a common goal. Teams are routinely found in government, business and sports. When individuals harness their collective power they are often able to exceed expectations.

The best teams are small in size. Teams that are small allow members to see their individual contributions. Teams must be comprised of individuals who can perform technical, problem solving and decision-making skills. (Robbins and Hunsaker pp201) Teams do not have to have these skills present in the preliminary stages of development, however all skill levels must be met before the team will be able to harness its ultimate power.

All team members must agree on a common purpose. The common purpose can be broad, however all members of the team must believe in it. I asked Jennifer what the common purpose of her team was." In the beginning it was just to keep winning as many games as possible. Toward the end of the season with so much

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